2. Physical Agents
3. Chemical Agents
Disinfection procedure
Semmelweis Lister
( Saviour of Mother) ( Pioneer of Antiseptic Surgery)
[Founder of Antiseptic medicine]
Properties Of Ideal Disinfectant :
Concurrent disinfection
Terminal disinfection
Precurrent disinfection
Agents Of Disinfection :
Natural Agents :
Sun light Air
3. Hot air :
● Done in a HOT AIR OVEN
● Maintained at 160-180°C at
least for 1 hour
4. Boiling :
● Boiling for 5-10 min.
(Rolling boil)
5. Radiation :
● Gamma rays : Viable, safe,
● UV rays : maximum
bactericidal activity within
240-280 nm
6. Pasteurization :
8. Microwave :
• Radio frequency wave at 2450 MHz,
produced friction of water molecules in
alternative electric field so produce
Chemical Agents :
1. Phenol and related compounds :
c. Cresol –
e. Chlorhexidine (hibitane) -
f. Hexachlorphane -
g. Dettol –
5% Dettol - suitable for disinfection of
instruments and plastic equipments for at least 15
2. Quaternary ammonia compounds :
a. Cetrimide – b. Savlon -
ii) Hypochlorites –
v) Superoxidized water -
● Main product of this
water is hypochlorous
acid and chlorine
b. Iodines compounds -
ii) Iodophores -
● Combination of iodine and a stabilizing
agent or carrier
● Most widely used Povidone-
4. Alcohols :
8. LIME :
10. Ozone :
● Powerful oxidant
● Highly unstable
(Half life - 22 min.)
Factors Affecting Efficacy Of Disinfection :
1. Cleaning
2. Pathology types
3. Biofilm accumulation
5. Restricted flow
1. Water :
• For Large scale water purification -
i) Storage
ii) Filtration : slow sand filter & rapid sand filter
iii) Disinfection : Chlorination (chlorine gas, chloramine,
perchloron), Ozonation, Membrane processes(reverse
osmosis, ultrafiltration, microfiltration & nanofiltration)
• For small scale water purification –
- For household uses :
i) Boiling
ii) Chemical disinfection (Bleaching powder, chlorine solution,
HTH, chlorine tablets, iodine, potassium permanganate)
iii) Filtration
- For wells & water tanks :
i) Bleaching powder
ii) Chlorine solution, chlorine tablets
2. Blood & Body fluids :
- If spillage occur wipe up the spill as much as possible with
paper towel or other absorbent materials with wearing gloves
4. Sputum :
Received in a paper gauze or handkerchiefs & destroy by
burning or autoclaving for 20 mins. at 20 lbs pressure
Thank You