Ch2 Risk Analysis
Ch2 Risk Analysis
Ch2 Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis
The objective of a security program is to mitigate risks
Mitigating risks does not mean eliminating them; it means reducing them
to an acceptable level
Sources of actual losses, based on Verizon’s 2010 Data Breach Investigations Report
you need to make sure your security controls focus on the right threats
Example: the girlfriend exploit. This term, which was coined by early
attackers in the late 1980s, refers to a Trojan program planted by an
unsuspecting employee who runs a program provided by a trusted
friend from a storage device like a disk or USB stick, that plants a
back door (also known as trap door) inside the network. Since this
attack takes advantage of personal trust in the attacker, it can be very
Threat Sources and Targets
Security controls can be logically grouped into several categories:
• Virtual Controls that are triggered dynamically when certain circumstances arise
Security Controls for Different Threat Vectors
Types of Attacks
Manual attacks
Malicious Mobile Code
There are three generally recognized variants of malicious mobile
code: viruses, worms, and Trojans. In addition, many malware
programs have components that act like two or more of these types,
which are called hybrid threats or mixed threats.
The lifecycle of malicious mobile code looks like this:
1. Find
2. Exploit
3. Infect
4. Repeat
Unlike a human counterpart, malware doesn’t need to rest or eat. It just goes
on every second of every day churning out replication cycles. Automated
attacks are often very good at their exploit and only die down over time as
patches close holes and technology passes them by. But if given the chance
to spread, they will.
Most viruses infect files so that every time the host file is executed, the
virus is executed too.
A virus infection is simply another way of saying the virus made a copy of
itself (replicated) and placed its code in the host in such a way that it will
always be executed when the host is executed.
Viruses can infect program files, boot sectors, hard drive partition tables,
data files, memory, macro routines, and scripting files.
Anatomy of a Virus
The damage routine of a virus (or really of any malware program) is called the payload.
The vast majority of malicious program files do not carry a destructive payload beyond
the requisite replication. This means they aren’t intentionally designed by their creators
to cause damage. However, their very nature requires that they modify other files and
processes without appropriate authorization, and most end up causing program crashes
of one type or another.
Error-checking routines aren’t high on the priority list for most attackers.
At the very least, a “harmless” virus takes up CPU cycles and storage space. The
payload routine may be mischievous in nature, generating strange sounds, unusual
graphics, or pop-up text messages. One virus plays Yankee-Doodle Dandy on PC
speakers at 5 p.m. and admonishes workers to go home. Another randomly inserts
keystrokes, making the keyboard user think they’ve recently become more inaccurate at
Payloads can be intentionally destructive, deleting files, corrupting data, copying
confidential information, formatting hard drives, and removing security settings.
Some viruses are devious. Many send out random files from the user’s hard drive to
everyone in the user’s e-mail address list. Confidential financial statements and business
plans have been sent out to competitors by malware.
People’s illicit affairs have been revealed by a private interoffice love letter to a coworker
being sent to the spouse and all their relatives.
There are even viruses that infect spreadsheets, changing numeric zeros into letter O’s,
making the cell’s numeric contents become text and, consequently, have a value of zero.
The spreadsheet owner may think the spreadsheet is adding up the figures correctly, but the
hidden O will make column and row sums add up incorrectly. Some viruses randomly
change two bytes in a file every time the file is copied or opened. This slowly corrupts all
files on the hard drive, and many times has meant that all the tape backups contained only
infected, corrupted files, too. Viruses have been known to encrypt hard drive contents in
such a way that if you remove the virus, the files become unrecoverable.
Nonresident Virus: It is the virus that executes, does its damage, and terminates until
the next time it is executed.
Parasitic Virus: If the virus inserts itself into the host code, moving the original code
around so the host programming still remains and is executed after the virus code, the
virus is called a parasitic virus
Prepending Virus: Viruses that copy themselves to the beginning of the file are called
prepending viruses
Appending Virus: Viruses placing themselves at the end of a file are called
appending viruses.
Mid-infecting Virus: Viruses appearing in the middle of a host file are Called mid-
infecting viruses
For Each X In AddressLists
For 1 To AddressEntries.Count
If Z = 1 Then Address
Else End If
Subject = "Re: You g0tta see th1s!"
Body = "I can't believe I have these pictures."
Attachments.Add WScript.ScriptFullName
Trojan horse programs, or Trojans, work by posing as legitimate programs that
are activated by an unsuspecting user.
After execution, the Trojan may attempt to continue to pose as the other
legitimate program (such as a screensaver) while doing its malicious actions in
the background.
Many people are infected by Trojans for months and years without realizing it. If
the Trojan simply starts its malicious actions and doesn’t pretend to be a
legitimate program, it’s called a direct-action Trojan.
Direct-action Trojans don’t spread well because the victims notice the
compromise and are unlikely, or unable, to spread the program to other
unsuspecting users.