Physics Investigatory Project
Physics Investigatory Project
Physics Investigatory Project
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• Kepler’s laws of planetary motion-
In astronomy and classical physics, laws describing the
motions of the planets in the solar system.
• They were derived by the German astronomer JOHANESS
KELPER, whose analysis of the observations of the 16th-
century Danish astronomer TYCHO BRAHE enabled him to
announce his first two laws in the year 1609 and a third law
nearly a decade later, in 1618.
• Kepler himself never numbered these laws or specially
distinguished them from his other discoveries. The
usefulness of Kepler’s laws extends to the motions of
natural and artificial satellite as well as to unpowered
INTRODUCTION- spacecraft in orbit in stellar systems or near planets.
• As formulated by Kepler, the laws do not, of course, take
into account the gravitational interactions (as perturbing
effects) of the various planets on each other.
• The general problem of accurately predicting the motions
of more than two bodies under their mutual attractions is
quite complicated; analytical solutions of the three-body
problem are unobtainable except for some special cases.
• It may be noted that Kepler’s laws apply not only to
gravitational but also to all other inverse-square-law forces
and, if due allowance is made for relativistic
and quantum effects, to the electromagnetic forces within
the atom.
Kepler's First Law, aka The Law of Ellipses - ‘’The orbits of the planets are ellipses,
with the sun at one focus.’’
• All planets move about the Sun in elliptical orbits,
having the Sun as one of the foci.
• An ellipse is a shape that resembles a flattened
circle. It is zero for a perfect circle.
• The distance of the line from the origin thus
fluctuates between a(1 – e) and a(1 + e), and the
result is a flattened circle or ellipse; the point O (the
origin) is its focus.
• Brahe's highly precise observations with a circular
fit to Mars' orbit – Mars coincidentally having the
highest eccentricity of all planets except Mercury.
Kepler’s first law reflected this discovery.
Kepler's Second Law, aka The Law of Equal Areas in Equal Time — ‘’The line
between a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas in the plane of the planet's
orbit over equal times.’’
• Kepler's second law of planetary motion describes
the speed of a planet traveling in an elliptical orbit
around the sun.
• It states that a line between the sun and the planet
sweeps equal areas in equal times.
• The speed of the planet increases as it nears the sun
and decreases as it recedes from the sun.
• The rate at which a planet sweeps out area on its
orbit is equal to one-half its angular momentum
divided by its mass (the specific angular
Kepler's Third Law aka The Law of Harmony –’’The time required for a planet to orbit
the sun, called its period, is proportional to half the long axis of the ellipse raised to the
• The squares of the sidereal periods (of
3/2 power.’’
revolution) of the planets are directly
proportional to the cubes of their mean
distances from the Sun.
• The square of the orbital period of a
planet is directly proportional to the cube
of the semi-major axis of its orbit.
• Also called as ‘’Kepler’s Gravitational
• Kepler's Third Law implies that the period
for a planet to orbit the Sun increases
rapidly with the radius of its orbit
• First law - You can study the trajectory / locus of
planets as first law states it is an ellipse with sun
as foci. You can apply ellipse equations to study
the trajectory further
• Second law - Angular speeds at different points
on the trajectory and the magnitude of
APPLICATIONS • Third law - Orbital periods.
OF KEPLER’S As T^2 / a^3 ratio is constant for all the planet.
Kepler’s laws are applicable to any orbital
LAWS relationship. However, they are only exact
for a two-body system. In the solar system
and other multi-body systems, gravitational
interactions between orbiting bodies
change the effect somewhat
• Kepler himself did not call these discoveries “laws,”
as would become customary after Isaac
Newton derived them from a new and quite
different set of general physical principles . And it
was Kepler’s notion of a physical astronomy that
fixed a new problematic for other important 17th-
century world-system builders, the most famous of
whom was Newton.
• Johannes Kepler and his laws were a
great influence on Isaac Newton.
• Newton came up with a law of gravity, which states
that masses attract each other with a force inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between
• Newton used Kepler’s Laws to derive a law
describing the nature of the gravitational force that
causes planets to move in their orbits. Newton
concluded that this force was a mutual force. If one
objects pulls on another, then that objects pulls back
on the first object with an equal but opposite force.
New showed that the force between two objects
varied directly with their individual masses, and
inversely with the square of the distance between
Geostationary Satellites-
• Satellite television signals are broadcast from what are termed “Geostationary”
orbits above the equator.
• At a specific distance from the centre of the Earth a satellite will orbit the Earth
once per day and so remain in the same position in the sky as seen from a
location on the Earth’s surface allowing a fixed reception antenna.
• The radius of the Moon’s orbit is 384,400 kilometres and its orbital period
around the Earth is 27.32 days.
• Using these values we can calculate the constant of proportionality that applies
to satellites around the Earth =
k = (27.32) 2 / (384,400) 3 = 1.314 x 10-14
• For our geostationary satellite, T is 1, so we derive “a” from: 1 = k x a 3 a = (1/k)
1/3 = 42374 km the surface of the Earth is 6400 km from the centre so the
satellite is ~ 36,000 km above the surface of the Earth.