UNIGRA - Natural Stamina From Damiana Leaf Extract
UNIGRA - Natural Stamina From Damiana Leaf Extract
UNIGRA - Natural Stamina From Damiana Leaf Extract
Damiana has a long history of use in traditional herbal medicine throughout the world.
Has been used by both males & females as an aphrodisiac /libido stimulation,
antidepressant,tonic to increase stamina, impotence and menstrual problem
• Damiana was recorded to be used as an • The leaves are used in Germany to relieve excess
aphrodisiac in the ancient Mayan civilization, as mental activity and nervous debility, and as a tonic
well as for "giddiness and loss of balance" since for the hormonal and central nervous systems.
• E. F. Steinmetz states that in Holland, damiana is
• A Spanish missionary first reported that the renowned for its sexual-enhancing qualities and
Mexican Indians made a drink from the damiana its positive effects on the reproductive organs.
leaves, added sugar, and drank it for its
purported power to enhance lovemaking. • The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia cites indications
for the use of damiana for "anxiety neurosis with a
• From 1888 to 1947 damiana leaf and damiana predominant sexual factor, depression, nervous
elixirs were listed in the National Formulary in dyspepsia, atonic constipation, and coital
the United States. For more than a century inadequacy.“
damiana's use has been associated with • The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1934 : mengatasi
improving sexual function in both males and kelemahan seksual; British Herbal Compendia, 1992:
Hasil penelitian bio
assay (in vitro)
Damiana FB9389
Kombinasi pengetahuan
(Finzelberg/Vitaplant tradisional
Lab) memiliki prinsip dan perkembangan ilmu
efek yang sama dgn Memungkinkan
dilakukan penelitian
sildenafil Potensi Damiana
menghambat enzim terstandard
kemampuan ereksi
Menghambat enzim PDE-5 sehingga
Meningkatkan kemampuan ereksi
Hasil Penelitian Klinik
tadafil 1.Proven tradition medicinal use and plausibility
2.Proven Safety and tolerability (no SAE reported)
Man 3.Proven Quality (GMP //EU)
4.Confirmed acceptance of competences aythority
Produk UniGra mengandung ekstrak daun
Damiana (Turnera Diffusa FB320) tunggal
450 mg/ kapsul terstandar sebagai