Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Stakeholder Management
Corporate Communication Management
Chapter 3
Is any group or individual who can affect od affected by the achievement of
the organization’s purpose an objectives (Cornelissen, 2005).
Power-Legitimacy Urgency
• Power: of the stakeholder to • Urgency: The expectations of the
influence the organization stakeholder in terms of criticality
• Legitimacy: of the relationship in and time-sensitivity
terms of desirability or
Primary Secondary
• primary groups being those groups that are • Secondary stakeholder groups are defined as
important for financial transactions and necessary those which generally influence or affect, or are
for an organization to survive. influenced or affected by, the corporation, but
• Ex: investor, costumer are not engaged in financial transactions with
the corporation and are not essential for its
survival in strict economic terms.
• Ex: Media
Traditional Future
• Current user of corporate’s • Groups or individual who are not
product. using the corporate’s product
• Ex: employee, customer, and potentially use it.
Proponent Opponent
• Group or individual who are supporting the • Group or individual who are oppose the
organization organization.
• Maintaining the relationship to this kind of
stakeholder is needed to keep their trust toward
the company
Stakeholder Management
• Identify the people, groups, or organization that could impact or to be
impacted by your organization.
• Analyze stakeholder expectations and their impact.
• Develop appropriate management strategies for effectively engaging
stakeholders in project decision and execution.
Stakeholder Management Input Model
• Perusahaan merupakan pusat perekonomian, di mana suplier,
investor, dan karyawan memberikan kontribusi (input) yang kemudian
memberikan keuntungan (output) bagi customer
Stakeholder Management Output Model
• Hubungan perusahaan dengan stakeholder berlangsung secara timbal
balik, saling memberi keuntungan baik secara finansial dan legitimasi.
Stakeholder Collaboration
• Kini perusahaan mulai fokus untuk meningkatkan hubungan
organisasi dengan stakeholder menuju hubungan yang lebih baik dan
bersifat timbal balik dan ikut melibatkan stakeholder dalam berbagai
kegiatan organisasi dalam rangka mencapai tujuan organisasi.
• Perusahaan mulai berkolaborasi dengan stakeholder, interaksi
perusahaan dengan stakeholder menjadi berkelanjutan.
• Dasarnya adalah “two way symmetrical model”.
• Contohnya…?
Stakeholder Mapping
• Stakeholder mapping is a collaborative process of research, debate,
and discussion that draws from multiple perspectives to determine a
key list of stakeholders across the entire stakeholder spectrum.
The Process:
• Identifying: listing relevant groups, organizations, and people
• Analyzing: understanding stakeholder perspectives and interests
• Mapping: visualizing relationships to objectives and other
• Prioritizing: ranking stakeholder relevance and identifying issues
Stakeholder Salience
Stakeholder power’s to influence the firm