Pediatric Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Pediatric Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Pediatric Community-Acquired Pneumonia
• Inflammation of the
lung parenchyma
• leading infectious cause
of death globally
among children
younger than 5 year old
• Noninfectious causes: include aspiration (of food or gastric acid,
foreign bodies, hydrocarbons, and lipoid substances)
• Microorganisms
• Hypersensitivity reactions,
• Drug- or radiation-induced pneumonitis
ETIOLOGY: Infectious Causes
• Streptococcus pneumoniae
• most common bacterial pathogen in children 3 weeks to 4 years of age
• Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae
• Most frequent bacterial pathogens in children age 5 years and older
• Group A streptococcus
• Staphylococcus aureus
• Often complicates an illness caused by influenza viruses.
• Viral pathogens are the most common causes of lower respiratory
tract infections in infants and children older than 1 month but
younger than 5 years of age.
• Respiratory syncytial virus and rhinoviruses
• - Most Common identified especially in children younger than 2 yr of age.
PATHOGENESIS: Viral pneumonia
Group A streptococcus
• typically results in more diffuse lung involvement with interstitial
• necrosis of tracheobronchial mucosa; formation of large amounts of
exudate, edema, and local hemorrhage, with extension into the
interalveolar septa; and involvement of lymphatic vessels with frequent
pleural involvement
PATHOGENESIS: Bacterial pneumonia
S. aureus
• confluent bronchopneumonia unilateral and characterized by the
presence of extensive areas of hemorrhagic necrosis and irregular
areas of cavitation of the lung parenchyma
• resulting in pneumatoceles, empyema, and, at times,
bronchopulmonary fistulas
PATHOGENESIS: Recurrent Pneumonia
• Defined as 2 or
more episodes in a
single year or 3 or
more episodes
ever, with
clearing between
• An underlying
disorder should be
considered if a
child experiences
Clinical Manifestation
• Pneumonia is frequently preceded by several days of symptoms of an
upper respiratory tract infection, typically rhinitis and cough.
• In viral pneumonia fever is present but lower than bacterial
• Tachypnea is the most consistent clinical manifestation of pneumonia.
• Increased work of breathing accompanied by intercostal, subcostal,
and suprasternal retractions, nasal flaring, and use of accessory
muscles is common.
Clinical Manifestation
• Severe infection may be accompanied by cyanosis and lethargy,
especially in infants.
• Auscultation of the chest may reveal crackles and wheezing, but it is
often difficult to localize the source of these adventitious sounds in
very young children with hyperresonant chests.
• In many children, splinting on the affected side to minimize pleuritic
pain and improve ventilation is noted; such children may lie on one
side with the knees drawn up to the chest.
Clinical Manifestation
• Early in the course of illness, diminished breath sounds, scattered crackles,
and rhonchi are commonly heard over the affected lung field
• With the development of increasing consolidation or complications of
pneumonia such as pleural effusion or empyema, dullness on percussion is
noted and breath sounds may be diminished
• A lag in respiratory excursion often occurs on the affected side
• Abdominal distention may be prominent because of gastric dilation from
swallowed air or ileus
• The liver may seem enlarged because of downward displacement of the
diaphragm secondary to hyperinflation of the lungs or superimposed
congestive heart failure
Clinical Manifestation
• In infants, there may be a prodrome of upper respiratory tract
infection and poor feeding, leading to the abrupt onset of fever,
restlessness, apprehension, and respiratory distress.
• These infants typically appear ill, with respiratory distress manifested
as grunting; nasal flaring; retractions of the supraclavicular,
intercostal, and subcostal areas; tachypnea; tachycardia; air hunger;
and often cyanosis
• Some infants with bacterial pneumonia may have associated
gastrointestinal disturbances characterized by vomiting, anorexia,
diarrhea, and abdominal distention secondary to a paralytic ileus.
1. A patient may be classified as pCAP A, B, C or D within 48 hours
after consultation based on the following risk classification for
pneumonia-related mortality
2. A patient initially classifed as pCAP A or B but is not responding to
current treatment after 48 hours may be admitted
3. A patient classified as pCAP C
1. May be admitted to the regular ward
2. Managed initially on an outpatient basis if all of the following are not
present at initial site-of-care
• Age less than 2 years old.
