Traditional Diets Weston Price
Traditional Diets Weston Price
Traditional Diets Weston Price
Traditional Diets
The Key to Vibrant Health
Photos from Nutrition and Physical Degeneration copyright and courtesy Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
Swiss Village Photo
Primitive Swiss Villagers
Swiss Bread Photo
Modernized Swiss
Primitive Gaelics
Eskimo Moms
Primitive Eskimos
Eskimo Decay
1 st Gen Eskimos
Seal Oil
Salmon Roe
Primitive Seminoles
The Teeth Tell the Tale!
Plenty of room in head for Compromised space for
pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus master glands in the head
Good skeletal development, Poor development, poor
good muscles posture, easily injured
Keen eyesight and hearing Poor eyesight and hearing
The Food
Puritans! JOHN HARVEY KELLOGG (1852-1943),
Seventh Day Adventist who promoted a high-
fiber, vegetarian diet to combat the twin evils
of constipation and “natural urges.” Preached
against sexual activity, even in marriage!
3. Dr. Price’s Key Finding
Note: Vitamin A is
needed for each
DHEA Androstenedione Estradiol
Trans fats inhibit
enzymes that make
Testosterone these conversions.
Pig Study
Vitamin A Stores are Depleted by
Excess Dietary Protein
Cold Weather
Fever and Illness
Physical Exertion
Exposure to Toxins
Dioxins and Vitamin A
DIOXINS DEPLETE vitamin A stores in the liver.
Vitamin A protects against dioxins - almost 80
scientific papers on the interaction of dioxins and
vitamin A - take your cod liver oil!
FISH EATERS in Japan do not have high levels of
dioxin in the blood, meaning that there are protective
factors in the diet.
CHLOROPHYLL prevents absorption of dioxin from
the intestinal tract - eat your greens!
Vitamin D Myth
MYTH - To get adequate
vitamin D, just expose your
face and hands to sunlight for
10 minutes every day.
TRUTH - The body makes one
form of vitamin D out of
cholesterol by the action of UV-
B sunlight on the skin.
However, except in the Tropics,
UV-B is available only at MID-
DAY during the SUMMER
Vitamin D Food Sources
All healthy primitive groups, including those living in
the tropics, had rich dietary sources of vitamin D.
Organ meats
such as liver,
and contained
in sausage,
Skinless Chicken Breasts?
Vitamin A
per 100 grams
Skinless breast 21 IU
Vitamin D in lard
helps the body
make neuro-
chemicals that
protect against
Price Factor or Activator X
CATALYST: Discovered by Weston Price, a potent
catalyst for vitamin and mineral absorption.
GROWTH: Important factor in the growth of children; has
potent curative powers.
SACRED FOODS: Found in foods considered sacred by
primitive populations--liver and other organ meats from
grazing cattle; marine oils, fish eggs and shellfish; and
butter from cows eating rapidly growing green grass.
BASIS: Green growing plants which have an unknown
factor that animals transform and store in certain fatty
PRIMITIVE DIETS: All healthy primitive groups had a
source of the Price Factor in their diets.
Activator X = Vitamin K2
ANIMAL FORM: K2 is the animal form of vitamin K,
made from K1, the plant form
GROWTH: Plays important role, especially in facial
development. (Sign of deficiency: Underdevelopment of
middle third of the face.)
BONES AND TEETH: Needed for deposition of
phosphorus and calcium in bones and teeth
HEART DISEASE: Prevents calcification and
inflammation of the arteries
BRAIN: Involved in synthesis of myelin sheath; supports
learning capacity
REPRODUCTION: Vital for normal reproduction
The Synergy of Vitamins A, D and K
When the diet contains food enzymes, the body is spared from
making some digestive enzymes and therefore has more energy.
Food enzymes are destroyed at 118o F wet heat, 150o F dry heat.
Examples of Enzyme-Rich Foods
Raw dairy products
Raw meat and fish
Raw honey
Tropical fruits
Cold pressed oils (extra virgin olive oil)
Wine and unpasteurized beer
Lacto-fermented (enzyme enhanced)
vegetables fruits
meats fish
dairy products beverages
Beneficial Bacteria
OLD PARADIGM: Healthy human body is sterile and
microbes attack it, making us sick.
NEW PARADIGM: Healthy human body lives in
symbiotic relationship with microorganisms.
SIX POUNDS of healthy bacteria in our digestive tract
Digest our food
Assist in assimilation
Create nutrients
Protect us against toxins
Help us feel good
Sour Grain
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