Politic On Mobile Tech
Politic On Mobile Tech
Politic On Mobile Tech
Context-Enriched Services
• Context-enriched services are those that use context (e.g. location, resence,
social attributes and other environmental information) to form compelling,
situation-aware and intuitive functions that anticipate and react to end users’
immediate needs.
Social Media on Politic
What do demonstrations on city streets in the Philippines in 2001, the election of Barack Obama as
President of the United States in 2008, the M-15 movement with their camps and demonstrations in Spain
in 2011, recently ,the Indonesian movement 212 and the Malaysian movement 812, all have in common
1. They have all used social media to help organize such protests and mobilize their responsible agents.
they all greatly exploited social media to establish communication networks and move towards their
2. Today’s social media have helped make real the idea of a “global village”, first put forward by
communications theorist Marshall McLuhan in the 1960s, and suggests the claims of a “flat world” by
twenty-first century essay. Thomas L. Friedman, personal computers and the speed of the optic cable in
the transfer of information have marked the modern revolution and almost removed the limitations of
time and space
Social media’s quick development into an important way to influence society is part of the advancement of
information and communication technologies. The first noteworthy trend has been the evolution of the
Internet. The modern Internet is oft en called “Web 2.0”.
The central components of Web 2.0 are the different social media and social web communities. Invented by
Tim O’Reilly in 2005, the term “Web 2.0” is just a name for the evolution of Internet-based communications,
and it shows that networking and electronic interaction have advanced to the next level
Impact of Social Revolution to the Politic
• Social Revolution: a fundamental change in a society. It involves a shift in power in a
society. Revolutions occur when a number of people in a society feel discontent with
the current order and agree that change is necessary. (Definition by Study.com)
• Noted impact so far:
• Collaborative works (getting anything faster, bigger, more efficient)
• Shared knowledge, power, and productive capabilities become necessity
• Everything is connected
• Fast paced innovation
• Common digital format
• Openness as in Open Source, and Open Data
• Acting globally (your world is your R&D Departments)
• Real-Time Decision Making
(Summarized points from “Wikinomics” by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams)
Research Question
• What is the new technology being used on Poitic Movement
• Who are their user
• When did they start to use this new technology (what is happened before they
used the tech?)
• Where are the politic suitable for this new tech to give best results
• Why did they decide to use the new technology (consider to compare facts on
new tech, old tech, advantages, disruptive nature, applications)
• How did they implement this new tech on politic