Incipient Stage Fire Extinguisher Education OSHA 1910.157 (G)
Incipient Stage Fire Extinguisher Education OSHA 1910.157 (G)
Incipient Stage Fire Extinguisher Education OSHA 1910.157 (G)
OSHA 1910.157 (g)
1.“OSHA does not require that fires actually must be started and extinguished
to simulate emergency fire conditions during employee training.
3.As a minimum, hands-on training should include the actual discharging of fire
extinguishers appropriate for the type of fires expected, unracking of standpipe
hoses, and test-sounding of fire alarm boxes.”
Site Specific Fire Brigade Program
Administrative Fire Fighting & Equipment
1. Organizational Statement 1. Selecting appropriate equipment based
2. Pre-fire planning on type of fire
3. Written Procedures for special 2. Returning equipment to service
hazards 1. (after fire or training).
1. Chemical 3. Activation of Fixed Fire Suppression
2. Radiation System
4. Use of communication devices. 4. Establishing a water supply for fire
5. Completing Incident Reports. fighting operations.
6. Perform fire safety survey’s 5. Conserve Property (coverings)
Purpose of a Fire Extinguisher
Two functions:
1. To control or extinguish small or incipient
stage fires and,
2.To protect evacuation routes that a fire may
block directly or indirectly with smoke or
burning/smoldering materials.
"Incipient stage fire" means a “Incipient stage fire” A fire is
fire which is in the initial or considered to be beyond the
beginning stage and which can incipient stage when the use
be controlled or extinguished of thermal protective clothing
by portable fire extinguishers, or self contained breathing
Class II standpipe or small hose apparatus is required or an
systems without the need for industrial fire brigade member
protective clothing or is required to crawl on the
breathing apparatus. ground or floor to stay below
smoke and heat.
What type of Fire do I have?
Agent: Water
Designated for: Class A (wood, paper, cloth, rubber, and certain plastics.
Safety and Health 1. Never use water to extinguish flammable liquid fires.
Precautions: 2. Never use on Metal Fire (water reactive).
3. Water is a good conductor and may lead to electrocution
if used to extinguish an electrical fire.
Type: BC Fire Extinguisher
Designated for: Class B and C (flammable liquid and electrical) fires only
Method: Fire retardant powder separates the fuel from the oxygen.
– Do not allow the fire, heat, or smoke to come between you and your evacuation path.
4. DISCHARGE the extinguisher within its effective range using the P.A.S.S.
technique (pull, aim, squeeze, sweep).
6. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY if the extinguisher is empty and the fire is not out.
Direct the nozzle so the agent falls directly onto the burning metal.
Source: NFPA
Does your facility have a sprinkler system?
1. Never put yourself in danger.
2. Let the sprinkler system do its job.
3. Ensure your Sprinkler System has been tested by a qualified
3rd party according to NFPA 25.
1. Corrosion
2. Mechanical Damage (dent abrasion)
3. Paint Condition
4. Presence of repairs (welds, soldering)
5. Damaged Threads
6. Broken Hanger attachment
7. Broken Handle Lug
Monthly Visual Inspection
Name Plate, Instructions and Pull Ring
1. Illegible Wording
2. Corrosion or loose plate
3. Verifying operating instructions on
nameplates are legible and face
4. Broken, missing safety seals and
tamper indicators.
Monthly Visual Inspection
Nozzle or Horn