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Topic 12-Food Shelf Life Evaluation-2-English-1

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Food Shelf Life

Evaluation 2

Program Studi Ilmu dan

Teknologi Pangan
Week Topic P
1 1.The role and function of food packaging ABS
2 2. Plastic Packaging ABS
3 3. Paper and Paperboard Packaging ABS
4 4. Glass and Metal Packaging (Quiz 1, Topic 1-4) ABS
5 5. Food-package interactions and chemical ABS
6 6. Active and Intelligent Packaging (Group ABS
assignment: Application of Active and Intelligent
packaging for Indonesia food and beverage)
7 7. Nanotechnology in Food Packaging (Quiz 2, ABS
Topic 5-7)
Week Topic P

8 8. Edible and Biodegradable Packaging MAR

9 9. Modified Atmosphere, Vacuum (sous vide) and Inert Gas MAR

10 10. Food spoilage factors and Food Stability during storage MAR
(Quiz 3, Topic 8-10).
11 11. Food shelf life evaluation (Part 1). MAR

12 12. Food shelf life evaluation (Part 2). Individual homework MAR
about food shelf-life practices.
13 13. Storage Pests and their control (Quiz 4, Topic 11-13), MAR
Submission of Group assignment.
14 14. Packaging Development in The Food Industry (Guest MAR
Lecture + Group Assignment Presentation)
Food Shelf Evaluatuon

Definition of Shelf Life of Foods

Measuring Shelf Life of Foods

Chemical Kinetics Approache

Physycal Food Deterioration Approache

Sensory Properties Deterioration Approache

Microbial Deterioration Approache

Accelerated Shelf Life Testing
Extended Storage Studies

1. relevant quality factor

2. a reliable method
that can be used to
to measure that
estimate a decrease in
quality factor
consumer acceptance

4. a time 3.the amount of quality

temperature loss allowed before the
relation of the product is considered
chosen quality unacceptable
Deteriorative Factors

Chemical (canned foods, any package foods)

& Nutritional (powdered milk)

Kinetics approach, zero order and first

order reaction. Must be stored at least 3
different temperatures
Accelerated Shelf Life Testing
25oC 35oC 45oC

Sampling Ascorbit acid Sampling Ascorbit acid Sampling Ascorbit acid

Interval (days) concentration Interval (days) concentration Interval (days) concentration
0 1000 ppm
0 1000 0 1000
20 850 20 630 14 785
40 710 30 400 20 550
60 565 50 0 40 0
Which kinetics order your data is fit for ?,
zero order or first order ?

zero order first order

25oC 35oC
zero order
Sampling Ascorbit acid Sampling Ascorbit acid
Interval (days) concentration Interval (days) concentration
0 1000 ppm
0 1000
20 850 20 630
40 710 30 400
60 565
50 0
y = -7.225x + 998
800 R² = 0.9998
Sampling Ascorbit acid
Interval (days) concentration 400
y = -20.115x + 1010.4
200 R² = 0.9988
0 1000 y = -25,644x + 1058,2
0 R² = 0,9787
14 785
0 20 40 60 80
20 550
40 0
Storage k (ppm/day)
25oC -7,23

35oC -20,12
45oC -25,64
first order 35oC
Samplin Ascorbit Ln (x)
g acid Samplin Ascorbit Ln (x)
Interval concentr g acid
(days) ation Interval concentr
(days) ation
0 1000 6,9077
20 850
0 1000 6,9077
40 710 20 630 6,6656
60 565 30 400 6,3099
Samplin Ascorbit Ln (x)
50 0 0
g acid
Interval concentr
(days) ation

0 1000 6,9077
14 785 6,4457
20 550 5,9915
40 0 0
Chart Title

y = -0.0095x + 6.9227
7 R² = 0.9937

y = -0.1346x + 8.2009
3 R² = 0.7451

y = -0.1794x + 8.2889
1 R² = 0.803
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Storage k (ppm/day)
25oC -0,0095

35oC -0,1345
45oC -0,1794

10 Chart Title

8 y = -0.0095x + 6.9227
R² = 0.9937
y = -0.1346x + 8.2009
4 R² = 0.7451
y2= -0.1794x + 8.2889
R² = 0.803
0 20 40 60 80
zero order first order

Shelf Life Shelf Life

Storage t (days) Storage t (days)
Temperature Temperature
25oC 25oC
138,3126 727,1321
35oC 49,70179 35oC 51,35878
45oC 39,00156 45oC 38,50477
Arrhenius Plot
Arrhenius Plot
Arrhenius Plot

Temperature Temperature (1/T) k Ln (k)

(oC) (oK) (oK)

25oC 273+25=298oK 7,23 1,978239

35oC 273+35=308ok 0,003247 20,12 3,001714
45oC 273+45=318ok 0,003145 25,64 3,244154
y = 22,362 - 6038,3 x

