Const MGMT Intro
Const MGMT Intro
Const MGMT Intro
What is Construction Project Management?
Planning &
Organizing Staffin
Controlling &
Co-ordinating g
Project Constraints
•PANNING & DESIGN: After the initiation stage is performed, the project’s
WBS is designed in addition to all other project’s documents which are prepared
pre-construction. Occasionally, a prototype of the final project’s product is built
and tested.
•EXECUTION: This stage includes the actual procurement of the project’s set
plan or design.
•CLOSING & MAINTENANCE: The Closing includes handing the final product
over to the owner after the project is finished and the formal acceptance is signed
and published. The Maintenance, which is an ongoing process, includes the
correction of any errors have ever been made during the project’s execution.
The figure shown below describes the activity of work during the project lifecycle:
Project Resources
Any project’s resources can be classified as follows:
- Time
- Cost (Money)
- Labour (Man-power)
- Materials
- Equipment (Machines)
• In order to improve the application of any of the 4Ms (Money, Man-power, Materials,
and Machines), so that they become more efficient and productive and therefore finishing
the project on Time and at the required level of Quality, a control system of each resource
should be prepared. For example:
• To improve Man-power, (motivation, leadership, safety, productivity, and scheduling)
should be improved.
• To improve the application of Machines, (productivity, Scheduling, construction method,
and contracts) should be improved.
• To improve the use of Materials, (scheduling, quality, chemical, suitability, and
purchasing/hiring) should be improved.
• To improve the application of Money, (sources of funds, scheduling, estimating, and
cash-flow) should be improved.
Project Participants
Each project, whatever is its type or what kind of construction involves, requires the
participation of three main parties. These participants are the Owner, Engineer/Designer,
and Contract. The figure shown below displays the relationship between each of these
In addition to these main participants, there are other sub-players, such as Consultants,
Suppliers, Sub-contractors, and many others. They are working together under the role of
the Project Manager in order to deliver the project’s final product.
Types of Construction Projects