Vehicle Body Engg-1
Vehicle Body Engg-1
Vehicle Body Engg-1
- Bonnet : The metal cover over the engine compartment
- Bulk Head : A transverse support or assembly in a
body structure.
- Boot : A compartment which takes luggage and often
the spare wheel & fuel tank
- Center Pillar : The central vertical support of a four
door saloon, sometimes referred to as B-C post
Vehicle Body Engineering
Body Terminology, Visibility & Space
Body Engineering Terminology
- Cant Rail : The longitudinal framing of the roof at the
- Cant Panel : The curved section of the roof top running
between the comparatively flat top and the rain
- Door Skins : Door exterior panels/outside door panels
- Door Trim : The interior lining of a door
- Drip Moulding : A roof gutter to direct water from door
Dummies :
- Dummies are built to ensure that the principal
dimensions are compatible. This includes dimensions of
driver’s position, passenger’s seat, size of door &
window openings, etc.
Vehicle Body Engineering
Design Considerations & Body Construction
Design Considerations
Dummies & Models :
- A full scale dummy allows for complete reproduction of
the drawing dimensions and thus check for comfort,
visibility, ease of exit & entry, position of steering wheels,
chassis - engine mechanisms, layout of dashboard, etc.
- Dummies are usually constructed in timber and / or
other synthetic materials which are easy for manual
- Apart from checking dimensions of the body the
position of components can be determined using
Vehicle Body Engineering
Design Considerations & Body Construction
Design Considerations
Dummies & Models :
chassis & engine either real or their dummies
Models :
- Inside dimensions of a vehicle body, having being
checked & finalized with dummies, form the basis for
developing models of the outside surfaces of the body.
- Scale models ( say 1 in 20 ) are constructed using
materials like plasticine or plaster of paris laid on a
wooden base with tools such as knives & spatulas,
etc. Some scribing devices are used as measuring
Vehicle Body Engineering
Design Considerations & Body Construction
Design Considerations
Models :
the principal sections ( called outlines ) are transferred
onto the model using templates.
- A few variants of a model with corrected basic
sections of the design are considered for finally
choosing the model for obtaining templates for larger
scale models ( say 1 in 5 ) such that it represents
vehicle in details as far as possible. Such a model is
called a “ reduced model “
- the principal dimensions of the vehicle are determined
by the development of such models and
Vehicle Body Engineering
Design Considerations & Body Construction
Design Considerations
Models :
and dummies, and the first outlines of the drawings
can be made without details.
Vehicle Body Engineering
Design Considerations & Body Construction
Material Requirements and Body Parts
• Steel Sheets used for making Car Bodies :
- Low tensile strength and high ductility for ease of forming
- Easily assembled to form a body unit
- Light in weight
- Low cost
• A Typical Low-Carbon Steel Composition
Carbon - 0.080 % Phosphorus - 0.020 %
Silicon - 0.002 % Manganese - 0.350 %
Sulfur - 0.020 %
Vehicle Body Engineering
Design Considerations & Body Construction
Material Requirements and Body Parts
• The liquid steel is cast into large ingots for subsequent
hot - rolling to sheets of different thickness. Typical sheet
thickness & their use are :
10g 3.25mm brackets & supports and heavy
12g 2.65mm internal construction
• Window Glasses
- Shatter proof glass should be used. When
hit against any object the whole glass falls
out and there will be no sharp edged pieces
Vehicle Body Engineering
Body & Safety Consideration
Vehicle Body Structure, its Systems & Parts
• Window Glasses
- In bullet proof glass when hit there will be no
normal angle of incident (inclination). The bullet
is thrown out as there will always be some angle
of incident.
- In normal driving, the belt fitted with a locking retractor allows occupant
move freely in the seat while keeps tension on the belt. During a collision
or sudden stop the retractor automatically locks the belt to help
Vehicle Body Engineering
Body & Safety Consideration
restrain body.
- Before putting on the seat belt move seat as far back as
possible,seat back to be up upright and there should be no
twists in the belt.
• Air Bag
-Air bag is a safety device that protects the driver & the front
seat passenger during head-on collision
- Air bag is an instantly inflatable cushion stored in the center
pad of steering wheel and in the dash board on passenger side
Vehicle Body Engineering
Body & Safety Consideration
Additional Safety Features & Systems
- Pitching Moments
Pitching moment acts to transfer weight between
the front and rear axles. The pitching moment is
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Forces and Moments :
usually negative i.e., nose down. This makes the rear
axle lift off the ground and further reduce the
available traction. The pitching moment arises from
the drag but drag itself does not act at the ground
plane. The lifting force may not act exactly at the
center of the wheel base.
