Oracle Ebusiness Suite - Release 12 Financials Point of View and Upgrade Solutions Pack
Oracle Ebusiness Suite - Release 12 Financials Point of View and Upgrade Solutions Pack
Oracle Ebusiness Suite - Release 12 Financials Point of View and Upgrade Solutions Pack
Arjun Katyal
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Release 12 (R12) Oracle EBS Global Business Release Financials Point of View Section 1
- Document Summary
- New Release launch summary
- SWOT analysis
R12 Financials Overview - R12 Global Finance Architecture Overview and Value Map Section 3
Section 1 –
Release 12 (R12) Oracle EBS Global Business Release
Financials Point of View
Document Summary
This document currently focuses on Oracle Financials part of the eBusiness suite and helps
practitioners and clients to jointly evaluate the new Oracle release fit/gap to business. This POV
focuses helps the following client types who:
– have specific business requirements that are not met by currently implemented release or have
developed customizations to support it
– have specific business requirements that are met by 3 rd party products
– are de-supported on their current release and need to be up to date with the Oracle footprint
The document is divided into various sections:
– discusses R12 launch summary
– understanding and our position on the release of R12 financials
Impact and the need for Assessment
– provides a step wise assessment approach towards an effective upgrade decision
– key considerations impacting people, process and technology changes for an effective decision
Functionality Overview and Value Map
– delivers a mid to high level overview of key functionality and architecture changes of financials
applications. Subsequently, this maps to business Enterprise value drivers per our EVM
Diagnostic Tool
– This section details listing of functionality changes by module, maps it to EVM. Clients can map
their respective requirements in this tool leading to decision towards adopting R12
Upgrade Methodology and Approach
– This section details key phases, activities and deliverables per phase for R12 upgrade. It also
provides supporting information regarding important architecture change decisions during upgrade -
Multiple Vs. Single Instance and Upgrade vs. Re-implement
New Release Launch Summary
Oracle Corporation in early 2007 launched the new Release 12 for Oracle eBusiness Suite
of Applications. This is being referred to as a major global release that benefits global
companies and shared services environments. This Global Financial Architecture Includes
- 2350 new capabilities specific to industry and cross industry
- 12 new modules and several new Localization and Globalization features
- This release also includes 300 plus financial applications features
Revenues Financial
IPM – Document Mgt.
Fixed Assets
Reporting Performance
Cash and Treasury Management
Data Warehouse
and Calculation
Legacy Applications Engines
Business Analytics
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weakness
R12 provides a new level of strength to the Oracle Most applications are still Oracle Form based, and will
footprint in the midsize to large scale global business need to go through change in the migration to Fusion
Major application architecture makeover with the Financials.
introduction of ledger architecture, sub-ledger The Corporate Performance Management suite
applications is new and promising, however, evolving
accounting, and multi-org access control
compared to niche products in the market. Oracle has
Attractive value proposition for large global clients with overlapping acquired applications e.g. FCH, EPB vs.
process improvement opportunities in financial Hyperion.
operations, and reporting, such as business process Oracle has made a decision towards OBIEE,
outsourcing and or shared service operations however, there is lack of integration towards core
Improved compliance with regulatory requirements in applications.
reporting, data access control, and audit Not fully compliant to XBRL for SEC filling
R12 better supports new regulatory changes such as requirements
IFRS and dual reporting requirements via SLA and The audit and controls application ICM/GRC have yet
to be proven products
Opportunities Threats
Lay the foundation for Fusion, as R12 Financials are Challenge by competitors and niche products in mid-
likely to be basis for Fusion financials. market customers as Oracle focuses mainly on large
Continued improvements in the path to R12 and global clients but still getting there
integration towards acquired applications Challenge of integrating acquired products with
Third-party products that are certified with Oracle existing products, for example, integrating Hyperion
applications need to be upgraded with Siebel Analytics with ERP. Other specific
industry solutions
Niche acquired industry solutions need to be
integrated No proven budgeting and planning solution available
as part of Oracle EBS
Section 2 –
Release 12 Launch - Deciding what to do?
