Trees, Binary Trees, Expression Trees

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Trees, Binary Trees,

Expression Trees
L i n e a r Lists a n d Trees
• Linear lists are useful for serially ordered data
– (e1,e2,e3,…,en)
– Days of week
– Months in a year
– Students in a class
• Trees are useful for hierarchically ordered data
– Joe’s descendants
– Corporate structure
– Government Subdivisions
– Software structure
Joe’s Descendants

What are other examples of hierarchically ordered data?

Definition of Tree
• A tree t is a finite non-empty set of elements
• One of these elements is called the root
• The remaining elements, if any, are
partitioned into trees, which are called the
subtrees of t.


Tree Terminology
• The element at the top of the
hierarchy is the root.
• Elements next in the hierarchy
are the children of the root.
• Elements next in the hierarchy
are the grandchildren of the
roo and so on.
• Elements at the lowest level of
the hierarchy are the leaves.

O t her Definitions
• Leaves, Parent, Grandparent, Siblings,
Ancestors, Descendents
Leaves = {Mike,AI,Sue,Chris}
Parent(Mary) = Joe
Grandparent(Sue) = Mary
Siblings(Mary) = {Ann,John}
Ancestors(Mike) = {Ann,Joe}

Levels a n d H e i g h t
• Root is at level 1 and its children are at level 2.
• Height = depth = number of levels
level 1

level 2

level 3

level 4

Node Degree
 Node degree is the number of children it has

T ree Degree
 Tree degree is the maximum of node degrees
tree degree = 3

Binary Tre e s

Binary Tree
• A finite (possibly empty) collection of
• A non-empty binary tree has a root
element and the remaining elements (if
any) are partitioned into two binary trees
• They are called the left and right sub-trees
of the binary tree
T r e e vs. Binary T r e e
• A binary tree may be empty; a tree cannot be empty.
• No node in a binary tree may have a degree more than 2,
whereas there is no limit on the degree of a node in a tree.
• The subtrees of a binary tree are ordered; those of a tree are
not ordered.

a a
o different when viewed as a binary tree
o same when viewed as a tree
b c c b
Binary Tre e for Expressions

Binary Tree Properties
1. The drawing of every binary tree with n
elements, n > 0, has exactly n-1 edges.
– Each node has exactly 1 parent (except root)
2. A binary tree of height h, h >= 0, has at least h and at
most 2h-1 elements in it.
‣ At least 1 element at each level  #elements = h
‣ At most 2i-1 elements at i-th level  Σ 2i-1 = 2h -1
a+ar1+ar2+…+ arn-1 = a(rn-1)/(r-1)
Binary Tree Properties
3. The height of a binary tree that contains n elements,
n >= 0, is at least (log2(n+1)) and at most n.
– At least one element at each level  hmax = #elements (n)
– From prev: hmin = ceil(log(n+1))

minimum number of elements maximum number of elements

Full B i n a r y T r e e
• A full binary tree of height h has exactly 2h-1 nodes
• Numbering the nodes in a full binary tree
– Number the nodes 1 through 2h-1
– Number by levels from top to bottom
– Within a level, number from left to right

Node N u m b e r of Full Binary T r e e

• Parent of node i is node (i/2), unless i = 1

• Node 1 is the root and has no parent

Node N u m b e r of Full Binary T r e e

• Left child of node i is node 2i

• where n is the total number of nodes
• If 2i > n, node i has no left child.

Node N u m b e r of Full Binary T r e e

• Right child of node i is node 2i+1

• If 2i+1 > n, node i has no right child.

Complete B i n a r y Tree with N
 Start with a full binary tree that has at least n nodes
 Number the nodes as described earlier
 The binary tree defined by the nodes numbered 1
through n is the n-node complete binary tree
 A full binary tree is a special case of a complete
binary tree

Complete B i n a r y Tree

• Complete binary tree with 10 nodes.

• Same node number properties (as in full
binary tree) also hold here.

