Capitals, Departments, Regions, Customs and Economy of Colombia
Capitals, Departments, Regions, Customs and Economy of Colombia
Capitals, Departments, Regions, Customs and Economy of Colombia
Natural regions of Colombia.
Caribbean region: Location and
• The Caribbean region of Colombia extends from the Gulf of Urabá on its
west side to the peninsula of La Guajira on the east side. From the north it
reaches the Atlantic Ocean and from the south it begins at the end of the
three mountain ranges on Colombian soil: the western, the eastern and the
• The most important cities that make up the Caribbean region of Colombia
are the following: Soledad, Barranquilla, Cartagena de Indias, Valledupar,
Riohacha, Santa Marta, Sincelejo and Montería, among others.
Caribbean region: Location and
• There are eight departments that make up the Caribbean region of Colombia.
These departments are the Atlántico, whose capital is Barranquilla; Bolívar,
whose capital is Cartagena de Indias; Córdoba, whose capital city is
Montería; and Magdalena, Santa Marta being the capital city.
• Also part of this region are the César departments, whose capital city is
Valledupar; La Guajira, whose capital is Riohacha; Sucre, whose capital is
Sincelejo; and the Urabá Antioquia.
• Several of the cities that make up the Caribbean region of Colombia are
among the most important in the country. Examples of this are the cities of
Santa Marta, which has about 400,000 inhabitants; Cartagena de Indias, with
almost 900,000 citizens; and Barranquilla, which is characterized by being
the fourth most populous city in Colombia and the first in the Caribbean
Caribbean region:
• Agriculture in the Caribbean region of
Colombia is characterized by the cultivation
of products such as bananas, cotton, corn,
and rice.
culture. • Vallenatos.
• Barranquilla Carnival.
Andean region:
Andean region: Location and
•In the Andean region are the main Colombian cities and
cultural regions as rich as Paisa, Santandereana,
Cundiboyacense, Vallecaucana, Opita and Pastuso.
Andean region: Location and
The economy of the Andean region of Colombia is based on
agriculture, livestock, mining and tourism. This region is
located in the central west of the country; It limits to the north
with the Caribbean region and with Venezuela, to the east
with the Orinoquía region, to the west with the Pacific region
and to the south with the Amazon region and Ecuador.
• coffee
• cattle raising
• sugar cane.
• Cocoa
• Mining
• Petroleum
• tourism
Andean region: A LITTLE
OF CULTURE(dances).
-sanjuanero and rajaleña
-contradance dance
This region of Colombia is characterized by
its cultural wealth. Its afro descent has
positioned it as a region of joy and flavor.