Aquaponics System
Aquaponics System
Aquaponics System
What is Aquaponics?
Aquaponics is a form of agriculture that combines raising fish in tanks (re circulating aquaculture)
with soilless plant culture (hydroponics). In aquaponics, the nutrient-rich water from raising fish
provides a natural fertilizer for the plants and the plants help to purify the water for the fish.
Aquaponics can be used to sustainably raise fresh fish and vegetables for a family, to feed a village
or to generate profit in a commercial farming venture, year ‘round, in any climate.
How Does Aquaponics Work?
The cycle goes on, producing high yields of both fish and vegetables.
Advantages of aquaponics over soil crop production:
• Fertilizer: In soil-less culture, nutrients are dissolved in a solution that is delivered directly to the plants, and
can be tailored specifically to plants’ needs. This saves a lot of money as fertilizer is expensive. This tailored
management of nutrients can improve productivity and enhance the quality of products.
• Water use: Aquaponics uses only about 10% of the water needed to grow the same plant in soil. Soil-less
cultivation has great potential to allow production where water is scarce/expensive.
• Utilization of non-arable land: Aquaponics can be used in urban/peri-urban areas that cannot support
traditional soil agriculture.
• Productivity and Yield: Aquaponics techniques can be more productive than soil, because it allows the farmer
to monitor, maintain, and adjust the growing conditions for the plants, ensuring optimal real-time nutrient
balances, water delivery, pH and temperature.
• Reduced workload: Soil-less culture does not require ploughing, tilling, mulching or weeding. Products do not
need extensive cleaning to remove soil contamination.
• Sustainable monoculture: It is possible to grow the same crops year after year using aquaponics. Soil-based
monocultures are difficult because over time the soil loses its fertility and pests and diseases increase.
• Although aquaponics is more expensive than hydroponics because the plant units need to be supported by
aquaculture installations, and if any one part of the system fails, the entire system can collapse, it benefits the
farmer in the long run.
How Does Aquaponics Work?
To ensure plants don’t suffer from deficiencies, maintain optimum water pH (6-7) and feed the fish a balanced
and complete diet, and use the feed rate ratio to balance the amount of fish feed to plants.As of now we
produce some basil, spinach and lettuce in our aquaponics system. The volume of water in the rearing tank is
enough grow more plants and we are working towards that direction.
Components of Aquaponic Systems
This is the simplest form of aquaponics, and you can build this using containers or tanks and fill them with
media of your choice. The most commonly used media consists of expanded clay pebbles or small river
rocks or Lava rocks. Their main purpose is to provide the plant roots a medium to grip on as they grow
bigger and taller.
The pump in the fish tank, transfers water into the growbed for the plants to flourish. You can run this
system with two options; a continuous flow, flooding and draining the grow bed, or a flood and drain system
with a timer or a siphon.
Types of Aquaponic Systems
•blue gill/brim/sunfish/crappie
•fancy goldfish
•various ornamental fish such as angelfish,
•guppies, tetras, swordfish, mollies
•any leafy lettuce
•pak choi
•swiss chard
•Herbs such as basil, mint, chives