B i n a r y T r e e Representation
• Array representation
• Linked representation

A r r a y Representation
• The binary tree is represented in an array by
storing each element at the array position
corresponding to the number assigned to it.
Incomplete B i n a r y Tr ees
Complete binary tree with some missing elements

R i g h t - S k e w e d Binary T r e e

• An n node binary tree needs an array whose

length is between n+1 and 2n.
• Right-skewed binary tree wastes the most space
• What about left-skewed binary tree?
• Equally bad, though with trailing blanks that
could be trimmed if known ahead 27
L i n k e d Representation
• The most popular way to present a binary tree
• Each element is represented by a node that has
two link fields (leftChild and rightChild) plus an
item field
• Each binary tree node is represented as an
object whose data type is BinTreeNode
• The space required by an n node binary
tree is n*sizeof(BinTreeNode)

L i n ke d Representation

Node Class For L i n k e d B i n a r y Tree
class BinTreeNode {
int item;
BinTreeNode *left, *right;

BinTreeNode() {
left = right = NULL;

C o m m o n B i n a r y T r e e Operations
 Determine the height
 Determine the number of nodes
 Make a copy
 Determine if two binary trees are identical
 Display the binary tree
 Delete a tree
 If it is an expression tree, evaluate the expression
 If it is an expression tree, obtain the parenthesized
form of the expression

B i n a r y T r e e Traversal

 Many binary tree operations are done by

performing a traversal of the binary tree
 In a traversal, each element of the binary tree is
visited exactly once
 During the visit of an element, all actions (make a
copy, display, evaluate the operator, etc.) with
respect to this element are taken

B i n a r y T r e e Traversal M e th o d s
 Preorder
‣ The root of the subtree is processed first before going into the left
then right subtree (root, left, right)
 Inorder
‣ After the complete processing of the left subtree first the root is
processed followed by the processing of the complete right subtree
(left, root, right)
 Postorder
‣ The left and right subtree are completely processed, before the
root is processed (left, right, root)
 Level order
‣ The tree is processed one level at a time
‣ First all nodes in level i are processed from left to right
‣ Then first node of level i+1 is visited, and rest of level i+1 processed

Preorder Traversal

void preOrder(BinTreeNode *t) {

if (t != NULL) {
visit(t); // Visit root 1st
preOrder(t->left); // Left Subtree
preOrder(t->right); // Right Subtree

Preorder E xa mp le
(visit action = print)

a b d g h e i c f j

Inorder T r a v e rs a l

void inOrder(BinTreeNode *t) {

if (t != NULL) {
inOrder(t->left); // Left Subtree 1st
visit(t); // Visit root
inOrder(t->right); // Right Subtree last

I n o rd e r example

g d h b e i a f j c

Inorder by Projection (Squishing)

Postorder T r a v e r s a l

void postOrder(BinTreeNode *t) {

if (t != NULL) {
postOrder(t->left); // Left Subtree 1st
postOrder(t->right);// Right Subtree
visit(t); // Visit root last

Postorder E xa m p l e

g h d i e b j f c a

Level O r d e r Traversal
void levelOrder(BinTreeNode *t){
Queue<BinTreeNode*> q;
while (t != NULL) {
visit(t); // visit t
// push children to queue
if (t->left) q.push(t->left);
if (t->right) q.push(t->right);
t = q.pop(); // next node to visit
Level Order E x a m p l e

 Add and delete nodes from a queue

 Output: a b c d e f g h i j

Space a n d T i m e C o m p l e x i t y
• The space complexity of each of the four traversal
algorithms is O(n)
• Why not Ɵ(n)? Size of recursion stack/level queue is
• The time complexity of each of the four traversal
algorithm is Ɵ(n)
• Each node visited only one

Expression Tre e s

A r it h m e t ic E x p r e s s io n s

(a + b)*(c + d) + e – f/g*h + 3.25

• Expressions comprise three kinds of entities
 Operators: +, -, /, *
 Operands: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, 3.25, (a + b), (c +
d), etc.
 Delimiters (, )
Operator Degree
• Number of operands that the operator
• Binary operator requires two operands
‣ a + b
‣ c / d
‣ e - f
• Unary operator requires one operand
‣ + g
‣ - h | Department of Computational and DataSciences

