Nodul Tiroid
Nodul Tiroid
Nodul Tiroid
A thyroid nodule is a discrete lesion within the thyroid gland that is radiologically
distinct from the surrounding thyroid parenchyma
1.5% men and 6.4% women between 30-59 yrs in Framingham, Mass.
Family history
Hyper or hypothyroidism
Laboratory examination
Drugs and iodine supplement
Morphological imaging
Differentiate :
• simple cysts (low risk of being malignant)
• solid, mixed cystic (5% risk of being malignant)
Guidance for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
• Thyroid cyst
• Mostly cystic nodule with reverberating artifacts
• Isoechoic spongiform nodule
• Marked hypoechogenicity
• Microcalcification
• Irregular (spiculated) margins
• More tall than wide
• Extracapsular growth
• Suspicious regional lymph node
Radiofrequency ablation
Radioactive iodine
Terapi Supresi dengan I-tiroksin.
dilakukan pada nodul tiroid autonom atau nodul panas (fungsional ) baik yang
dalam keadaan eutiroid maupun hipertiroid.
diberikan pada struma multinodosa non–toksik terutama bagi pasien yang tidak
bersedia dioperasi atau mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk dioperasi.
Efek samping :tiroiditis radiasi (jarang) dan disfungsi tiroid pasca-radiasi seperti
hipertoridisme selintas dan hipotiroidisme.
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