Temperature Temperature (1/T) Ln (k) k

(oC) (oK) (oK)

5oC 278oK 0,003597 0,641496403 1,899320903

10oC 283oK 0,003534 1,025250883 2,787794784
15oC 288oK 0,003472 1,395680556 4,037721532
20oC 293oK 0,003413 1,753467577 5,77459184
30oC 303oK 0,0033 2,433617162 11,40004339
40oC 313oK 0,003195 3,070306709 21,54851079
zero order

Temperature k Shelf Life

5oC 1,899 526,504
10oC 2,787 358,706
15oC 4,037 247,664
20oC 5,774 173,172
25oC 7,23 138,312
30oC 11,400 87,7189
35oC 20,12 49,7017
40oC 21,548 46,406
45oC 25,64 39,002
zero order

Average morning temperature = 20oC

Average afternoon temperature = 25oC
Average night temperature = 15oC

15oC 247,664
20oC 173,172
25oC 138,312

247,664+ 173,172+138,312= 186,38 DAYS

ASLT for Reaction Kinetic
Deteriorative Factors

Physical (Cereals, Bread, biscuits)

Approaches : Diffusion of gazeous

and water vapor
Accelerated Shelf Life Testing

Constant temperature 30oC

Accelerated Shelf Life Testing
Aw Moisture
0,06 2,59
0,32 6,48
0,44 8,01
0,69 11,17
0,75 12,8
0,84 15,38
0,9 18,62
0,97 25,64
1. Dry product (a type of biscuit) with initial moisture content
(Mi)= 2.0% (DB) or 0.02 grams H2O / gram DM
2. Products are packaged in plastic packaging with water
vapor permeability (k / X) is = 0.3 grams of H2O /
day.m2.mmHg, this data can be obtained from the
secondary data or can also be obtained by making
measurements directly.
3. The product's dry weight (= Ws) is 500 grams and the
packaging area (A) = 0.15 m2. The dry weight of the
product is the weight of the product after being heated at
105oC until the weight is constant
4. Product Storage T = 30 C. Saturated water vapor pressure
(Po) at temperature (T) 30 C = 31.8. This data is obtained from
the steam table.
5. Critical water content of biscuits (Mt) is 6.0% (DB) or = 0.06
grams H2O / gram DM or 6.0% (DB). The critical water content
of the biscuit is the water content when the biscuits lose
its hardness, in this case is 6.0% (DB) This data obtained
through separate experimentation.
6. Equilibrium Moisture Content of the biscuits (= Me) at
temperature (T = 30 C, 100% RH) = 8.0% (DB) = 0.08 grams
H2O / gram DM. Me or is water content of biscuits when it
reaches equilibrium with the storage environment at T = 30 C,
100% RH.
7. The slope of the isothermic sorption curve (b) of biscuit,
obtained from the curve
1. (Mi)= 2.0% (DB) or 0.02 grams H2O / gram DM
2. (k / X) is = 0.3 grams of H2O / day.m2.mmHg
3. The product's dry weight (= Ws) is 500 grams
4. the packaging area (A) = 0.15 m2.
5. Saturated water vapor pressure (Po) at temperature (T) 30oC =
6. Me at temperature (T = 30oC, 100% RH) = 8.0% (DB) = 0.08
grams H2O / gram DM
7. Mt is 6.0% (DB) or = 0.06 grams H2O / gram DM or 6.0% (DB).
8. The slope of Isothermic sorption curve =
Aw Moisture
0,06 2,59
0,32 6,48
0,44 8,01
0,69 11,17
0,75 12,8
0,84 15,38
0,9 18,62
0,97 25,64

8. Slope of the curve “b” = 0.06

(k / X)= 0.3
b = 0.06
(k / X)= 0.01
b = 0.06
Deteriorative Factors Time, temperature,
Sensory Any sensory

Extended Storage Studies

The score at end of shelf

life = 2.5
Deteriorative Factors Time, temperature,
Sensory Any sensory
mostly apply ESS when the shelf life approximately
less then 3 months.
Most widely known application of sensory methods for shelf life:

1.HQL (High Quality Life) using trained panelist with Duo-Trio or Triangle Test
2.Practical Shelf Life (un trained panelists using scoring, ranking etc)
3. Weibull Hazard Analysis or WHA (based on Weibull distribution curve)

The HQL is always lower in value than PSL


Sesuai prosedur penyajian uji segitiga, yaitu dua sampel yang

sama dan satu sampel yang berbeda. Dua sampel yang sama
adalah sampel yang telah disimpan, sedangkan sampel yang
berbeda adalah sampel standar yang masih baru dan segar.
Panelis diminta membedakan mana yang sampel berbeda
Tabel 1. Triangle Test Results
Untuk dapat mengatakan bahwa produk benar-benar telah
kadaluwarsa maka digunakan tabel uji segitiga untuk mengambil
keputusan. Pada tabel ditunjukkan bahwa untuk penggunaan
sejumlah n=47 panelis, diperlukan sebanyak 23 , 24 dan 27
jawaban benar untuk masing-masing tingkat signifikansi 5 %,
1% dan 0.1 %. Misalkan digunakan tingkat signifikansi sebesar
5%, maka produk telah kadaluwarsa pada pengambilan sampel
periode ke 6.
Triangle Test result for week 6 (Periode 6)
Deteriorative Factors Time, temperature,
Mathematical Formula,
Microbiological (any Predictive microbiology,
PHF) growth kinetics...