Infix F o r m
• Normal way to write an expression.
• Binary operators come in between their left
and right operands.
‣ a * b
‣ a + b * c
‣ a * b / c
‣ (a + b)*(c + d) + e – f/g*h + 3.25
Operator Priorities
• How do you figure out the operands of an
‣ a + b * c
‣ a * b + c / d
• This is done by assigning operator priorities
‣ B O DM AS: Brackets, Order of powers, Division,
Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction
‣ ( = ) > ^ > * = / > + = -
• When an operand lies between two operators, the
operand associates with the operator with higher
Tie B r e a k e r
• When an operand lies between two
operators with same priority, the operand
associates with the operator on the left
‣ a+b-c  (a+b)-c
‣ a*b/c/d  ((a*b)/c)/d
D e limiters
• Subexpression within brackets/delimiters is treated
as a single operand, independent from the
remainder of the expression
‣ (a + b) * (c – d) / (e – f)
Infix Expression H a r d To Parse
 Need operator priorities, tie breaker, and delimiters
 Makes evaluation by program more difficult
 Postfix and prefix expression forms do not rely on
operator priorities, a tie breaker, or delimiters.
 So it is easier for a computer to evaluate
expressions that are in these forms.
Postfix F o r m
• The postfix form of a variable or constant is
the same as its infix form
‣ a, b, 3.25
• The relative order of operands is the same
in infix and postfix forms.
• Operators come immediately after the
postfix form of their operands.
‣ Infix: a+b
‣ Postfix: ab+
Postfix Exa mp le s
Infix = a + b * c
Postfix = a b c * +

Infix = a * b + c
Postfix = a b * c +

Infix = (a + b) * (c – d) / (e + f)
Postfix = a b + c d - * e f + /

U n a r y Operators
 Replace with new symbols
+a  a @
+a + b  a @ b +
-a  a ?
-a - b  a ? b -
Postfix Evaluation
 Scan postfix expression from left to right pushing
operands on to a stack
 When an operator is encountered,
‣ pop as many operands as this operator needs;
‣ evaluate the operator;
‣ push the result on to the stack
 This works because, in postfix, operators come
immediately after their operands
Postfix Evaluation

a b+ c d-* e f+/
a b+ c d-* e f+/
a b+ c d-* e f+/ b
a b+ c d-* e f+/ a
Postfix Evaluation

a b+ c d-* e f+/
a b+ c d-* e f+/
a b+ c d-* e f+/ c-d
a b+ c d-* e f+/ a+b
Postfix Evaluation

a b+ c d-* e f+/
a b+ c d-* e f+/ f
a b+ c d-* e f+/ e
a b+ c d-* e f+/ (a+b)*(c-d)

Postfix Evaluation

a b+ c d-* e f+/
a b+ c d-* e f+/

Postfix Evaluation

a b+ c d-* e f+/
a b+ c d-* e f+/

Prefix F o r m
• The prefix form of a variable or constant is the
same as its infix form
‣ a, b, 3.25
• The relative order of operands is the same as in
infix and prefix forms
• Operators come immediately before the
prefix form of their operands.
‣ Infix: a + b
‣ Postfix: ab+
‣ Prefix: +ab
Binary Tree Form
a b

-a -

Binary Tree Form
 (a + b) * (c – d) / (e + f)

* +

+ - e f

a b c d
Merits Of B i n a r y T r e e F o r m
 Left and right operands are easy to visualize
 Code optimization algorithms work with the binary
tree form of an expression
 Simple recursive evaluation of expression

* +

+ - e f

a b c d
Preorder of Expression Tree

* +

+ - e f

a b c d

/ * + a b - c d + e f
Gives prefix form of expression.

Inorder of Expression Tree

* +

+ - e f

a b c d
a + b * c – d /e + f
• Gives infix form of expression, which is how we
normally write math expressions.
• What about parentheses?
• Fully parenthesized output of the above tree?
Postorder of Expression Tree

* +

+ - e f

a b c d

a b + c d - * e f + /
Gives postfix form of expression.


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