Prestressed Concrete: BY:-Dr. Mohd Ashraf Iqbal Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering, IIT, Roorkee
Prestressed Concrete: BY:-Dr. Mohd Ashraf Iqbal Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering, IIT, Roorkee
Prestressed Concrete: BY:-Dr. Mohd Ashraf Iqbal Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering, IIT, Roorkee
Dr. Mohd Ashraf Iqbal
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering,
IIT, Roorkee
A concrete in which
internal stresses of So that the stresses Are counteracted
suitable magnitude resulting from to a desired
and distribution are external loads degree.
In post-tensioning, the hardware used for transferring the post-
tensioning force from the tendon to the concrete in anchorage zone.
Post-tensioned construction in which the annular spaces around the
tendons are grouted after stressing, thereby bonding the tendon to
Strength of material below which not more than 5 percent of the test
results are expected to fall 6
The distance required at the end of a pre-tensioned tendon for
developing the maximum tendon stress by bond.
The stress which exists after substantially all losses have occurred.
The tension in the pre-stressing tendon corresponding to the state of
the final pre-stress
A method of pre-stressing concrete in which pre-stressing steel is
tensioned against the hardened concrete
A method of pre-stressing concrete in which the tendons are
tensioned before concreting 9
A material encasing a pre-stressing tendon to prevent bonding the
tendon with the surrounding concrete during concrete placement to
provide corrosion protection
The loss of stress in the pre-stressing steel resulting from the
shrinkage of the concrete 10
The stress in both the pre-stressing tendon and the concrete at the
stage when the pre-stressing tendon is released from the pre-stressing
A steel element, such as a wire, cable, bar, rod or strand, or a bundle
of such elements used to impart pre-stress to concrete when the
element is tensioned
The act of transferring the stress in pre-stressing tendons from the
jacks or pre-tensioning bed to the concrete member. 12
through bond between tendons and concrete
ducts or outside concrete section
11. Decrease in dead weight reduces the design loads and cost of
When the concrete attains sufficient strength, the high tensile wires
are tensioned by means of jack bearing on the end face of the
member and anchored by wedges or nuts
A rectangular concrete beam 250 mm wide and 600 mm deep, is prestressed by means of four
14 mm diameter high- tensile bars located 200mm from the soffit of the beam. If the effective
stress in wires is 700 N/mm2 , what is the maximum bending moment that can be applied to the
section without causing tension at the soffit of the beam ?
Solution :
Example problem 4
A prestressed concrete beam of section 200 mm wide by 300 mm deep is used over an effective span
of 6 m to support an imposed load of 4 KN/m. the density of concrete is 24 Kn/m 3.
At the centre of span of the beam , find the magnitude of :
a) The concentric prestressing force necessary for zero fibre stress at the soffit when the beam is
fully loaded
b) The eccentric pretressing force located 100 mm from bottom of the beam which would nullify
the bottom fibre stresses due to loading.
Solution :
At any given section the distribution of
stresses can be resolved into a single force
The locus of points of application of this
resultant force in the structure is termed
as ‘pressure or thrust line’
The concept is useful in understanding
load –carrying mechanism
Consider an eccentrically placed straight
cable profile concrete beam with UDL
Support section – no flexural stress , the
external loads, the pressure line coincides
with of centroid of steel
Centre span- pressure line has shifted
towards top fibre by (h/3)
Quarter span- the shift is correspondingly
smaller (h/4) ( moments are less)
Larger uniformly distributed load on beam
would result in pressure line shifts even
These observation lead to important
“ A change in external moments in elastic
range of PSC beam results in shift of
pressure line rather than increase in the
resultant force in beam”
This is in contrast to RCC
Basically the load carrying mechanism is
comprised of a constant force with a
changing lever-arm
However if prestress concrete is cracked ,
it behaves in a manner similar to that of
Internal resisting couple method
The pressure line concept can be used to evaluate the stresses
At any section of loaded prestressed beam Equillibriium is maintained ,
H=0 & M=0
When gravity loads are zero C & T lines coincide
Under transverse load , the C- line or centre of pressure or thrust line is
at a varying distance ‘a’ from T-line
M= Ca =Ta = Pa
The shift of pressure line e measured from the centroidal axis is
e’ = (a-e) = (M/P) –e
The resulting stress at top and bottom fibres
A prestressed concrete beam with rectangular section 120 mm wide by 300 mm deep
supports a uniformly distributed load of 4 KN/m , which includes the self – weight of the
beam. The effective span of the beam is 6 m. the beam is concentrically prestressed by a
cable carrying a force of 180 KN. Locate the position of pressure line in the beam
force P= 180 kN Eccentricity e = 0 A=36x 103 mm2
Zt = Zb = 18 x 105 mm3
Bending moment at the centre of the span
=(0.125x4x62)= l8 kNm
Direct stress = =5 N/mm2
Bending stress = =10 N/mm2
Resultant stresses at the centre of the span section:
At top = (5+ 10) = 15 N/mm2 (Compression)
At bottom = (5- 10) = -5 N/mm2 (Tension)
1f N= resultant thrust in the section
e = corresponding eccentricity
(shift of pressure line) then,
N/A +Ne/Z= 15
But N=180 x 103N
A =36x 103 mm2
e =100 mm
z=18 x 105 mm3
The resultant stress distribution diagram and
pressure-line location is shown in fig.
