Factors Influecing Fashion
Factors Influecing Fashion
Factors Influecing Fashion
Social Factors
Cultural Factors
Economical Factors
Political Factors
Nehru Jacket
The Nehru Jacket was one element of Indian dress that penetrated
western dress.
Tie Dye
The psychedelic tie-dyed garments of the sixties, seventies and
today are derived from an Indian resist-dyeing technique called
bandhani (Hindi for "tie" or "bind").
In the late 1960s, China's long isolation from the West began to end. In
Europe, the Chinese worker's suit became a mode; the Mao suits were
found in Parisian fashions in 1967.
Spending patterns is now going towards high fashion & luxury products,
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retailers and manufacturers working at margins between 100 to 200%
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in
the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression
varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929
and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s. It was the longest,
most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century, and is used
in the 21st century as an example of how far the world's economy can
decline. The Great Depression had devastating effects in virtually every
country, rich and poor. Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices
dropped, and international trade plunged by half to two-thirds.
Unemployment in the United States rose to 25%, and in some countries
rose as high as 33%
The "dot-com bubble" (or sometimes the "I.T. bubble”) was a
speculative bubble covering roughly 1998–2001 (during which stock
markets in Western nations saw their equity value rise rapidly from growth
in the more recent Internet sector and related fields.
The period was marked by the founding of a group of new Internet-based
companies commonly referred to as dot-coms. Companies were seeing
their stock prices shoot up if they simply added an "e-" prefix to their name
and/or a ".com" to the end, which one author called "prefix investing".
A combination of rapidly increasing stock prices, market confidence that
the companies would turn future profits, individual speculation in stocks,
and widely available venture capital created an environment in which
many investors were willing to overlook traditional metrics such as price to
earnings ratios in favor of confidence in technological advancements
People in high spirits, spending patterns towards luxury products was the
call of the day, retailers and manufacturers working at margins between
100 to 200%
World War 1: After WW1 women wore shorter skirts and dresses. During
WW1 women worked in factories and it was dangerous to have long hair and
long dresses. Women working in factories had to cut their hair, and raise
hemlines. world war one affected fashion by money issues and based upon
how much time and labor someone had
World War 2: Shorter skirts, swimming suits, work clothes, etc. Women
started to wear less clothing and skirts became shorter because it costed
less and money was tight in the 1940s. Work clothes turned into nothing
more than the army clothing soldiers wore in the war. Also, leather and T-
shirts became very popular in the 1940s
Between the wars: The period between the two World Wars, often
considered to be the Golden Age of French fashion, was one of great change
and reformation. Carriages were replaced by cars, princes and princesses
lost their crowns, and haute couture found new clients in the ranks of film
actresses, American heiresses, and the wives and daughters of wealthy
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Gandhi: The first true Indian designer was
Mahatma Gandhi when he urged the people of
India to wear khadi garments. It was not only a
call to create self reliance but a call to wear
something that could prove the unity of India.
Khadi was given a more important status by
Gandhi after his return from South Africa. While
in search of the charkha Gandhi felt that for a
nation to turn self-reliant, it had to return to
indigenous manufactured goods.
These are examples of how sportswear and contemporary fashion are now collaborating together to
make quality fashionable garments. As both are inspired by the street scene and have a similar
shared history this tends to work extremely well. As well as sportswear incorporating fashion ranges,
contemporary fashion designers have used sportswear as an inspiration.
Although brands still have collections designed exclusively for athletes and sports enthusiasts most
also have a fashion range available.
Recently there has been growth in what is known as "luxury sportswear". These styles and designs
focus on both luxury and comfort and have been used by top designers who wish to add something
extra to their collections. Many fashion designers such as Stella McCartney now have their own
sportswear collection, in addition to this, sports players and specific sports have become inspiration
for sportswear lines. It is therefore difficult to impose a