An Irate Distributor: Case Analysis
An Irate Distributor: Case Analysis
An Irate Distributor: Case Analysis
Case Analysis
NutriPower has a market share of 12% in Health In Maharashtra, NutriPower has the third largest
Food Drinks category and a CAGR of 25% market share with 19%
NutriJam has a market share of 10% in a market NutriJam has a value market share of 42% that is Retailer
with a size of INR 10 billion the second largest in the state
25 25
20 20
Need to increase
15 15 product
10 10
Exploit untapped
market potential
5 5
in district of
0 0
Nashik Jalgaon Aurangabad Jalna Nashik Jalna Aurangabad Jalgaon
Jalgaon has 16% of Central Maharashtra’s Despite a high share of population, the district
population with a density of 359 persons per sq km value contribution is only half that of Jalna that has
Jalgaon’s per capita income of Rs 16,210 is 8th a population only half of Jalgaon.
highest in the state implying that the district is a There is scope for improving penetration in Jalgaon
potential market for Nutripack given the potential market size
Source : Case Exhibit 5
While the value share of NutriPower and NutriJam have been increasing in
Central Maharashtra, Jalgaon’s value shares have been declining
Value Market Share trends Value Market Share trends
for NutriPower from 2008-11 for NutriJams from 2008-11
(in percentage) (in percentage)
20 44
Need to arrest the
36 downward trend
34 Improve value
16 share of products
in major central
15 30 district
2008 2009 2010 2011 2008 2009 2010 2011
Central Maharashtra Jalgaon Central Maharashtra Jalgaon
The value share of NutriPower has increased over The value share of NutriJams has increased over the
the last 4 years in Central Mahrashtra while the last 4 years in Central Mahrashtra while the value
value share of the same in Jalgaon has declined share of the same in Jalgaon has declined
The downward indicates the pressing need to The downward indicates the pressing need to
improve sales in the district improve sales in the district
Source : Case Exhibit 7 and 8
NutriPack has a strong distribution coverage in Central Maharashtra, but
Jalgaon has not been effectively covered and this needs to be redressed
Brand share in Retail Outlets Brand share in Retail Outlets
carrying Health Food Drinks carrying Jams The lack of sufficient
(in percentage) (in percentage) distribution outlets
100 80 has also resulted in
90 low weighted
70 distribution
60 Discussion
60 Need to increase
50 40 distribution of
NutriPack in
40 30 Jalgaon
20 Improve weighted
10 10 distribution in
0 0
Central Maharashtra Jalgoan Central Maharashtra Jalgoan
NutriPower Healthy Bonny KidEnergy Mazaa NutriJams Keswani Northrange
Close to 70% of retail outlets in Central Mahrashtra NutriJams has close to 60% coverage in Central
carry NutriPower health drink Maharashtra
However, the corresponding number in Jalgaon is However, the distribution in Jalgaon is less than
below 50% indicating that close to half the market 30% leaving a market of over 70% untapped in the
is untapped jams product range
Source : Case Exhibit 9 A-D
The pressing needs to increase penetration, value market share and
distribution make Jalgaon attention-worthy and require Kumar to act
District Number of Distributors with
Focus on
Jalgaon 1
Nashik 5 Minded
Jalna 3
Aurangabad 3
Sachin Mandore
Exclusive Distributor for
NutriPack in Jalgaon
Meeting targets, Good relationship with Sell more to existing customers and add newer
executives implies fine job is being done outlets to cover new customer
Keep optimal inventory, ensure timely delivery Under-tapped territory potential. Depth of
while incurring low cost distribution is the way forward
Visit non-serving outlets for market share No disparity amongst retailers in terms of
knowledge. Keep close eye on salesman discounts. Visit all retailers not just the large
No need to invest until the past investments Control over salesman and other staff is being
start to pay off lost with growth of business
Financial Reach
and Brand
Recognition Visibility
Kumar wants to increase the retail coverage of NutriPack products in Jalgaon
and is challenged by Mandore as it create channel conflict and impact return