Deloitte’s Assessment Approach
Organization Impact and need for Assessment
This R12 launch and its stated direction of delivering a Release for mid to large scale global companies
based on Service-Oriented-Architecture will affect all current customers that use any of Oracle’s current
product offerings. This impact is cross organization, people, process and technology.
s ur
Accounting and y
Financial Reporting
Pe d D
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tr an
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C isk
It is critical to assess whether a business organization should upgrade now or defer. Deloitte has
developed an assessment approach comprising of key high level considerations, assessment
questionnaire (section 5) supported by a value map (section 3) and R12 feature functionality diagnostic
tool (section 4). This successfully supports an organization to determine the appropriate decision path.
Develop Fusion
Assess Current Evaluate New Define
(next release)
Situation Release Options Future State
Deloitte’s R12 Assessment Approach will help Organizations Assess
Key phases of the assessment and scope:
Release 12 Global Business Release - Deciding what to do?
Considerations along multiple dimensions guide a client’s decision to a new application release
Benefits Costs Risks
People People People
- Improved User Interface - Training/Change Management - Expected gap between current and
- Support Shared services - Employees desired skill levels for enhanced
Process - Consulting to support functionality and new modules
- Process improvements due to development if in-house team - Change Management
enhanced features and new cannot support upgrade Process
applications Process - Due to skill availability the time to
- Improved Compliance & Control – - Cost Benefit towards manual, leverage the benefits of the product
new regulations e.g. IFRS workaround vs. new may be slower
Technology Technology - Does this change cause disruption to
- Potential replacement - Implementation Costs current business environment
opportunities for existing custom - Software licenses Technology
objects - Hardware upgrades - Even though release is out couple of
- Increased integration with - Third-party upgrades to support years, still being proven
enhanced auditability and control integration/best of breed as - Behavior of customizations/
- Maintain existing customizations applicable extensions with changed architecture
vs. adapt new one’s out of the - Are third-party products compliant to
box the new release
- Potential consolidation of multiple - System performance and scalability
instances to single – Lower cost
of ownership
Upgrade/enhance to Best of Breed* or
* On decision to Upgrade, please refer to Section 5 for high level Upgrade methodology and approach
- 10 -
Section 3 –
R12 Global Financials Functionality Overview
and Value Map
- 11 -
Oracle EBS Global Business R12 Financials Overview – Global
Financial Architecture
New Ledger Set design supports global and shared services
environments – provides flexibility and faster period close
Global Consolidation capabilities with Financial
Consolidation Hub enhances consolidation across
organizations as also legacy GL platforms – promotes faster
close, business can still exist on multiple legacy platforms Ledger and
and consolidate financial information Ledger Sets
The new Sub Ledger Architecture provides a centralized
sub ledger accounting model and enhances integration to
GL. It allows to capture various sub ledger attributes there
by enhancing drill down, smoother reconciliation and Dr Cr Subledger
reporting capabilities. It allows for multi GAAP Accounting (SLA)
representations accounting in GL. Finally, it also allows to
integrate with Legacy non Oracle sub ledger platforms.
Access and Operate across operating units with enhanced % Inter
Multi-organization capabilities Engine Company Bank
A single global tax engine for all applications providing Model
integration to third-party tax engine such as Vertex and Tax
ware. Tax organizations can report on tax requirements form
one source
New Payments and Bank Modules allows payment across Multi-
operating units. This allows treasury groups to manage Org
payments across business and units and be in control of the Access
cash forecast. Control Inventory Receivables Projects
New Loan application allows to manage complete lending
Enhanced Business Intelligence KPI’s and Dashboards Work in Process Purchasing Payables
- 12 -
R12 Global Business Release – Global Financial Architecture
Revenues Financial
IPM – Document Mgt.
