Anterior Segment Oct
Anterior Segment Oct
Anterior Segment Oct
ASOCT (anterior segment optical coherence
tomography) provide detailed cross-sectional
images of the
• cornea,
• anterior chamber,
• angle,
• Iris.
• Anterior segment imaging using OCT was
first demonstrated in 1994 by Izatt, et al.
using light with a wavelength of 830 nm
Principle of OCT
The principle of OCT is based on Michelson’s
Posterior segment OCT uses a lower wavelength of
light at 830 nm
ASOCT uses a higher wavelength 1310 nm
The anterior segment OCT (ASOCT) at 1310 nm
wavelength of light is better suited for AC angle
imaging due
1. Reduced scattering
ensures better penetration and hence a more
detailed AC angle morphology
2.More dissipation/absorption
The higher(1310 nm) wavelength light is strongly
absorbed by water in ocular media(vitreous) and
therefore, only 10% of the light incident on the cornea
reaches the retina causing no damage to the retina
The high-speed imaging helps in various ways:
1. Calipers
2. Flap tool
3. Angle tools—ICAT (Iridocorneal angle tool) and ACA
(Anterior chamber angle) tools
4. Chamber tools for anterior chamber depth and width
5. Anterior segment refractive tool set.
(B) The flap tool;
Applications in Cornea
3. Dystrophies and degenerations
4. Corneal inflammatory and infltrative
5. Keratoplasty
6. Keratoconus
7. Intacs
8. Descemets detachment
Penetrating keratoplasty
Biometry in Postrefractive Surgery Cases
1.To measure the posterior corneal curvature
2.To develop an IOL power formula based on
the ASOCT corneal power measurement.
Phakic Intraocular Lens
1. The ASOCT is looked upon with a great deal of
optimism regarding its
potential to guide the sizing of IOLs
Some of the Phakic IOL tools. It shows the “RAINBOW”
(0.5 mm, 1 mm and 1.5 mm from the cornea), “SAFETY” (distance from
cornea) at 180°, center and 0° and “VAULT” (distance between Phakic
IOL and crystalline lens) at 180°, center and 0°)
The use of the “flap tool” in post-LASIK cases to measure the precise
(B) The global pachymetry map, which is formed from 16 modifed high
sresolution scans
Applications in Glaucoma
ASOCT is used:
• to study the normal anatomy and physiology
• for screening of the spectrum of angle-closure glaucoma
• to study plateau iris syndrome
• to study mechanism of malignant glaucoma
• to test the efficacy of laser peripheral iridotomy, and
• to test the patency of glaucoma drainage device.
ASOCT of the angle Gonioscopy
It is a non-technical device It requires technical skill
Objective test Subjective test
Comfortable procedure May be discomfortable
Non-contact procedure Contact procedure
Light , indentation, and
No light artifact
artifacts may be found
Control for focus is easy More difcult procedure technically
Able to document landmark Documentation is difficult
It is not a standardized Standardized procedure. Different
procedure grading systems and lenses are
expensive inexpensive
ASOCT images of an eye: (A) Before and; (B) After undergoing laser
The angle appears occludable before procedure, but it clearly
demonstrates that the iridotomy has increased the angle’s width
(A) The angle appears occludable before procedure; (B) The iridotomy
has increased the angle’s width
Angle Opening Distance
Angle opening distance (AOD500) is calculated as the
perpendicular distance measured from the TM at 500
µm anterior to the scleral spur to the anterior iris
Angle Recess Area
ARA is measured as described by Ishikawa, et al.
1. The defining boundaries of this triangular area are the
AOD 500 or AOD 750 (the base), the angle recess (the
apex), and the iris surface
and inner corneoscleral wall form sides of the triangle