A prestressed concrete beam of section 120 mm wide by 300 mm deep is used over an effective span
of 6 m to support a uniformly distributed load of 4 kN/m, which includes the self-weight of the beam.
The beam is prestressed by a straight cable carrying a force of 180 kN and located at an eccentricity
of 50 mm. Determine the location of the thrust-line in the beam and plot its position at quarter and
central span sections.
P= l80kN
e = 50 mm
A = 36 x 103 mm2
Z= 18 x 105 mm3
Stresses due to prestressing force
Direct stress due to prestress = 5 N/mm2
Bending stress due to prestress = 5 N/mm2
Bending moment at the centre of the span = (0.125 x 4 x 62) = 18 kN m
Bending stresses at top and bottom = = ±10 N/mm2
stresses at the central section:
At top = (5—5+ l0)= 10 N/mm2
At bottom = (5+5— l0)= 0 N/mm2
Shift of pressure-line from cable-line = M/P = = 100mm
Bending moment at quarter span section = (3/32) qL2 = (3132) X 4 x 62
= 13.5 kNm
Bending stress at top and bottom= = 7.5 N/mm
Resultant stresses at the quarter span section:
At top = (5 - 5 + 7.5) = 7.5 N/mm2
At bottom = (5+5—7.5) = 2.5 N/mm2
Shift of pressure-line from cable-line M/P = =75mm
The location of pressure line is shown in Fig
A rectangular concrete beam 250 mm wide by 300 mm deep is prestresscd by a force of 540 kN at a
constant eccentricIty of 60 mm. The beam supports a concentrated load of 68 kN at the centre of a
span of 3 m. Determine the location of the pressure line al the centre, quarter span and support
sections of the beam. Neglect the self-weight of the beam.
P=540kN, A= ( 250x300 ) =75x103 mm2
e=60 mm Z= =375x104 mm3
At the centre of span: Mq = (0.25x68x3) =51 kN m
At the quarter span: Mq = (0.125x68x3)=25.5 kN m
Stresses due to prestressing force:
= 8.6 N/mm2
Stresses due to external loads:
At the centre of span = = 13.6 N/mm2
At the quarter of span = = 6.8 N/mm2
Distribution of stresses at centre and quarter span
Bending stress.=
If the pressure line passes through the upper kern at the section, stress at the bottom fibre
A rectangular concrete beam 300 mm wide and 800 mm deep supports two concentrated loads
of 20 kN each at the third point of a span of 9 m.
(a) Suggest a suitable cable profile. If the eccentricity of the cable profile is 100 mm for the
middle third portion of the beam, calculate the prestressing force required to balance the
bending effect of the concentrated loads (neglect the self-weight of the beam).
(b) For the same cable profile, find the effective force in the cable If the resultant stress due
to self-weight, imposed loads and prestressing force is zero at the bottom fibre of the mid-
span section.
(Assume Dc =24 kNIm3)
(a) A trapezoidal cable profile is selected since the bending moment diagram due to the two
concentrated loads is trapezoidal in shape.
Q=2OkN.e= 100 mm, L=9m Z=3 2 x 106 mm3,
P = Prestressing force
Total tensile stress at the bottom fibre (1.82 + 1.875) = 3.695 N/mm2
if P = required prestressing force in the cable.
e = 100mm
A =(300x800)=24x 10.mm2.
() = 3.695
=P[ ] = 3.695
P=507 kN
A prestressed concrete beam supports an imposed load of 4 kN/m over an effective span of
10m. The beam has a rectangular section with a width of 200 mm and depth of 600 mm. Find
the effective prestressing force in the cable if it is parabolic with an eccentricity of 100 mm
at the centre and zero at the ends. for the
following conditions:
(a) if the bending effect of the prestressing force is nullified by the imposed load for the
mid-span section (neglecting self weight of beam).
(b) if the resultant stress due to self-weight, imposed load and prestressing force is zero at
the soffit of the beam for the mid-span section (assume D =24 kN/ m3).