Fixed Assets
Reporting Performance
Cash and Treasury Management
Data Warehouse
and Calculation
Legacy Applications Engines
Business Analytics
- 13 -
Ledger Sets – Global Information At A Glance
Chart of Accounts
Ledger Set Calendar
Ledger C
Ledger A Ledger B
French Rules US GAAP US COA
Plan US COA US Calendar
Comptable US Calendar USD
French EUR
Ledger D
US Calendar
Reporting Currency
- 14 -
R12: General Ledger
Governance and
Process Efficiency Flexible Accounting Process Efficiency Flexible Reporting
Multiple Ledgers: Single Ledger Sets: Ability to Data Access Sets: Use Advanced Global Enhanced Reporting:
sub ledger transaction can assign selected ledgers to new Management segment Intercompany System Can now perform
create multiple accounting ledger sets can provide designation and new ability (AGIS): Replacing GIS, consolidation reporting in
representations and in management reporting to specify Read Only or R12’s Advanced Global Ledger Sets, Global
multiple currencies. While across business areas. Read/Write access for Intercompany System Consolidation System,
Key R12 transaction currencies are Ledger sets can be enhanced security and uses a web UI, Web ADI, Daily Business Intelligence
Functionality maintained in the sub comprised of any ledgers controls. and online reconciliation (DBI), or Financial
ledger, both accounting that share the same chart reporting. Consolidation Hub (FCH).
currency and reporting of accounts and calendar. Also have multi
currency can be dimensional reporting
maintained in the Ledgers. graphs, row/column UI, or
Value Map: Financial Value Map: Business Value Map: Governance, Value Map: Financial Value Map: Business
Management, consolidate Management, improve improve/implement internal Management, improve Performance
and/or align financial alignment of organization control frameworks and financial reporting Management, increase
accounting and analysis structures and governance policies. efficiency emphasis on continuous,
functions. models with business Improved security and Address the top barrier to proactive performance
Transaction entry into strategies. controls framework assists a fast close-- enhanced management.
Business Benefits multiple reporting ledgers Decision driving with Sarbanes-Oxley and approval rules, sub ledger With > 60 dashboards,
of Functionality allows quick financial and information is always internal risk issues. Ability invoicing, security model, >370 KPIs, and >940
management review of available. and as ledgers to assign ledgers or ledger and centrally defined inter Intelligence reports R12
both local and corporate can be assigned to sets eliminates need to log company accounts greatly greatly assists proactive
financial results. multiple ledger sets, a into and out of different speeds up close cycle and forward looking
matrix of ledger sets of books. ability to report fiscal management of the
assignments can be reporting. business.
designed to both improve
statutory and management
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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MOAC: Multi-Org Access Control Role based access to
Operating Units
Functional Tasks
Belgium Holland Denmark
Legal Entity Legal Entity Legal Entity Order Management
Dunning, Collections, Billing
Requisition, Demand and
Purchase Orders
Belgium Holland Denmark Receiving and Drop Ship
Operating Unit Operating Unit Operating Unit Invoice Receipt,
Single Responsibility Customer Data Management
Accounting Setup
Value Map: Equipment and System, Utilize more flexible expandable IT systems
IT, Telecom and Networking, Implement integrated applications across organizational boundaries.
Improve Efficiency: Easily access sales orders from different operating units. Improve Shared Services operations and
reduce processing times.
Business Benefits
Provide more information for decision making: Global consolidated view of sales data across operating units.
of Functionality
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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R12 Global Business Release – Global Financial Architecture
Revenues Financial
IPM – Document Mgt.
