Corrosion Lecture Kinetics
Corrosion Lecture Kinetics
Corrosion Lecture Kinetics
• Corrosion Rate
Polarization Behavior
• Metallic surfaces can be polarized by the application of an external voltage or by
the spontaneous production of a voltage away from equilibrium. This deviation
from equilibrium potential is called polarization. The magnitude of polarization is
usually described as an overvoltage (h) which is a measure of polarization with
respect to the equilibrium potential (Eeq) of an electrode.
• This polarization is said to be either anodic, when the anodic processes on the
electrode are accelerated by changing the specimen potential in the positive
(noble) direction or cathodic when the cathodic processes are accelerated by
moving the potential in the negative (active) direction. There are three distinct
types of polarization in any electrochemical cell, the total polarization across an
electrochemical cell being the summation of the individual elements:
• E(applied) - Eeq = htotal = hact +hconc +iR (see a typical fuel cell
polarization curve)
• where:
– hact is the activation overpotential, a complex function describing the charge transfer
kinetics of the electrochemical processes. hact is predominant at small polarization
currents or voltages.
– hconc is the concentration overpotential, a function describing the mass transport
limitations associated with electrochemical processes. hact is predominant at large
polarization currents or voltages.
– iR is often called the ohmic drop. iR follows Ohm's law and describes the polarization
that occurs when a current passes through an electrolyte or through any other
interface such as surface film, connectors ... The ohmic drop is the simplest of the
three polarization terms and can be evaluated either directly with a conductivity cell or
using conductance data.
Activation Overpotential
• Both the anodic and cathodic sides of a reaction can be studied individually
by using some well established electrochemical methods where the
response of a system to an applied polarization, current or voltage, is
studied. A general representation of the polarization of an electrode
supporting one redox system is given in the Butler-Volmer equation:
• where:
– i is the anodic or cathodic current;
– b = charge transfer barrier or symmetry coefficient for the anodic or cathodic
reaction. b values are typically close to 0.5;
– hact = Eapplied - Eeq, i.e. positive for anodic polarization and negative for
cathodic polarization;
– n = number of participating electrons;
– R = gas constant;
– T = absolute temperature;
– F = Faraday = 96485 C mol-1
• As you learned in Chemistry there is a ree energy change with
reactions. This change in free energy must be negative for the
reaction to be spontaneous.
• There are two reactions involved in the corrosion process; the total
free energy change must be negative for corrosion to occur. These
reactions are an oxidation and a reduction.
• Oxidation occurs at the anode
• Mg = Mg+2 + 2e-
• Reduction occurs at the cathode
• 2H+ +2e- = H2
• For a total reaction:
• Mg +2H+ = Mg+2 +H2
• The Free energy can be calculated by:
• Where:
• n is the number of electons exchanged ( two in the above example)
• F is the Faraday Constant (96500 Coulombs/equivalent)
• E corresponds to the energy change in the reaction.
• Each reaction ( anodic and cathodic) has a half-cell potential associated
with it: given as- E*
• The sum of the anodic and cathodic half-cell potentials is the total potential:
given as- E*
• Further considering concentration effects of the hydrogen ion and reaction
species concentration yields the Nerst Equation
• E=Eo-(RT)/(nF)*ln{[B]b [H2O]d}/{[A]a[H+]m}
• Eo is the defined value for the potential referenced to a standard*
• R is the gas constant
• T is temperature
• n and F are described above
• The terms of within the natural log are the concentrations of the products
over the reactants.
• That was certainly brief and very cursory but the important thing to take
away are the types of things that can play a role in the corrosion reactions.
Hopefully you have seen most of this in a freshman chemistry course.
• * The reference is the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) which is
defined as Eo=0 Volts.
• Kinetics of Corrosion
• Thermodynamics are fundamental and show that corroison will occur in most
environments. It is also important to know how fast corrosion will occur.
• As shown in the thermodyanmics, the the reactions in the corrosive process produce
and consume electrons. Electron flow can be quantified as current; Faraday first
found the relationship between electrons exchanged and mass reacted:
• m=(Ita)/(nF)
• m= mass reacted
• I=Current
• t=time
• A=atomic weight
• n=nuber of equivalents
• F= Faraday's Constant (96500 Coulombs/equivalent)
• To find the corrosion rate (and equalize for area) divide through by time and Area
• r=(ia)/nF
• r=corrosion rate
• i= current density
• Each reaction has a characteristic equilibrium current density this is termed io
• Electrochemical Polarization is a method used to better understand the corrosion
behavior of various materials by varying the potential above or below the equilibrium
potential (E). This polarization drives the reaction either in the noble ( anodic) or
active ( cathodic direction).