PM = 1/2 ρ V2 A Cpm . L , Kgf.m
where ;
Cpm = pitching moment coefficient
L = wheel base or characteristic length, m
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Forces and Moments :
- Yawing
The angular oscillation of the vehicle about the
vertical axis is called yawing. It is the vertical
movement of the complete vehicle body. So the
complete body rises up and down and know as
bouncing as shown in the figure below
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Forces and Moments :
- Yawing Moment
The lateral force caused by a side wind does not
act at the mid- wheel base position. A side wind will
produce a Yawing moment tending to turn the
vehicle away from the direction of motion. Yawing
moment is defined as
YM = 1/2 ρ V2 A Cym . L , Kgf.m
where ;
Cym = Yawing moment coefficient
L = wheel base or characteristic length, m
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Drag : types & effects
The total aerodynamic drag of a vehicle includes many
factors which offer overall air resistance to the motion
of vehicle. The types of aerodynamic drag components
and their approximate relative contributions are ;
Profile or Form Drag 55 - 60 %
Induced or Lift Drag ~ 8 %
Surface or Friction Drag ~ 10 %
Interference ~ 15 %
Cooling & Ventilation System Drag ~ 10 %
Rotating Wheel & other ~ 1 %
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Drag : types & effects
• Profile or Form Drag
The profile drag depends upon the longitudinal
section of the vehicle body , and plays the
most important part as its contribution is the
A careful choice of body profile, essential for
low drag, requires streamlines to becontinuous
and separation of boundary layers with its
attendant vortices to be avoided.
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Drag : types & effects
• Induced or Lift Drag
A vehicle body produces accelerated air flow and
the induced drag is caused by the vortices formed at
the sides of the vehicle travelling downwards.
The pressure differential from the top to the bottom
of the vehicle causes a lift drag.
This lift force depends on the upper surfaces
especially in areas of the leading edge of the hood,
wind shield corners, leading edges of the cowl and
underbody such as suspension, exhaust system
&other components protruding, and the ground
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Drag : types & effects
• Induced or Lift Drag
clearance. Lift is not a serious problem at normal
speeds but at very high speeds it can affect stability
and braking performance of the vehicle.
The lift tends to reduce pressure between ground
and wheels. This causes loss of steering control on
the front axle and loss of traction on the rear axle.
• Surface Drag
The surface or friction drag contribute substantially.
It is due to the friction of the layers of air passing
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Drag : types & effects
over the outside surface of the vehicle body. The friction
losses on the boundary layer and the surface roughness
has considerable effect on surface drag. If this surface is
kept smooth, a laminar boundary layer will be maintained
further along the vehicle than with the rough surface.
• Interference Drag
This type of drag contribute significantly. This is due to
air flow over the many exterior components of the vehicle
body and also due to its interactions with the air flow over
the basic body shape.
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Drag : types & effects
Exterior vehicle body projections such as door
handles, mirrors,roof luggage, wind shield wipers,
etc. and also, projections below the vehicle such as
axles, tow-bars,etc. contribute to interference drag
• Cooling & ventilation system drag
The cooling and ventilation systems also contribute
significantly to the total drag. Air flow passing
through the radiator impact on the engine and wall
which exerts dynamic pressure as drag on the
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Drag : types & effects
• Rotating wheels & other
The wheels and wheel wells are a major
at very high speeds ( > 150 km / h ). The significant
drag develops at the wheels because of turbulent,
recirculating flow into the cavities. Figure illustrates
the complex flow patterns that occur around a
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Drag : types & effects
• Rotating wheels & other
The sharp edges of the wheel cutout provides
opportunities to induce flow in horizontal plane,
while the rotating wheel tends to induce circulation
in vertical plane.
Other protuberances from the body of the vehicle
represent an area contributing to increase in drag
and where careful design can improve.
Vehicle Body Engineering
Aerodynamic Drag : improvements
Some of the aerodynamic improvements in vehicle body
would be highlighted such that the drag could be
reduced by minor modifications. As an example, vehicle
shows changes that could be considered in ;
A: Air dam, B: hood line, C & D: Pillars, E: Spoilers
Vehicle Body Engineering
A: Air dam
- The air dam area encircled as ‘A’ in the figure is
the frontal area establishing stream lines,
particularly in underbody and wheel areas.