Fixed Assets
Reporting Performance
Cash and Treasury Management
Data Warehouse
and Calculation
Legacy Applications Engines
Business Analytics
Centralized Processing
Subledger Accounting
Tax Engine
Bank Model
- 17 -
Subledger Accounting
Centralized Rules, Common Repository: Global Control
Ledger A
What it is Some Benefits
Centralized Rule based Faster, Easier Reconciliation
French Rules engine, tool set and Corporate Rules =
Plan Comptable repository Accounting Standardization
French Common Data Model Local Rules = Improved
Subledger Balancing Local Compliance
Calendar Records Subledger detail Automate “Apples to Apples”
EUR with drill down from Adjustments
Reporting and GL Improved Audit- ability
Data Model facilitates Improved Internal Control
Dr Cr auditability and reconciliation
Multiple Representations
Subledger (IFRS, GAAP, TAX)
Accounting Common Posting to GL
Real time or Periodic
Payables Invoice
- 18 -
Financial Accounting Hub Overview
General Ledger
Information Delivery
Analytical Criteria Transaction Lifecycle Flows
And Reporting
Accounting Services (Processing)
Accounting Services (Processing)
Validations Journal Creation
Transaction Objects
Financial Services
Journals Analytical Balances
Analytics (OFSA)
Credit Cards Balances
Inquiries Reporting
Oracle FDM
Applications. FDM
- 19 -
Multiple Accounting Representations
Global Compliance – Statutory and Stock Market
Management Version in a Management Ledger Set
Ledger A Ledger B
Ledger Set
or US
Note: SLA is FAH (Financial Accounting Hub). FAH (separate licensed product) provides
Payables Invoice capability
capability to
to integrate
integrate with
with non-oracle
non-oracle sub
sub ledgers.
- 20 -
Centralized Global Tax
Less Complex Global Tax Compliance
- 21 -
Advanced Global Intercompany System Address the Top Barrier to a
Fast Close
Advanced Global
Web UI System
Invoices and
/API Generate subledger invoices Online
Control transaction entry with Reconciliation
Intercompany Calendar Reporting
Fully Configurable Approval Rules
Flexible Security Model
Centrally defined Intercompany
Accounts Publisher
Dr Cr
General Subledger
Ledger Accounting Receivables Payables
- 22 -
Bank Model: Pay Invoices From Different Operating Units With One
OU C Single
Payment Bank Payments
Sub Ledger
- 23 -
R12 Global Business Release – Global Financial Architecture
Global Finance Architecture
Reporting Capabilities &
Legacy / Sub-ledger Decision support
IPM – Document Mgt.
Fixed Assets
Reporting Performance
Cash and Treasury Management
Data Warehouse
Enterprise Tax Profitability
Planning, Forecasting GAAP, STAT, IFRS
and Calculation
Legacy Applications Engines
Business Analytics
- 24 -
R12 Global Business Release – Over 300 new Financial Features
- 25 -
R12 O2C: Order Management
Continuously Improve Continuously Improve Improve Compliance, Improve Security, Reduce
Usability Usability Reduce Admin Cost Risk
Recurring Charges: View Enhanced Cascading: Quick Customer Acceptance: Credit Card Security Code
charge periodicity for Codes indicate the list of customers can communicate and Encryption: New field
recurring charges. View totals attributes to be cascaded. they’ve “accepted” the goods for the CCS code in OM
for recurring charges and Ability to enable/disable and services sold to them. Forms. Real time validations
one-time charges. attributes. Profile determines Invoicing is performed only for security code field during
Key R12 Telecoms Equipment: Allow cascading behavior. when the customer receives order entry and validations for
Functionality ordering of tangible items Exception Mgt.: Retry and accepts the goods. CCS code correctness during
(phones, modems) when workflow activities in batch, At shipping, deferred COGS card authorization.
ordering telecoms services. as multiple lines affected by is debited. As revenue is Sensitive data encrypted and
Payment due with order: errors. Mass Scheduling: recognized, corresponding % stored in a centralized model.
Invoice one-time charges Enhanced flexibility provides of deferred COGS moves to
immediately and defer other support for scheduling, re- real COGS.
payments to the future. scheduling & un-scheduling
actions in batch mode.
