Title of The Presentation
Title of The Presentation
Title of The Presentation
The Input Output Processor (IOP) is just like a CPU that handles
the details of I/O operations.
Each IOP controls and manage the input-output tasks. The IOP is
similar to CPU except that it handles only the details of I/O
The IOP can fetch and execute its own instructions. These IOP
instructions are designed to manage I/O transfers only.
The CPU can act as master and the IOP act as slave processor.
The CPU assigns the task of initiating operations but it is the IOP, who executes
the instructions, and not the CPU.
CPU instructions provide operations to start an I/O transfer. The IOP asks for
CPU through interrupt.
Instructions that are read from memory by an IOP are also called commands to
distinguish them from instructions that are read by CPU.
The opcode fetched from the memory is decoded for the next steps and
moved to the appropriate registers.
If the instruction has an indirect address, the effective address is read from the
The Control Unit passes the information in the form of control signals to the
functional unit of CPU.
The cycle is then repeated by fetching the next instruction. Thus in this way
the cycle is repeated continuously.
The cycle is then repeated by fetching the next instruction. Thus in this way
the cycle is repeated continuously.
Registers Involved In Each Instruction Cycle:
Memory Buffer Register(MBR) : It is connected to the data lines of the system bus.
It contains the value to be stored in memory or the last value read from the memory.
The I/O devices can directly access the main memory without the intervention by
the processor in I/O processor based systems.
It is used to address the problems that are arises in Direct memory access method.