1 - Introduction To Natural Gas Engineering
1 - Introduction To Natural Gas Engineering
1 - Introduction To Natural Gas Engineering
Gas Engineering
• Development of natural gas
• Before natural gas can be used as a fuel, most, but not all, must
be processed to remove impurities, including water, to meet the
specifications of marketable natural gas.
• Flare stacks are often used for burning off flammable gas
released by pressure relief valves during unplanned over-
pressuring of plant equipment.
• It is not always the case that gas is flared for safety reasons.
When crude oil is extracted and produced from onshore or
offshore oil wells, raw natural gas also comes to the surface.
In areas of the world lacking pipelines and other gas
transportation infrastructure, this gas is commonly flared.
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Natural Gas Extractions by Countries
• A natural gas
processing plant
will remove all the
acid gas
compounds, H2S,
CO2 and water.
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• Gas is sold for commercial use.
• Conventional:
Typically “free gas” trapped
in multiple, relatively small,
porous zones in various
naturally occurring rock
formations such as
carbonates, sandstones and
• Unconventional:
Gas that is more difficult or
less economical to extract,
usually because the
technology to reach it has
not been developed fully, or
is too expensive.
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Gas in Tight Sands
• “Tight gas” is the term commonly used to refer to:
– Low permeability reservoirs that produce mainly dry natural gas.
– Gas trapped in very tight, unusually impermeable hard rock, and
non-porous sandstone or carbonates.
– Tight sand reservoirs are generally defined as having <0.1mD matrix
permeability and <10% matrix porosity.
• The objective is to avoid putting methane into the water line, but
allow it to flow up the backside of the well (casing) to the
compressor station. If the water level is pumped too low during
dewatering, methane may travel up the tubing into the water line
causing the well to become "gassy".
• Although methane may be recovered in a water-gas separator at
the surface, pumping water and gas is inefficient and can cause
pump wear and breakdown. Methane is then compressed and
piped to market.
• In this method, hot water heated up to 80℃ was fed into test
wells to heat methane hydrate layers existing approximately
1,100 m below ground so that methane hydrate can be
dissociated. The temperature of hot water was estimated to
be around 50℃ when it came near the methane hydrate