A = 12 x 104 mm2 e= 100 mm Z = 12 x 106 mm3 q=4 kN/m
Self-weight of the beam, g = (0.2 x 0.6 x 24) = 2.88 kN/m
(a) If P = prestressing force
P.e = (qL2/8)
P = = = 500kN
(b) Total load on beam = (2.88 + 4.00) = 6.88 kN/m
Bending moment at the centre of the span,
M=(0.125 x 6.88 x 102) = 86kNm
For the bottom fibre stress to be zero,
()= () () = () P= 430 KN
In prestressed concrete applications, most important variable is the
prestress. Prestress does not remain constant (reduces) with time.
Reduction of prestress is nothing but the loss in prestress.
1. When the tendons are cut and the prestressing force is transferred to the
member, concrete undergoes immediate shortening due to prestress.
2. Tendon also shortens by same amount, which leads to the loss of prestress.
Post-tensioned Members:
1. If there is only one tendon, there is no loss because the applied prestress is
recorded after the elastic shortening of the member.
2. For more than one tendon, if the tendons are stretched sequentially, there
is loss in a tendon during subsequent stretching of the other tendons.
Linear elastic relationship is used to calculate the strain from the
Quantification of the losses is explained below.
Δfp= mfc
For simplicity, the loss in all the tendons can be calculated based
on the stress in concrete at the level of CGS.
This simplification cannot be used when tendons are stretched
sequentially in a post-tensioned member.
In most Post-tensioning systems when the tendon force is transferred from
the jack to the anchoring ends, the friction wedges slip over a small
Anchorage block also moves before it settles on concrete.
Loss of prestress is due to the consequent reduction in the length of the
Certain quantity of prestress is released due to this slip of wire through
the anchorages.
Amount of slip depends on type of wedge and stress in the wire.
The magnitude of slip can be known from the tests or
from the patents of the anchorage system.
Loss of stress is caused by a definite total amount of
Percentage loss is higher for shorter members.
Due to setting of anchorage block, as the tendon shortens,
there develops a reverse friction.
Effect of anchorage slip is present up to a certain length,
called the setting length lset.
Anchorage loss can be accounted for at the site by over-extending the tendon
during prestressing operation by the amount of draw-in before anchoring.
Loss of prestress due to slip can be calculated:
P Es
where, = Slip of anchorage
L= Length of cable
A= Cross-sectional area of the cable
Es= Modulus of Elasticity of steel
P = Prestressing Force in the cable.
In Post-tensioned members, tendons are housed in ducts or sheaths.
If the profile of cable is linear, the loss will be due to straightening or
stretching of the cables called Wobble Effect.
If the profile is curved, there will be loss in stress due to friction
between tendon and the duct or between the tendons themselves.
Post-tensioned Members
• Friction is generated due to curvature of tendon, and vertical component
P0 Px
The value of k varies from 0.0015 to 0.0050 per meter length of the tendon depending on the type of tendon.
Creep of Concrete
Time-dependent increase of deformation under sustained load.
Due to creep, the prestress in tendons decreases with time.
Factors affecting creep and shrinkage of concrete
Applied Stress level
Density of concrete
Cement Content in concrete
Water-Cement Ratio
Relative Humidity and
For stress in concrete less than one-third of the
characteristic strength, the ultimate creep strain (εcr,ult)
is found to be proportional to the elastic strain (εel).
The ratio of the ultimate creep strain to the elastic
strain is defined as the ultimate creep coefficient or
simply creep coefficient, θ.
εcr,ult = θεel
IS: 1343 considers only the age of loading of the
prestressed concrete structure in calculating the
ultimate creep strain.
The loss in prestress (Δfp ) due to creep is given as follows.
Δfp = Ep εsh
The approximate value of shrinkage strain for design shall be assumed as follows
(IS 1383):
For pre-tensioning = 0.0003
Log 10(t 2)
For post-tensioning =
Where t = age of concrete at transfer in days.
Relaxation is the reduction in stress with time at constant strain.
decrease in the stress is due to the fact that some of the initial
elastic strain is transformed in to inelastic strain under constant
stress decreases according to the remaining elastic strain.
Factors effecting Relaxation :
• Time
• Initial stress
• Temperature and
• Type of steel.
P= 150kN
e = = = 50 mm
A = (100 x 300)= 3x 104 mm2
I = 225 X 106 mm4
ae = = 6
Initial stress in steel = = 800 N/mm2
Stress in concrete, fc = +
= 6.66 N/mm2
Loss of stress due to elastic deformation of concrete = ac . Fc
= (6 x 6.66) =40 N/mm2
Percentage loss of stress in steel= = 5%
A rectangular concrete beam, 300 mm deep and 200 mm wide, is prestressed by means of
fifteen 5 mm diameter wires located 65 mm from the bottom of the beam and three 5
mm wires, located 25 mm from the top of the beam. If the wires are initially tensioned to
a stress of 840 N/mm2, calculate the percentage loss of stress in steel immediately after
transfer, allowing for the loss of stress due lo elastic deformation of concrete only.