• Convulsion.
• Chest x-ray with effusion, lung abscess, air leak or multilobar consolidation.
• Oxygen saturation < 95% at room air.
4. A patient classified as pCAP D may be admitted to a critical care unit
• An infiltrate supports the diagnosis of pneumonia
• Pnuemococcal pneumonia:
• Confluent lobar consolidation is typically seen
of the lungs with
bilateral fine air
space disease and
streaks of
density, indicating
the presence of
both pneumonia
and atelectasis.
• Repeat CXR are not required for proof of cure for patients with
uncomplicated pneumonia.
• Culture of sputum
• is of little value in the diagnosis of pneumonia in young children
1. For pCAP C and pCAP D, the following diagnostic aids may be requested at initial site-of-care.
• Oxygen saturation using pulse oximetry
• Arterial blood gas
• C-reactive protein
• Procalcitonin [PCT]
• Chest x-ray PA-lateral
• White blood cell [WBC]
• Chest x-ray PA-lateral
• Chest ultrasound
• Gram stain and/or aerobic culture and sensitivity of sputum, nasopharyngeal aspirate and/or pleural fluid,
and/or blood for pCAP C with lung abscess, empyema or pneumothorax
• Gram stain and/or aerobic culture and sensitivity of sputum, tracheal aspirate and/or pleural fluid, for
pCAP D Anaerobic culture and sensitivity of sputum, nasopharyngeal aspirate, pleural fluid, and/or blood
culture and sensitivity for pCAP C with lung abscess, empyema or pneumothorax pCAP D
1. For pCAP C and pCAP D, the following diagnostic aids may be requested at initial site-of-care.
• pH in arterial blood gas for metabolic acidosis
• Serum sodium for hyponatremia
• Serum potassium for hypokalemia
• Predictive marker for mortality: pH in arterial blood gas for metabolic acidosis
• Predictive marker for initial treatment failure: Pulse oximetry for oxygen saturation less than 90% at room
air, chest x-ray PA-lateral for pleural effusion or consolidation, or WBC for leukocytosis or leukopenia
• Blood culture for bacteremia, serum hemoglobin for anemia, or serum glucose for hypoglycemia
• Predictive marker for prolonged hospitalization or pneumatocoele formation: Lung ultrasound showing
impaired perfusion and hypoechoic lesions
2. For pCAP D, a referral to a specialist may be done for additional diagnostic tests
3. For uncomplicated pCAP C, the following may not be requested.
• Blood culture
• CRP as marker for risk of treatment failure or prolonged hospitalization
TX – bacterial pneumonia
• Amoxicillin
• For mildly ill children who do not require hospitalization
• With the emergence of penicillin-resistant pneumococci, high doses of
amoxicillin (80-90 mg/kg/24 hr) should be prescribed unless local data
indicate a low prevalence of resistance.
• Therapeutic alternatives include: cefuroxime axetil and
TX – bacterial pneumonia
• Macrolide antibiotic (ex: azithromycin)
• For school-age children and in children in whom infection with M.
pneumoniae or C. pneumoniae
• alternative is fluoroquinolone (levofloxacin, moxifloxacin) in adolescents
TX – bacterial pneumonia
• ampicillin or penicillin G.
• In areas without substantial high-level penicillin resistance among S.
pneumoniae, children who are fully immunized against H. influenzae type b
and S. pneumoniae and are not severely ill
TX – bacterial pneumonia
• ceftriaxone or cefotaxime
• For children who do not meet these criteria
• vancomycin or clindamycin
• If clinical features suggest staphylococcal pneumonia (pneumatoceles,
TX – viral pneumonia
• it is reasonable to withhold antibiotic therapy, especially for those
patients who are mildly ill, have clinical evidence suggesting viral
infection, and are in no respiratory distress.
TX – viral pneumonia
• 30% of patients with known viral infection, particularly influenza
viruses, may have coexisting bacterial pathogens.
• deterioration in clinical status should signal the possibility of
superimposed bacterial infection, and antibiotic therapy should be
TX – viral pneumonia
• antibiotics should generally be continued until the patient has been
afebrile for 72 hr
• the total duration should not be less than 10 days (or 5 days if
azithromycin is used).
• The mainstays of therapy include antibiotic therapy and drainage with tube