GD Express Carrier VS Pos Malaysian Berhad
GD Express Carrier VS Pos Malaysian Berhad
GD Express Carrier VS Pos Malaysian Berhad
Prepared By :
Rosemary Er 2018634932
Dulcia David 2018885338
Prepared To :
Dr. Alice Wong Su Chu
GD Express Carrier Berhad
GDEX Express is a Malaysian Investment Holding Net profit fell 26% to RM4.76mil compared
Company. with RM6.47mil a year ago. Revenue
increased 11% to RM83mil on increased
It is an Online Shipping Platform, powered by GD demand in both business-to-business (B2B)
Express to enhance our customers’ delivery experience. and business-to-consumer (B2C) segments.
To Deliver the Most Trusted and Professional Express Carrier Services in the
Mission Countries We Operate
GD Express Carrier Berhad
Organizational Chart
Lee Kah Hin (Executive Director / Chief Investment Officer), Lim Chee Seong (Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer), Teong Teck
Lean (Managing Director/Group Chief Executive Officer), Dato' Capt. Ahmad Sufian (Chairman)
Liew Heng Heng (Independent Non-Executive Director), Adi Arman bin Abu Osman (Independent Non-Executive Director),
Low Ngai Yuen (Independent Non-Executive Director), Lai Tak Loi (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director),
Chua Khing Seng (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director )
GD Express Carrier Berhad
GDEX has two core businesses which is: the delivery of conventional consignments for
direct customers and logistics solutions for corporate customers
There are 3 (three) types of policy in GDEX : Quality Policy, Environmental Policy and
Whistleblowing Policy
Their performances on operations delivering of reliable and high quality service make
them to become the one of most fastest growing express delivering in Malaysia
GD Express Carrier Berhad
GD Express Carrier Berhad
cost of each product is dependent on the weight Gdex Prepaid is one of the content material provide a unsatisfactory services which is
of the product, size and location of the buyer. Gdex in their online promotion . among :-
Gdex is also promoting their service through • when item does not arrived, GD Express
these variables of media social. does not pickup call.
• didn't friendly with customer
refers to the date and time that a shipment is customer can download consignment notes provide a delivery platform that is reliable,
expected to be delivered at the final destination. by their own and send to any branch of secure and affordable which is the same
GDEX at the drop of point or just walk in to target and services by Pos Malaysia Berhad
some areas may take a relatively long delivery their office.
time and this delay of delivery occurs in some
remote areas.
GD Express Carrier Berhad
my/business/business- news/2019/11/19/gdex-
ic/4203961/all q1-profit-slides-26