Private Pilot License - Briefing: Spinning and Spin Avoidance
Private Pilot License - Briefing: Spinning and Spin Avoidance
Private Pilot License - Briefing: Spinning and Spin Avoidance
Spinning and Spin Avoidance
Exercise 11
By- Shifatur Rahman / 027 500 2988
i. Safety factor – if the controls are mishandled during
A spin is a condition of flight where the aircraft is in aerobatics or any other phase of flight, a spin is in the
autorotation which causes yawing, rolling and pitching worst situation that may result, other than major
moments and results in the aircraft following a spiral path structural failure due to overstressing the aircraft.
at a steady rate of descent.
ii. It improves your confidence and co-ordination.
Incipient Spin means the beginning or onset of a Flying the Manoeuvre – An incipient spin can be
spin. It is, if you like, a recovery from a spin before induced from almost any flight conditions by:
the spin actually occurs – with a minimum loss of - Flying slowly, continually bringing the control
height. column back and then, when almost at the
stall, applying rudder to generate yaw in the
While Spinning is not permitted in many training aeroplanes, the desired spin direction , or,
incipient spin is. Recovery should be made before the wings go
through a bank angle exceeding 90*.
- Entering a shallow climbing or level turn ( 10-
15 ) with a little power to the point of the stall,
which will frequently ensure an incipient spin in
the opposite direction of the turn.
Stage 2 – Fully Developed Spin
A spin is a condition of stalled flight in which the In a developed Spin, the aircraft is also acting as a
aeroplane is in a spiral descent. gyroscope.
As well as the aeroplane in a stalled condition, one wing Wings will not produce much lift in a spin, since they are
is producing more lift than the other ( caused by a roll at stalled. The a/c will accelerate downwards until it reaches
low speed ). Greater drag from the stalled lower wing a vertical rate of descent where the greatly increased
results in further yaw, further roll etc etc Pitching of the drag balances the weight. The height loss will be rapid as
nose may also occur. the a/c spins downwards about the vertical spin axis.
The aeroplane is in motion in all 3 axes. In other words,
lots of things are happening!
In a Spin, the a/c is :
- Stalled
- Rolling
- Yawing
- Pitching
- Sideslipping
- Rapidly Losing Height
Stage 3 – Spin Recovery
At the incipient ( early ) stage of the stall, having power - A rearward CG will encourage a flatter spin and it
on may cause a greater tendency for the wing to drop, will be more difficult to lower the nose in the
which could lead to a spin. recovery. This is one ( very important ) reason for
ensuring that you never fly an a/c loaded outside its
Once the a/c is in a spin, power may destabilize it as approved weight and balance limits.
the slip-stream will tend to flow across the outer wing,
increasing its lift and consequently increasing the rate - Conversely, a forward CG normally results in a
of roll. steeper spin with a higher rate of descent and a
higher rate of rotation. It may make recovery easier
It is essential, therefore, to remove power by closing and in fact, may even prevent a spin occurring.
the throttle either before or during the spin recovery.
And Lastly…….
Airmanship Common Errors
AIRMANSHIP i. Many students forget to throttle back after
i. Pre-stall checks: HASELL. entering a spin flight condition in which power is
ii. Orientation problem – Verify direction of spin being used.
before commencing action.
iii. Correct us of controls, therefore, know the ii. The student often attempts to identify the
Recovery actions by heart. behaviour of the aircraft from the position of the
v. Climb away after recovery – after take-off controls.
Thanks for participating. This concludes
our briefing 10B on “Spinning.”