Abdominal Tuberculosis
Abdominal Tuberculosis
Abdominal Tuberculosis
Causative organisms
1) Myobacterium tuberculosis hominis.
2) Mycobacterium bovis
3) Atypical mycobacterium –
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare
usually in pt.s sfferrig from AIDS.
1) ingestion of infected milk or cough
2) hematogenous spread from distant
3) lymphatic spread,
4) direct extension from adjacent organs.
Ulcerative type –
- ingested bacilli resist peptic digestion
- infect submucosal lymphoid tissue to
form epithelioid tubercle.
- mucosal sloughing & ulceration occurs
in 2-4 weeks
ULCERS are multiple small 3-6mm long, irregular
necrotic margins. They progress by granuloma
formation ,caseous necrosis and finally to
Hypertrophic type- abundant inflammaory
response& reactive tissue to form
mulinodular mucosal pattern or neoplasm
like mass.
Ulcerohypertrophic type-
combination of above two types.
Abdominal TB refers to
- Peritoneum & its reflections
-Lymphatic system
- Solid organs
TB Peritonitis
Caused by:
- reactivation of latent TB focus,
-discharge of caseous material from diseased lymph nodes,
- TB salpingitis in females.
- high density(25-45HU) due to fibrin & cellular debris.
- water density in initial transudative phase
- Fat-fluid level due to chylous ascitis
- CT cannot show presence of internal septae
Stellate sign- fixed loops of bowel & mesentry standing out as spokes
radiating from root of mesentry.
TB – thin smooth
omental line.
Peritoneal carcinomatosis –
irregularly thickened
2) Nodes with
density in mesentry.
majority- hypo on T1w & hyper on T2w & show
peripheral rim hypo on T1 & hyper on T2.
show peripheral enhancement on dynamic
contrast study.
MR useful – to show relationship of nodes to
vessels & ducts & to differentiate necrotic
peripancreatic nodes from CA head of pancreas.
Key points-
-heterogeneity of echopattern in nodes of
single anatomic group prior to treatment
strongly s/o TB.
-caseation & calcification strongly s/o TB
-homogeneously hypoehoic group of nodes
….. Suspect lymphoma as D/D
2) Ulcerative
3) Ulcerohyperplastic
4) Carcinoma type with short annular defects & overhanging edges.
Third stage
CT shows low density lesion ( 15-45HU), shows minimal central enhancement & moderate
periphral enhancement.
Healed granulomas
MRI shows hypointense lesion on T1w with a
hypointense rim & iso to hyper intense
lesion on T2w with less intense rim.
Spleen is involved more in HIV positive pt.s.
D/D abscess, mets ,HCC , parasitic disease
Assosiated peritoneal, nodal & intestinal
involvement suggest TB.
TB pancreas
Rare ,seen in miliary TB.
Usually located in the head of pancreas.
USG – well defined hpoechoic lesion
CT – hypodense lesion with irregular
margin with/without pancreatic
enlargement .
- peripancreatic nodes
D/D abscess, malignancy ,chronic pancreatitis.
Pancreatic TB
Urinary tract TB
- GU Koch’s is not uncommon in india.
- Increasing concern world over due to AIDS & multi drug
resistant strains.
- TB occurs in about 10% of pt.s of AIDS & involves atleast one
extrapulmonary site in 50% of pt.s with kidneys being the
most common genitourinary site.
- diagnostic problem because of nonspecifc
symptoms & imaging features which resemble other lesions.
- if undiagnosed & untreated it progresses to renal failure.