Digital Marketing Proposal Red Mall
Digital Marketing Proposal Red Mall
Digital Marketing Proposal Red Mall
Ideas for today and tomorrow
• Billions of web browsing sessions begin with a search query every day. With
more than a billion websites competing for the top spot in search results, it
can be difficult to drive traffic to your site from search engines. We specialize
in an innovative approach to SEO that uses white-hat tactics to put your
website at the top of your target audience’s searches.
• Content Production
• Video Production
• Graphic Design
• Multi-language Content
Social Media Handling + In house Posters Creation & Engagement Six Months
Social Media Campaign & Advertising Social ads, Retargeting ads &
YouTube ads
Basic Website Development & Six months SEO
Social Media Handling + In house Posters Creation & Engagement Six Months
Social Media Campaign & Advertising Social ads, Retargeting ads, Search
ads, Display ads & YouTube ads
Standard Website Development & Six Months SEO
Social Media Campaign & Advertising Social ads, Retargeting ads, Search
ads, Display ads, PLA ads, Mobile
ads, GPS ads & YouTube ads
Social Media Handling + In house Posters Creation & Engagement Six Months
TV banner Ads
Ideal For- Ideal For- Ideal For-
Entry Level Businesses, SMEs, Start- Businesses that require advanced Businesses that require enterprise-
Ups social media management services level social media management
The client is looking to make the Has tried social media marketing, Aggressive shift in revenue growth
shift to social media marketing for but needs a boost to achieve their and market outreach campaign
the first time. goals required
Building up social network fan base Has fan base connectivity on all Needs full package of social media
for a new social network Business social network sites, websites, etc marketing with dedicated resource
Pages and an established online presence for maximum ROI
1. Brochures
1. Catalogues
Print Media is physical form of media used in
2. Mailers
advertising it is composed of newspapers, community 3. Newsletters
newsletters, magazines, and other publications. The 4. Flyers
print media is an effective way to alert the public 5. Hoardings
awareness and builds local credibility. The media
reaches a broad audience of readers on a daily basis.
6. Posters
Hence, We develop a range of advertising and 7. Print Ads
marketing communication collaterals. These cover
entire gamut of above and below the line materials
from print ads to brochures, brand building and
marketing campaigns.
Electronic Media
TV Advertising
Advertising on television is one of the most
effective forms of marketing available today.
Our television advertising focuses on
communicating a clear message to consumers.
We make every rupee of your advertising budget
worth it. We believe that a TV commercial is
effective only when people remember your
business and consider investing in your
products and services.
Outdoor Media Advertising