Es =210 kN/mm2
Ec= 31.5 kN/mm2
Position of the centroid of the wires from the soffit of the beam,
y= = 100 mm
Eccentricity e =(150- 100)= 50 mm
Area of concrete A = (200 x 300)= 6x 104 mm2
Second moment of area I = = 45 x 107 mm4
Prestressing force P= (840)(18 x 19.7)= 3 x 105N = 300kN
Stresses in concrete:
At the level of top wires = -
= 0.83 N/mm2
At the level of bottom wires = +
= 7.833 N/mm2
when cable 3 is tensioned and anchored, stress distribution al the levels of cable 1 and
cable 2 and the average stress and the loss of stress is obtained as follows.
A concrete beam of rectangular section. 100 mm wide and 300 mm deep is prestressed
by five wires of 7 mm diameter located at an eccentricity of 50mm, the initial stress in
the wires being 1200 N/mm2. Estimate the loss of stress in steel due to creep of
concrete using the ultimate creep strain method and the creep coefficient method (IS:
1343-1980). Use the following data:
Es=210 kN/mm2 Ec=35 kN/mm2 I=223 x 106 mm4 A =3 X 104
(a)30 m
(b)3 m.
Es=210 kN/mm2 Creep coefficient () =1.6 Ec =5700(fcu )1/2 fcu =42 N/mm2
6. The stresses in bonded prestressing
tendons, whether initially tensioned or
untensioned, and in additional
reinforcement are derived from the
representative stress-strain curve for
the type of steel used given by the
manufacturer or typical curves given in
fig. 3 for prestressing tendons and in IS
456 for reinforcement.
7. For design purposes, the partial safety
factor equal to 1.15 shall be applied.
In addition, the tendon will have an
initial prestrain due to prestress after Fig 3 Stress-Strain Curve for
all losses. Prestressing steel Wires
The deflection of a structure or part thereof shall not adversely affect the
appearance or functional requirements of the structure or finishes or partitions.
The deflection shall generally be limited to the following:
1. The final deflection, due to all loads including the effects of temperature,
creep and shrinkage and measured from the as-cast level of the supports of
floors, roofs and all other horizontal members, should not normally exceed
2. The deflection including the effects of temperature, creep and shrinkage
occurring after erection of partitions and the application of finishes should not
normally exceed span/ 350 or 20 mm whichever is less.
3. If finishes are to be applied to prestressed concrete members, the total upward
deflection should not exceed span/300, unless uniformity of camber between
adjacent units can be ensured.
Design of prestressed concrete
Minimum section modulus
Prestressed sections under the action of flexure should satisfy the
limits specified for permissible stresses at the stage of transfer of
prestress and at service loads.
Expressions for the minimum section moduli required to consider the
two critical combinations of prestress and moments. These com
binations are
1. The maximum prestressing force at transfer together with the
minimum moments sustained by the section, and
2. The minimum prestressing force after all losses in combination with
the maximum design moment for the serviceability limit state.
The prestressing force and the corresponding eccentricity are
developed using the four stress relationships established for
the two extreme fibres of the section as shown in Fig. 4.
At working load
Bottom fibres
From Eqs 1 and 3, we have,
where and are the ranges of stress at top and bottom fibres respectively
The design formulae for the required section moduli are expressed as
In cases where permanent dead loads in addition to the self-weight
acts on the member, these equations are modified and used in the
form given below
Theworking moment includes the effect of self-weight, permanent dead
load and live loads.
The minimum moment is due to the self-weight of the member or due to
the moments developed during the handling of the element.
The loss ratio (η) generally lies in the range of 0.75 to 0.80 for
pretensioned member and between 0.80 to 0.85 for post-tensioned
The size of the concrete section is influenced both by the applied or live
load moment and the minimum moment.
In the case of beams with large ratios of applied to minimum moments,
the cross-section is highly influenced by the applied moments and the self-
weight may be considered to be counteracted by the prestress.
When the minimum moment is of comparatively large magnitude, it can no
longer be completely counterbalanced by the prestressing force within the
Prestressing Force
The section selected is somewhat greater than the minimum
indicated by Eqs 5 or 6 and consequently the prestress can
lie between an upper and lower limit.
Any value of the prestress within these limits may be safely
used without exceeding the permissible stresses at the
extreme fibres.
The minimum prestressing force required will be obtained by
selecting the maximum tensile prestress, indicated by Eq. 1
at the top fibre.
The minimum compressive prestress, indicated by Eq. 4
corresponding to the bottom fibre.
Rearranging these equations,
Similarly, eliminating P from the equations, the corresponding maximum
eccentricity is given by