• Mal presentation
• CPD ------ macrosomia
• Traumatic delivery
Anti oxidants
Ketosis in mother
Metabolic disturbance in foetus - acidosis
Foetal blood hyperviscosity
Hormonal imbalance
Pre eclampsia
Universal screening for GDM is essential, as
it is generally accepted that women of
Asian origin and especially ethnic Indians,
are at a higher risk of developing GDM
and subsequent type 2 diabetes
Universal screening for GDM
ADA procedure
ADA recommends two step procedures.
Step 1: A 50 g glucose challenge test (GCT) is used for
screening without regard to the time of last meal or time
of the day .
Step 2: If 1 hour GCT value is more than 140 mg/dl, 100g
Oral Glucose ToleranceTest (OGTT) is recommended and
plasma glucose is estimated at 0, 1, 2 and 3 hours.
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is diagnosed (Carpenter and
Coustan criteria) if any 2
values meet or exceed
FPG > 95 mg/dl, 1 hr PG > 180 mg/dl, 2 hr PG > 155 mg/dl
and 3 hr PG > 140 mg/dl.
The drawback of this criteria is that, the glycemic
cut off
was originally validated against the future risk of
these women developing diabetes and not on
the fetal outcome .
Further, in the community health centers,
pregnant women are reluctant to undergo ADA
procedures for two reasons
1. The number of blood samples drawn are many
(a) for screening and (b) forsubsequent 3- hour
OGTT to confirm the diagnosis (4 blood samples).
2. They have to visit the ante-natal clinic on two
occasions – (a) for screening and (b) again for
diagnostic procedure.
To standardize the .
Yet another reason for recommending the single step procedure is that, the
specificity of ADA screening with 50 gm 1-hr GCT without regard to time
of the last meal is low.
• The pregnant women need not be fasting.
• Causes least disturbance in a pregnant
woman’s routine activities.
• Serves as both screening and diagnostic
Hence the meal plan aims to provide sufficient calories to sustain adequate
nutrition for the mother and fetus and to avoid excess weight gain and
post prandial hyperglycemia.
By this the undue peak in plasma glucose levels after ingestion of the total
quantity is avoided.
The two hours post prandial plasma glucose falls by 20 – 30 mg/dl.
Total insulin dose per day can be divided as 2/3 in the morning
and 1/3 in the evening.
* Initially if Post breakfast plasma glucose is high Start Premix
B. If GDM is diagnosed in the third trimester,
Fetal Surveillance:
Ultrasound Fetal Measurement: Ultrasound monitoring is
recommended every trimester.