Anthracnose of Mangno
Anthracnose of Mangno
Anthracnose of Mangno
Anthracnose of Mango
The pathogen
• It is a fungal disease.
• The pathogen responsible is colletotrichum
gloeosporioides, the conidial stage of
Ascomycetous fungus Glomerella cingulata.
colletotrichum gloeosporioides
The events of disease cycle
1. Inoculation.
2. Penetration.
3. Establishmebt of Infection.
4. Invasion.
5. Colonization.
6. Dissemination of pathogen.
7. Survival of pathogen
• Conidia is the Primary source of inoculum.
• Ascospore production in dry leaves on the
ground has also been reported.
• Conidia can be rain splashed to other leaves or
flower to cause secondary infection.
• Spores land on infection
sites(panicles,leaves,branche terminals).
• They were produced on lessions on
leaves,twigs,panicles,and mummified fruit.
• Colletotrichum gloeosporioides requires
relative humidity ie; above 95% for conidial
germination and appressorium formation.(Pre
• In general infection s favored at temperatures
ranging from 20 to 40°C.
• On immature fruits and young tissues,spores
germinate and penetrate through the cuticle
and epidermis.
• On mature fruits,pathogen penetrate the
cuticle but remain quiscent until ripening of
the climateric fruits begins.
3.Establishment of infection
• Infection is the process by which pathogen
establish contact with the susceptible cells or
tissues of the host and derive nutrients from them.
• The nutrient relation with host affect the
• A parasitic relationship is formed between host
cytoplasm and parasitic cytoplasm.
• Successful infections result in the appearance of
Panicle symptoms
• Blossums turns black and dry up.
Anthracnose symptoms on fruits
• Fruit of all ages may be infected.
• Premature falling of young fruits.
• The skin of mature fruit disfigured by black spot.
• The fruit pulp beneath the spots become hard latter
decay at ripening.
Leafy symptoms
• Irregular-shaped black necrotic spots appears
on both surfaces of the mango leaf.
• Severely affected leaves usually curl.
• Premature falling of young
Stem,branch,and twig
• Affected young twigs shows dieback
4. Invasion
• Keitt
• Kent
• Kessington pride-Moderately resistant to
• Ashok Aggarwal ,R.S Mehrotra.Plant
Pathology.Second edition.Tata Mc Graw-Hill
Publishing company Limited,New Delhi.Pg
• George N Agrios.Plant Pathology.Fifth
edition.Elsevies Academic press.
• J.E Mitcham,S wang and S Lurie(2007).Heat
treatment for post harvest pest control.CAB
International.Cambridge.Pg No:349