Value Map: Marketing and Value Map: Account Value Map: Order fulfilment Value Map: Sales, improve
Sales, improve effectiveness Management, maintain and billing, improve invoicing field sales and telesales
of marketing, advertising and competitive functionality/ and billing processes. processes.
sales. value. Invoice not raised and Reduce incidence of credit
Business Benefits of Distinguish between recurring Enhanced cascading adds revenue is not recognized card frauds during “card-not-
Functionality charges and one-time greater entry flexibility when until customer accepts the present” transactions.
charges. View totals processing orders and goods. Reduces the number Increase security for
separately and allow reduces manual updates of of manual adjustments in GL. customers and merchants
customers to order shippable multiple lines. trading over the internet.
items while ordering services. Exception Management Credit card information no
Apply discounts to one-time reduces admin costs and longer stored locally in
and/or recurring charges improves transaction applications.
separately. recovery.
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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R12: Accounts Receivable
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Flexible Reporting Flexible Accounting
Revenue Management Enhanced Late Charges 1.AP/AR Netting: Receivables Reconciliation Multi-Org Access Control:
Enhancements: New, Functionality: Standard or Automated matching of open Enhancements: Enhanced With the implementation of
configurable accounting rules, created Late charge policies receivables and open reporting to reconcile Shared Services operating
deferral reasons, can be can be assigned to customer payables. Receivables to the General model, data and business
defined for receivables accounts or account sites. Ledger using one flexible transactions will be accessed,
Key R12 Functionality transactions and Flexible policy configurations report that automatically processed and reported by
corresponding revenue include multiple interest compares account activity by multiple operating units within
recognition events to calculation formulas, GL account. a single applications
determine the treatment of transaction and account responsibility.
revenue allocations for partial balance thresholds, and
periods or event based currency-level rate setups.
business practices.
Value Map: Financial Value Map: Financial Management, improve collection Value Map: Financial Value Map: Operational
Management, improve processes and management of receivables processes. Management, improve Excellence, improve access to
account management and Automatic calculation and application of late charges with receivables and payables and distribution of business
sales performance methods flexible policies, help companies to assess amount to be efficiency; improved information. Financial
and tools, optimize management of Management, improve
Business Benefits of collected correctly.
accounting methods and debt/delinquent accounts and financial reporting to quickly
Functionality selection of accounting improved assessment match your transactional data
periods. /benchmarking of AP/AR to your accounting data. It is
Improved methods to performance. easier to catch errors with the
automatically calculate and exception reporting that
It is easier to determine who
allocate revenue, recognize it suggests potential reconciling
has a greater balance
partially in the correct period. items.
outstanding and update
books, collect payments and
make payments accordingly.
Release 12
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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R12: Advanced Collections
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency
Multi-Org Access Control: Improved Payment Processing Territory Management for Migration of AR Collections
Ability to access multiple and Customer Funds Capture: Collections: Oracle Territory functionality to Advanced
operating units within a single New payment formatting and Management functionality to Collections: Visibility to
application responsibility. This end-to-end payment processing support the creation and use of workbench data is migrated to
Key R12 Functionality allows for improved process available. Customer credit card collections territory hierarchy. Advanced Collections.
efficiencies as transaction and or bank account info masked to Collectors can then be assigned
data processing can be secure sensitive data. to customers within defined
performed for multiple operating territories.
units by a single individual.
Value Map: Improve total Value Map: Improve Value Map: Differentiate Value Map: Improve focus on
customer experience, improve billing/collections processes treatment of internal controls and regulatory
management of credit risk Efficient update of customer customers/segments compliance
across business units, information within single module Collection territories can be Improved SOX compliance
standardise receivables process
Business Benefits of contributing to increased defined independent of sales through segregation of Collector
Functionality Providing staff with a better view productivity. Improved data territories thereby improving the and AR clerk functionality.
of customer information security surrounding sensitive management of customer to Consolidation of collections
improves the overall customer customer data. collector ownership. functionality and automated
experience and helps to collections management
streamline the collections processes improve collector
processes across business productivity and reduce DSO.
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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R12: iReceivables
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency
Multi-Org Access control: Ability to create and view Ability for customers to review Enhanced user self-service
Allows for complete view of hierarchical paying party relationships: Customers registration. Standardised user
relationships: have access to review those registration and role access
customer data across business
units from an internal Supports pay within and pay relationships created in the process. Provide the
Receivables Trading Community functionality for an administrator
perspective, while maintaining below paying relationships.
