Sapna Project English
Sapna Project English
Sapna Project English
The story reveals around the Tiger king whose name
was Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur . When he was born , the
astrologers had foretold that one day the king would
die. Suddenly a miracle happened and the ten year old
Jung Jung Bahadur started
speaking; he told them that all
those who were born would
have to die one day, so he asked
them to tell the manner of his
Everyone stood stunned that an infant born just ten
days ago was talking in such a manner. The chief
astrologer told that he was born in hour of the bull . As
bull and tiger were enemies
therefore his death would
come from Tiger.
The Maharaja grew stronger and took to tiger hunting.
He was overjoyed when killed the first tiger. When he
told the chief astrologer about that, the chief astrologer
told him that he may kill 99 tigers but he must be
careful with the 100th one. In ten years he killed 70
tigers. Soon the tiger population became extinct in the
forests of Pratibandapuram.
Tiger Hunting
So the maharaja married
to a royal family where
tiger population was
Maharaja Jung
Jung Bahadur killedfive
or six tigers each time
he visited his father in
Thus thereby he
killed 99 tigers but one
was still left.
There was no sign of tigers anywhere. Maharaja could
not bear anymore. He raised the land tax and also
dismissed some of his men. There was a tiger brought
later for maharaja. Maharaja took his men for hunt. He
shooted the tiger but it missed the tiger. Maharaja did
not notice that.
Maharaja men knew about it but they fear to tell the
maharaja, then they may lose their job, so they killed the
tiger. But maharaja did not know that he still has one
tiger left to be killed. Maharaja had to attend his 3
year old son’s birthday . he gifted him a wooden tiger.
The tiger was made by an unskilled man . its surface
was rough , as a result its sharp edge pierced into
maharaja’s hand. slowly infection spread into his
whole hand and as a result maharaja died.
Wooden Tiger
Thus the fateful
hundredth tiger though
a wooden one was the
cause of the maharaja’s
death and proved the
prediction of the
astrologer correct.
The tiger king is The king’s belief
an example of a that he would change his
humorous story. There destiny and the astrologer’s
acceptance of the challenge
are number of incidents
that he would cut off his
in the story which are hair and become insurance
quite funny. agent is quite comic.
When maharaja
was of just ten days he
started speaking which
was astonishing and
addresses the
astrologers clearly in
his squeaky voice.
Kalki again makes
fun of the king when he
tells us that the king did
not attend to anything,
not even his three - year -
old son, as he was busy
completing the target of
killing hundred tigers.
The suggestion of
‘‘mouse hunting’’ or
hunting’’ instead of
tiger hunting, to
the British officer
is amusing.
Even the
conversation between
king and Dewan about
king marrying a tiger
and his ancestors being
‘married to swords’
generates a lot of humor.
Finally the killing of hundredth tiger and the way the
dewan and his wife drag the tiger to the car, make it sit
on the back seat of the car, drive it to the forest, drags
the tiger out of the car and the tiger in front of the king
offering himself to be shot and finally fainting from the
sound of the bullet and the king celebrating his victory
over his destiny was really comic.
Prepared by : Sapna
XII ‘Bio’