Financial Reach
and Brand
Recognition Visibility
While there are no product concerns and distribution is exclusive, the burning
question concerning Sachin Mandore is financial gain vs increased reach
Financial Reach
and Brand
Recognition Visibility
Careful analysis reveals that Mandore earns a return of 36% by doing business
with NutriPack that is 3 times higher than the return from People’s Bank of India
Revenue 54000000
Margin 0.045 2430000
Security deposit 1000000
Margin on security deposit 0.08 80000
Net Return 2510000
Expenses Cost Quantity Sachin Agency has a return of 36% from doing
Van 18000 2 432000 Financial Gain business with NutriPack that is higher than the
Salesmen Salary 4000 3 144000 return from bank
Salesmen Bonus 1000 3 36000
Driver 3000 2 72000
Delivery boy 3000 2 72000 The products distributed by Sachin Agency -
Godown keeper 3000 1 36000
Product NutriPower and NutriJams are both doing well in
Godown helper 3000 1 36000
Comp operator 7000 1 84000
India with healthy market shares and growth
Computer 500 1 6000
Printer 1000 2 24000
Internet 450 5400 Unlike other territories, Jalgaon has an exclusive
Telephone 500 6000 Territory distributor for its products. Thus there is no
Admin 500 6000 horizontal channel conflict issues
Rent 7 3000 252000
Total Expenses 1211400
Secondary Claim 180000 180000
Market Credit 2250000
Avg Closing Stock 2250000
Security Deposit 1000000
Total Investment 6891400
Return 36%
Financial Reach
and Brand
Recognition Visibility
The large proportion of untapped market in Jalgaon shows that there is a huge
potential for expansion for NutriPack with positive and high returns for Mandore
Business Case 1 : Increase in market share by 25% Business Case 2: Increase in market share by 50%
Retail Outlets carrying
NutriPower Add Investment : 20.6 lakh | Return : 35% Add Investment : 37.4 lakh | Return : 35%
Revenue 67500000 Revenue 81000000
Nutripower 2008 2011 Margin 0.045 3037500 Margin 0.045 3645000
Security deposit 1000000 Security deposit 1000000
Margin on security deposit 0.08 80000 Margin on security deposit 0.08 80000
No of outlets selling 662 729
Total Income 3117500 Total Income 3725000
Expenses Cost Quantity Expenses Cost Quantity
Total Outlets 1325 1588 Van 18000 4.0 864000 Van 18000 5.0 1080000
Salesmen Salary 4000 5.0 240000 Salesmen Salary 4000 7.0 336000
Percentage Share 50% 46% Salesmen Bonus 1000 5.0 60000 Salesmen Bonus 1000 7.0 84000
Driver 3000 3.0 108000 Driver 3000 5.0 180000
Untapped 50% 54% Delivery boy 3000 4.0 144000 Delivery boy 3000 5.0 180000
Godown keeper 3000 3.0 108000 Godown keeper 3000 4.0 144000
Godown helper 3000 3.0 108000 Godown helper 3000 4.0 144000
Retail Outlets carrying Comp operator 7000 2.0 168000 Comp operator 7000 2.0 168000
Computer 500 2 12000 Computer 500 2 12000
NutriJams Printer 1000 2 24000 Printer 1000 2 24000
Internet 450 5400 Internet 450 5400
NutriJam 2008 2011 Telephone 500 6000 Telephone 500 6000
Admin 500 6000 Admin 500 6000
Rent 7 3000 252000 Rent 7 3000 252000
No of outlets selling 419 342 Total Expenses 2621400
Total Expenses 2105400
Secondary Claim 225000 225000 Secondary Claim 270000 270000
Total Outlets 1060 1270 Market Credit 2812500 Market Credit 3375000
Avg Closing Stock 2812500 Avg Closing Stock 3375000
Security Deposit 1000000 Security Deposit 1000000
Percentage Share 40% 27%
Total Investment 8955400 Total Investment 10641400
Return 35% Return 35%
Untapped 60% 73% Additional Investment 2058000 Additional Investment 3744000
Additional Revenue 607500 Additional Revenue 1215000
Source : Case Exhibit 11 Note: The number of vans and salespeople has not been linearly scaled with the increase in revenue. Unit in INR
To implement the plan for increased retail coverage, there is a need for
crafting compatible channel incentives to realize channel objectives
Immediate and
Goal Rather than increase Assured Return that is
efficient Increased
Attainment margins, provide gifts on greater than return from
increase in bottom Line
concern achieving milestones People’s Bank of India
Aligning goals of principal and re-seller results in a strategic partnership that is beneficial
for both parties