- A cleverly designed air dam at the front of the
vehicle reduces the requirements of ground
clearance and limits the volumes of air passing
under the body.
- The primary objective of modifications are to reduce
pressure of air stream under the vehicle body.
- This greatly reduce the vortices and induced drag
Vehicle Body Engineering
B: Hood line
- It is the leading edge which disturbs the air stream
and influence the profile drag. The hood line and the
shape of hood should guide the streams without
discontinuity over the windscreen.The formation of
vortices should also be avoided in this region.
C & D: Pillars
- As shown in the figure the shapes of the two
extreme pillars can be effectively applied for
optimization of drag. By having a slight convex
profile from front to rear pillar the discontinuity can
Vehicle Body Engineering
be eliminated and with it the associated flow
separation. The perfectly smooth profile from
windscreen to the pillars would be compromised to
some extent at the junctions of the glass and the
surrounding frames.
E: Spoilers
The spoilers and air foils on the rear check may
serve several purposes. The rear spoilers, which is
attached either to the rear of the roof or the upper
edge of the rear wings, has the effect of increasing
the pressure acting on the rear deck area. This
Vehicle Body Engineering
increase in pressure acting on the rear deck creates a down
force at the most advantageous point as shown in the figure.
This is largely due to complex interactions between the
chassis dynamics and relatively small changes in magnitude
of lift forces and center of pressure
Stability degrades with increase in overall lift and
differences in lift between the front and rear axles
Vehicle Body Engineering
Stability and cross- winds : Comments
Design vehicles to minimize the side forces, yawing moments
and yaw rates that occur as vehicle is progressively and rapidly
exposed to cross winds
The low drag, rounded body shapes are susceptible to cross
winds ; increased yaw sensitivity, changes of lift distribution
under the influence of cross-winds reduce vehicle stability.
The aerodynamic influence likely to be further exaggerated by
the trends towards weight reduction for improved fuel economy
Methods of testing models under transient cross-wind conditions
are under developments and reliable data at best can be obtained
by full scale testing of production and pre-production vehicles.
Vehicle Body Engineering
Stability and cross- winds : Comments
One of the largest single noise generator is the sun roof. Its large
size results in low frequencies & large magnitude. Poorly designed
units may even lead to discernible low frequency pressure pulsing
in the cabin.
Vehicle Body Engineering
Reduction in Aerodynamic Noise
Reduction in noise can partly be through – improved air flows with
reduced noise creation and by improved sealing reducing both its
creation & insulation of occupants from the source.
Careful design to control the cooling exit flow in terms of its speed
and direction can reduce the drag associated with the merging
Vehicle Body Engineering
Potential for Underhood drag reduction
The high blockage caused by the radiator core has the effect of
dramatically reducing the air velocity through the radiator and
much of the air spills around it.
Deflectors are usually made from glass-reinforced plastics and can be easily
fitted / removed from vehicle
Bus & Truck Aerodynamics
Air Vane – air flow guide
Air vane devices as the air flow guide are
designed and perfected by extensive wind
tunnel testing
Classic type
- Engine is mounted in front of the passenger compartment
- Disadvantage include low ratio of useful length to over all
- Poor aerodynamic shape
- Presently not in much use except partially as school bus
Vehicle Body Engineering
Bus Body Details
• Classification of buses based on body shapes
Single deck
- In this type of buses engine is mounted either
inside or below the driver’s cab enabling additional
length available for more seats and a better angle of
- Such buses may have one or two doors.
- Many single deck models have seating capacity
of fifty two which in city buses is reduced to have
more space for standing. This enable transportation
of more passengers for short duration.
Vehicle Body Engineering
Bus Body Details
• Classification of buses based on body shapes
Double deck
- These buses have rear mounted engine which affords
a front entry or good forward visibility for
- Such buses have passenger capacity of approximately
sixty five to seventy five. It may have upper deck open
for tourists.
- Double decker buses have poor stability than single
decker buses
Vehicle Body Engineering
Bus Body Details
Two level single decker
- This type of buses are used as luxury coaches.
- The layout provides good forward visibility for all
passengers and good separate luggage space under
Vehicle Body Engineering
Bus Body Details
• Classification of buses based on body shapes
Articulated Buses
- These are very large coaches for in-city operation.
These are made of two parts because of axle load
limitations. The rear is articulated to the main