Some Important Properties of Average Calculations
Some Important Properties of Average Calculations
Some Important Properties of Average Calculations
Numbers that are added or subtracted to each set of numbers, then the
average count of the set of numbers is equal to the average of the original
set of numbers added to or subtracted from the numbers added or
The number of each number of a set of numbers multiplied by a constant,
then the calculated average of a new set of numbers equal to the average of
the set of constants from that constant
Some Important Properties of Average Calculations
X numbers describe a set of numbers, also Y depicts a set of other numbers
of equal numbers, then the average (x + y) = average X + average Y
If each member of a set of numbers is subtracted from the calculated
average of the set of numbers, the sum of the deviations of each number
member from the average count is always zero.
A short way to calculate the average count
Average data calculation is not arranged
=M +
=M +