Key R12 Functionality Architecture Relationship to register users (in addition to
operating unit security to limit Hierarchy is configurable from
customer access to sensitive customer perspective allowing Manager. the self-registration and request
data. different payment groups to be additional access features that
created via online application. are available currently).
Value Map: Increase use of Value Map: Consolidate billing Value Map: Improve overall Value Map: Improve emphasis
lower-cost billing channels; Co- operations; Refine credit customer experience; Improve on ease of service
ordinate management of strategy understanding of overall Providing customers with
receivables across business Allowing customers to directly customer profitability additional support during the
manage their related accounts registration process encourages
Providing customers with access reduces internal processing Enable customers to establish increased use of the self-service
Business Benefits of total organization spend with
to online account data reduces overhead. Transparency of application. Dedicated
Functionality suppliers. Internally accessible
the cost structure of billings and customer account information administrative support reduces
collections. Multi-Org access contributes to an accurate credit total organisation sales the overhead on central systems
information. Reduced overhead
allows for company-wide strategy. support functions.
associated with dealing with
customer data to be viewed
customer queries. Improved
accuracy of party relationship
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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R12: iProcurement
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency
Enhanced catalogue Content Security Advanced approvals Requestor Directed Confirm receipt
agreement management: Enhancements: capability: Parallel Procurement: Change enhancements:
Online authoring means Catalogue content can be approvals allow several order requests are sent Notifications are sent to
that catalogue partitioned into Local approvers to be notified directly to the requestor’s the requestor when unpaid
administrators and Content Zones and made simultaneously. Can be set approval hierarchy. invoices are matched to
Key R12 suppliers can update accessible to specific up within an approval Tolerances can be set to purchase orders in AP.
Functionality catalogue content. Buyers responsibilities and group or for individuals determine when a buyer’s Invoice information is
view a difference summary operating units approval is required included to allow
to monitor updates requestors to make
intelligent receiving
Value Map: Partnership Value Map: Procurement, Value Map: Agility and Value Map: Procurement, Value Map: Relationship
and Collaboration, provide staff with better Flexibility, improve improve assignment of Strength, improve value
increase emphasis on product and service flexibility of transactions to appropriate delivered to vendors
operational integration with information. Procurement, staff
business processes Timely payments improve
partners. Procurement, improve assignment of
Increases efficiency of supplier relationships and
consolidate procurement transactions to appropriate Parallel approvals speed
Business Benefits up approval processes and buyer role by removal of increase discount eligibility
functions and workforce staff
of Functionality efficiency increase the flexibility of time consuming tasks
Inclusion and Exclusion approval routes
Reduce the buying rules provide more control
organization overhead in over catalogue content
catalogue management and access
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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R12: Purchasing
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency
Supplier scorecard PO status tracking and Automation of the Enhancements including E-Business tax: Global
provides a quantitative Change Order acquisition of complex parallel approvals, system architecture
measure of relevant and Management services: Integrated supplier account self- configurable and scalable
reliable supplier enhancements allow solution allowing users to maintenance and routing for adding country specific
Key R12 performance from suppliers to track the track and report progress change requests to tax content. Offers a single
Functionality aggregated data to KPIs status of their PO through based on a payment requestors reduce time interface for tax setup and
the order lifecycle and schedule and track consuming tasks for third-party integration
initiate change requests commitment costs against buyers
across multiple orders in a a project
single transaction
Value Map: Program Value Map: Partnership Value Map: Partnership Value Map: Procurement, Value Map: Business
Delivery, improve and Collaboration, and Collaboration, consolidate procurement Assets, improve
management of service increase emphasis on increase emphasis on functions and workforce coordination of
