What Is The Bayes' Theorem?
What Is The Bayes' Theorem?
What Is The Bayes' Theorem?
On the other hand, the probability of A and B is also equal to the probability of B times the
probability of A given B.
P(A ∩ B) = P(B)P(A|B) (2)
and thus
• In bio-chemistry deciding the diseases based on various blood sample tests. Infact
those results are based on probability
• For project managers : All project managers want to know whether the projects they’re
working on will finish on time. So, as our example, we’ll assume that a project manager
asks the question: what’s the probability that my project will finish on time? There are
only two possibilities here: either the project finishes on (or before) time or it doesn’t on
the basis of various factors like tools, number of workers, efficiency of workers etc
• Bayesian methods and classical methods both have advantages and disadvantages, and
there are some similarities. When the sample size is large, Bayesian inference often
provides results for parametric models that are very similar to the results produced by
frequents methods.
• It provides a natural and principled way of combining prior information with data, within a
solid decision theoretical framework. You can incorporate past information about a
parameter and form a prior distribution for future analysis. When new observations
become available, the previous posterior distribution can be used as a prior. All inferences
logically follow from Bayes’ theorem.
• It provides inferences that are conditional on the data and are exact, without reliance
on asymptotic approximation. Small sample inference proceeds in the same manner as
if one had a large sample.
• It provides interpretable answers, such as “the true parameter has a probability of 0.95
of falling in a 95% credible interval.”
• It does not tell you how to select a prior. There is no correct way to choose a prior.
Bayesian inferences require skills to translate subjective prior beliefs into a mathematically
formulated prior. If you do not proceed with caution, you can generate misleading results.
• It can produce posterior distributions that are heavily influenced by the priors. From a
practical point of view, it might sometimes be difficult to convince subject matter
experts who do not agree with the validity of the chosen prior
• It often comes with a high computational cost, especially in models with a large
number of parameters.
Bayes’ Theorem Example
A drilling company has estimated a 40%
chance of striking oil for their new well.
A detailed test has been scheduled for more
information. Historically, 60% of successful
wells have had detailed tests, and 20% of
unsuccessful wells have had detailed tests.
Given that this well has been scheduled for a
detailed test, what is the probability
that the well will be successful?
Apply Bayes’ Theorem:
Submitted By
Aryaman Tewari