CH 1
CH 1
CH 1
Introduction The importance of
1 and overview 4 Global Marketing
Principles of
Marketing: a Management orientations
Contents 2
Introduction and
What is global marketing? How does it differ from “regular”
Marketing SEARCH
The marketing mix (the four Ps of product, price, place, and promotion) comprises
a contemporary marketer’s primary tools. Marketing is a universal discipline, as
applicable in Argentina as it is in Zimbabwe.
Global marketing Search
Market development: Starbucks is entering India via an alliance with the Tata Group. Phase 1
calls for sourcing coffee beans in India and marketing them at Starbucks stores throughout the
world. The next phase will likely involve opening Starbucks outlets in Tata’s upscale Taj hotels in
Product development: Starbucks created a new instant coffee brand, Via, to enable its customers
to enjoy coffee at the office and other locations where brewed coffee is not available.
Diversification: In 2011, Starbucks dropped the word “Coffee” in its logo. It recently acquired a
juice maker, Evolution Fresh; the Bay Bread bakery, and tea retailer Teavana Holdings. Next up:
Revamping stores so they can serve as wine bars and attract new customers in the evening.
Principles of Marketing: A Review
Marketing can also be thought of as a set of activities and processes that, along with product design, manufacturing, and
transportation logistics, comprise a firm’s value chain. Decisions at every stage, from idea conception to support after the
sale, should be assessed in terms of their ability to create value for customers.
For any organization operating anywhere in the world, the essence of marketing is to surpass the competition at the task
of creating perceived value—that is, a superior value proposition—for customers. The value equation is a guide to this
Value = Benefits/Price (money, time, effort, etc.) 7
When a company succeeds in creating more value
for customers than its competitors do, that
company is said to enjoy competitive advantage
As the “smart home”
becomes a reality, Philips has
developed a line of lighting products
that are connected to the Internet.
Homeowners can control the lighting
system with a smartphone app.
Global marketing: what It is and what 1
1 Marketing
Approach 4 Standardizati
Marketing approach that on
has proven successful in the extent to which
one country will not each marketing mix
necessarily succeed in element is standardized
another country. (i.e., executed the same
GMS 5 Adoption
adapted (i.e., executed in
choosing a target different ways) in various
market and developing country markets.
a marketing mix.
6 Nike
3 Global Nike recently adopted
market the slogan “Here I am” for
its pan-European clothing
Global participation
market advertising targeting
participation is the extent women
to which a company has
operations in major world
The 4p’s
Global localization
In a nutshell, it means that a successful global marketer must have the ability
to “think globally and act locally.”
For example, Coca-Cola achieved success in Japan by spending a great deal
of time and money to become an insider; that is, the company built a complete
local infrastructure with its sales force and vending machine operations.
Coke’s success in Japan is a function of its ability to achieve global
localization, by being as much of an insider as a local company but still
reaping the benefits that result from world-scale operations
For example, McDonald’s restaurants in France don’t look like McDonald’s
restaurants elsewhere. Décor colors are muted, and the golden arches are
The Importance of Global
The largest single market in the world in terms of national income is the United States, represent-ing
roughly 25 percent of the total world market for all products and services. U.S. companies that wish to
achieve maximum growth potential must “go global,” because 75 percent of world market potential is
outside their home country.
Coca cola
Fortune magazine
Management Orientations
The form and substance of a company’s response to global market opportunities depend
greatly on management’s assumptions or beliefs—both conscious and unconscious—about
the nature of the world. The worldview of a company’s personnel can be described as
ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, or geocentric.Management at a company with a
prevailing ethnocentric orientation may consciously make a decision to move in the direction
of geocentricism. The orientations are collectively known as the EPRG framework.
EPRG framework
Polycentric Approach
Ethnocentric Approach
• Do not adopt their products according to the • Equal importance to every country’s domestic
Polycentric approach that assumes that products must be adapted in response to different market conditions.
• Procter & Gamble Pampers
Regiocentric Orientation
In a company with a Regional Approach , a region becomes the
relevant geographic unit; management’s goal is to develop an
integrated regional strategy..
Firm accept a regional Marketing policy covering a group of countries
Which have comparable market characteristics.
Operational strategies are formulated on the basis of entire region
rather than on individual countries
The company view the similarities and difference between the region
A number of multilateral trade agreements have accelerated the pace of global integration. NAFTA is expanding trade among the
United States, Canada, and Mexico. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was ratified by more than 120
nations in 1994, created the World Trade Organization (WTO) to promote and protect free trade. In Europe, the expanding
membership of the European Union is lowering boundaries to trade within the region.
The common elements in human nature provide an underlying basis for the opportunity to create and serve global markets. The word
create is deliberate. Most global markets do not exist in nature; marketing efforts must create them. For example, no one needs soft
drinks, and yet today in some countries, per capita soft drink consumption exceeds water consumption
Modern jet travel made such communication feasible. Today, Skype, Google+, and Cisco Telepresence are powerful new
communication channels. revolution has occurred in transportation technology. The costs associated with physical
distribution, in terms of both money and time, have been greatly reduced as well Eg auti transport ships.
Product Development Costs
The pressure for globalization is intense when new products require major investments and long periods of development
Prior to the global economic crisis that began in 2008, economic growth had been a driving force in the expansion of the
international economy and in the growth of global marketing.
A global company possesses the unique opportunity to develop leverage. In the context of global marketing, leverage means some type of advantage that a company
enjoys by virtue of the fact that it has experience in more than one country.
Experience transfer :
A global company can leverage its experience in any market in the world. It can draw upon management practices, strategies, products, advertising appeals, or sales
or promotional ideas that have been market tested in one country or region and apply them in other comparable markets.
For example, Whirlpool has considerable experience in the United States dealing with powerful retail buyers such as Sears and Best Buy.
Scale Economics:
The global company can take advantage of its greater manufacturing volume to obtain traditional scale advantages within a single factory. Japan’s giant Matsushita
Electric Company is a classic example of global marketing in action; it achieved scale economies by exporting VCRs, televisions, and other consumer electronics
products throughout the world from world-scale factories in Japan.
Resource utilization :
A major strength of the global company is its ability to scan the entire world to identify people, money, and raw materials that will enable it to compete most effectively in
world markets.
Global strategy:
The global company’s greatest single advantage can be its global strategy. A global strategy is built on an information system that scans the world business
environment to identify opportunities, trends, threats, and resources. When opportunities are identified, the global company adheres to the three principles identifi
Restraining forces
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