providers. Partnership and operational integration with operational integration with efficiency. Procurement, operational, investment,
Collaboration, increase partners. Relationship partners. Strategic Assets, improve assignment of financial, and tax
Business Benefits understanding of partner Strength, improve value develop and leverage transactions to appropriate strategies across business
of Functionality strengths and weaknesses delivered to vendors strong partner staff units
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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R12: Payables (1)
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Improve Tax Efficiency Process Efficiency
Multi-Org Access Enhanced Asset Payment Requests: New Self Assessed Tax: Self Service Invoice
Control: Enter, process, Tracking: Additions of invoice type for payments Automatic calculation and Entry: PO Matching by
view, and report on data lines into invoice model to to non-supplier payees. accounting for taxes which receipt, non-PO invoice
for an unlimited number of capture additional data Request for payment can are not levied, but which processing, complex
operating units from a e.g. item number, warranty be made without requiring need to be accounted for. service procurement
Key R12 single responsibility. number. Addition of asset supplier, PO or standard Improved fiscal discipline terms, manage tax page,
Functionality Operating unit security is book and category fields. invoice. Payables and maintenance of audit internal employee
preserved such that Asset info. From PO now managers can ensure trail for tax amounts and responsibility and real time
companies can effectively flows seamlessly through supplier data integrity the invoices they tie back creation of invoice
implement security and AP to FA. to. requests
shared services at the
same time.
Value Map: IT, Telecom Value Map: Financial Value Map: Equipment Value Map: Financial Value Map: Equipment
and Networking, Management, improve and Systems, utilize more Management, improve tax and Systems, utilize more
Implement integrated asset management efficient IT systems. management processes efficient IT systems.
applications across processes. Equipment and Human Resources,
organizational boundaries. Systems, utilize more increase employee self-
efficient IT systems. Payables transparency, Controlled manual override service.
Business Benefits visibility and control over to streamline invoice
of Functionality items for payment processing while providing
processing. correct accounting and Streamlined invoice
reporting of tax. processing, increased
payables dept. efficiency,
broader usage and
expanded audience
Release 12
Oracle 11i
Oracle 11i
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R12: Payables (2)
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency
Deferred Recoverability: Accurate reporting and Complex Work: An integrated solution to automate
accounting of pending recoverable tax amounts. Automatic acquisition of complex services from source through to
accrual of recoverable tax amounts on payment payment e.g. Professional Services, Engineering and
Key R12 Functionality Construction, Aerospace and Defence
Value Map: Financial Management, improve tax Value Map: Procurement, improve service procurement
management processes processes.
Business Benefits of •Improved fiscal discipline, global readiness, streamlined Strengthened financial discipline and corporate governance;
Functionality operations and lower cost reduced compliance costs.
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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R12: Payments
Improve Security,
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Flexible Reporting
Reduce Risk
Flexible Validation Model: Secure Payment Data Improved Electronic Advanced Formatting
Upstream and downstream Repository: Common Transmission Capability: Framework: XML Publisher
validation increases straight repository of supplier and Central payments engine. and a library of templates.
Key R12 Functionality through processing efficiency. customer data in a central Reduced complexity of Increased flexibility and lower
Users can add new rules and location. payment transmission by cost of ownership as changes
validation timings can be consolidating previous can be made with standard
altered. multiple solutions. text editors by non-technical
Value Map: Financial Value Map: Operational Value Map: Accounts Value Map: Operational
Management, improve AP Excellence, improve security Payable, rationalise/ Excellence, improve access
disbursement process and of applications, systems and consolidate vendor portfolio. to and distribution of business
decrease cost of payment data. Coordinate management of information. Financial
Business Benefits of
corrections by implementing payables across business Management, improve
an automated validation units. financial reporting efficiency.
