Chapter 17 Intacc Post Employment Benefit
Chapter 17 Intacc Post Employment Benefit
Chapter 17 Intacc Post Employment Benefit
PAS 19, paragraph 120, provides that an entity shall recognize the following
components of defined benefit cost.
1. Service cost which comprises:
The service cost and net interest are included in profit or loss as component
of employee benefit expense.
PAS 19R encourages but does not require an entity to involve a qualified
actuary in the measurement of a defined benefit obligation.
Actuarial Valuation Method
• The projected unit credit method, sometimes known as the accrued
benefit method, shall be used in determining the present value of the
defined benefit obligation and the related current service cost.
• This method sees each period of service as giving rise to an additional unit
of benefit entitlement and measures each unit separately to build up the
final obligation.
Illustration- Projected unit credit method
An employer pays lump sum to employees when they retire. The lump sum is
equal to 5% of their salary in the final year of service, for every year of
service. The following data pertain to a certain employee:
The future value of 1 at 8% fro 4 years subsequent to 2020 is 1.3605. Thus, the
final salary is P200,000 multiplied by 1.3605 or P272,100.
But the next issue is how much current service cost shall be recognized each
The “current service cost is equal to the present value of the future benefit
using the 10% discount rate. In this case the present value of 1 factor is
Otherwise stated, current service cost is the cost to an entity under a defined
benefit plan for service rendered by employees in the current year.
The discount rate of 12% is used in computing both interest expense and
interest income.