• While carrying the potential the current produced is recorded, as can be seen in the
equation above the higher the current density, the higher the corrosion rate.
• The curve above shows slightly different behavior. This is called passivity: an increased
corrosion resistance in oxidizing conditions due to a thin barrier film formed in these
conditions or at anodic potentials. Passivity can be seen by the lowering of the current
density as the potential is increased. A good example of this is stainless steel. The
reason that stainless steel does resist corrosion so well is that a thin chromium oxide film
naturally forms on the surface preventing an anodic reaction form occurring on the
surface of the steel. It is desirable to stay in the passive region ( above the critical point)
because of the reduced current density which correlates to a reduced dissolution rate.
The passive region shows a rather steady current density for a wide range of potential
values, until the passive film breaks down, causing an increase in the current density.
This is occurs at relatively high potential and is usually called trans-passive breakdown.
Summary of Electrochemical Theory
Electrochemical Reactions
• An electrochemical reaction is a reaction involving the transfer of
charge as a part of a chemical reaction. Typical electrochemical
reactions in corrosion are metal dissolution and oxygen reduction:
• In contrast a chemical reaction, such as the precipitation of a metal
hydroxide, does not involve a transfer of charge:
Faraday's Law
• Faraday's Law relates the amount of charge involved in an
electrochemical reaction with the number of moles of reactant
reacting and the number of electrons required for the reaction.
• In addition to Faradaic processes that obey Faraday's Law, non-
Faradaic processes may also occur. Typically these are processes
such as adsorption that do not involve a complete transfer of charge
from the solution to the metal.
Electrochemical Half Cells
• A half cell is an electrochemical reaction that results in a net surplus or deficit
of electrons, and it corresponds to the smallest complete reaction sequence
(while it may proceed as a sequence of simpler reactions, the intermediate
stages are not stable).
• Note that the above reactions have been shown going in one direction only.
While the reverse reactions are perfectly possible, they reverse of an anodic
reaction is a cathodic reaction and vice versa.
Reversibility of Electrochemical Reactions
• A reaction is said to be reversible if it can proceed easily
in either direction as conditions change (typically as the
electrochemical potential is changed). There are several
aspects of reversibility.
• Chemical reversibility relates to the chemical feasibility of
the reaction, with a chemically irreversible reaction being
one in which the reverse reaction is prevented by the
occurrence of competing reactions,
• A thermodynamically reversible reaction is a chemically
reversible reaction for which the reaction will change
direction as a result of an infinitesimal change in
• A practically reversible reaction is a thermodynamically
reversible reaction that occurs at a significant rate with
small overpotentials.
Electrochemical Equilibria
• Thermodynamically reversible reactions will adopt an equilibrium
potential which is described by the Nernst equation:
Note that zinc in seawater is a useful practical reference electrode, although it has
no theoretical basis for the reference potential.
Electrochemical Kinetics
• The Electrochemical Double Layer
• There is a tendency for charged species to be attracted
to or repelled from the metal-solution interface. This
gives rise to a separation of charge, and the layer of
solution with different composition from the bulk solution
is known as the electrochemical double layer. There are
a number of theoretical descriptions of the structure of
this layer, including the Helmholtz model, the Gouy
Chapman model and the GouyChapmanStern model.
• As a result of the variation of the charge separation with
the applied potential, the electrochemical double layer
has an apparent capacitance (known as the double layer
Kinetics of a Single Electrochemical Reaction
Activation control
An activation controlled reaction is one for which the rate of reaction is controlled
solely by the rate of the electrochemical charge transfer process, which is in turn
an activation-controlled process. This gives rise to kinetics that are described by
the ButlerVolmer equation:
While the Butler-Volmer equation is valid over the full potential range, we
can obtain simpler approximate solutions over more restricted ranges of
Large overpotentials - the Tafel equations are obtained (only applicable
for irreversible reactions):
or, in terms of the anodic and cathodic Tafel slopes, ba and bc,