Expire Date and NOT Best Before, Best if Used By..etc

(In France DLC = Date Limite de Consomation)
NOT DLUO (Date Limite de L’utilisation Optimale)

Expire Date means cannot be consumed at all after the Date

Best Before, Best if Used By..etc ...Illegal to Sell them after the
Date, possibly still consumable but at lower quality
Deteriorative Factors Time, temperature,
Mathematical Formula,
Microbiological (any Predictive microbiology,
PHF) growth kinetics...

Growth phase curve of microorganism

µmax or µconstant
Primary Model to find µ max

Secondary Model to calculated the effects pf environment

µ max = Exponential growth rate

µ max = Exponential growth rate = k

Microbial growth follows First order reaction

Highly simplified approach to find µ max or k

Daging segar dikemas dalam kantong plastik dan akan disimpan

pada temperatur yang lebih rendah (5oC). Konsentrasi awal total
mikroba daging tersebut, segera setelah pengemasan adalah
103 /Cm2. Batas kadaluwarsa produk daging segar adalah
terbentuknya lendir pada permukaan daging yang berhubungan
dengan jumlah total mikroba sebesar 108/Cm2. Jika
diasumsikan bahwa semua mikroba tersebut adalah bakteri
Pseudomonas fluorescens, yang memiliki waktu generasi
sebesar 8.5 jam (doubling time = td) pada suhu 5oC. Hitunglah:

1) Lama waktu penyimpanan hingga terbentuk lendir pada permukaan

daging (konsentrasi bakteri mencapai 108/Cm2). Dengan kata lain
hitunglah waktu kadaluwarsa pada temperatur penyimpanan 5oC.
2) Jika penyimpanan dilakukan pada -5 oC, maka waktu generasi mikroba
akan diperlambat menjadi 19 jam. Hitunglah waktu kadaluwarsa pada
suhu -5oC.
3) Berapa nilai Q10 perubahan mutu yang berlangsung pada
daging tersebut.
4) Hitung waktu kadaluwarsa pada suhu -15 oC dan -25 oC.
5) Dengan menerapkan tabel distribusi yang diberikan,
periksalah perubahan mutu yang berlangsung selama
distribusi tersebut.
6) Jika pada kemasan/label dinyatakan (claim) bahwa produk
daging tersebut dapat disimpan selama 3 bulan pada suhu
--10 oC di rumah konsumen, periksalah kebenaran
pernyataan tersebut.

Keterangan Tambahan:
Pertumbuhan mikroba mengikuti ordo-1 dalam bentuk,
Ao = jumlah awal mikroba, saat td=0
A = 2Ao pada saat mikroba mencapat td yang pertama
td = doubling time = waktu generasi = waktu yang diperlukan untuk
berkembang biak (1 menjadi 2)
Pada saat A=2 Ao Maka persamaan diatas akan menjadi:
ln 2 = k td sehingga
k = 0.693/ td atau
td = 0.693/k
Dengan demikian bila diketahui nilai td maka dapat diketahui nilai k
(vice versa).
1. Menghitung nilai k menggunakan waktu generasi mikroba
Untuk dapat menghitung umur simpan menggunakan persamaan
ordo satu, maka pertama-tama dicari nilai k
ln 2 = k td
k = 0.693/ td
Oleh karena td = 8.5 jam pada 5oC, maka:
k = 0.693/ (8.5) atau k = 0.00815 jam-1
a. Hitunglah lama waktu penyimpanan hingga terbentuk lendir pada
permukaan daging (konsentrasi bakteri mencapai 108/Cm2).
Dengan kata lain hitunglah waktu kadaluwarsa pada temperatur
Diketahui : Jumlah mikroba awal, Ao = 103
Batas kadaluwarsa, A = 108 dan k pada 5oC adalah 0.00815 jam-1.

b. Jika penyimpanan dilakukan pada -5 oC, maka waktu generasi

mikroba akan diperlambat menjadi 19 jam. Hitunglah waktu
kadaluwarsa pada suhu -5oC.
k = 0.693/ td
k = 0.693/19
k = 0.0365 jam-1.

Maka umur simpan pada -5oC

terima kasih

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