system Centralized encryption
management and masking Agility and Flexibility, improve
control. Improved data flexibility and versatility of IT
Reduces the cost and effort security systems and platforms
to resolve problems found
after payments have been
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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R12: iExpenses (1)
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Flexible Reporting Flexible Accounting
Bar Coding: Bar codes Manager Approvals: Cash Advances: Accurate Expense Reporting Expense Allocations: GL
are generated and Enhanced integration with assignment and better Export: Payables and Project allocations
displayed on confirmation AME, Projects and OGA. management of advances. personnel can get including splitting
pages – allows payables Parallel approvals and FYI Preparers can apply immediate feedback on expenses. Account
personnel to scan to check notifications. Enforce advances to expense errors, successes and validation prior to approval
Key R12
in and query. proper approval authority reports, review payment prepayment applications. submission or via
for expenses allocated to info and determine if they workflow. Streamlined
multiple cost centres. must reimburse the entry and approval –
Users can view approval employer. increase employee
chains/status for expense satisfaction. Increased
reports accuracy and flexible
Value Map: Human Value Map: Governance, Value Map: Value Map: Operational Value Map: Agility and
Resources, improve improve internal control Excellence, improve Flexibility, improve
payroll processes. frameworks and policies. access to and distribution flexibility and versatility of
Managers can review of business information. IT systems and platforms
Human Resources, advances and payables
increase employee self- Financial Management,
Improved payables personnel can review and improve financial reporting
Business Benefits personnel productivity and service. Business update efficiency. Increased flexibility and
of Functionality improved expense report Performance enhanced employee
visibility Management, improve experience
assignment of Easier to use, better and
accountability and more accessible
authority. information and stronger
Release 12
Oracle 11i
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R12: iExpenses (2)
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Flexible Accounting
Contact Us: Configurable Audit Enhancements: Global Per Diem Enhanced Details/Itemization
contact link to create service Enhanced user interface - task Enhancements: Enforce Entry (OIE.K): Enhanced user
request, navigate to help desk oriented tabs, receipts layout statutory requirements, improved experience. Tie receipts to
url, open e-mail with default with corresponding itemizations user experience and elimination expenses easily and enable
Key R12 Functionality address or open pre-formatted and drill down to expense of errors. Support for multiple itemization for payables
page to capture info. Provides details. Payables staff can destination rules and deductions. personnel. Itemize receipts and
flexible configuration and review/adjust advances, audit Enhanced setup and entry. enter expense details on a single
enhanced user experience. expense reports, modify page.
Easier/controlled access to help allocations and correct errors.
Value Map: IT, Telecom and Value Map: Financial Value Map: Financial Value Map: Human Resources,
Networking, improve end-user Management, improve audit and Management, improve audit and improve salary and benefits
support and administration compliance management compliance management administration
processes. processes. processes. processes/increase employee
Business Benefits of self-service.
Human Resources, improve Human Resources, improve
salary and benefits salary and benefits
administration administration
processes/increase employee processes/increase employee
self-service. self-service.
Release 12
Oracle 11i
- 36 -
R12: Fixed Assets
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Flexible Reporting Flexible Accounting
Automatic Depreciation Automatic preparation of Enhanced Mass Reporting using XML Uptake of Subledger
Rollback: Depreciation is Mass Additions: New Additions for Legacy publisher: XML Publisher Accounting Architecture:
rolled back automatically program “Prepare Mass Conversions: New uses familiar desktop tools Previously accounting
by the system when any Additions” avoids manual attributes added to the such as Microsoft Word records were not created
transaction is performed intervention by Mass Additions interface and Adobe Acrobat to until after depreciation had
Key R12
on an asset if depreciation automatically populating table - Asset life, define report layouts. run. The Subledger
for the period has been required fields such as Depreciation method, Accounting upgrade will
processed and the period Expense Account, Asset Prorate convention, Bonus create these lines
is not closed. Category etc. rule Ceiling name, immediately.
Depreciation limit etc.
Value Map: Financial Value Map: Operational Value Map: Financial Value Map: Operational Value Map: Financial
Management, improve Excellence, establish Management, improve Excellence, improve Management, improve
asset management process improvement and asset management access to and distribution asset management
processes. Equipment and innovation as key processes. Equipment and of business information. processes. Equipment and
Systems, utilize more competencies. Systems, utilize more Financial Management, Systems, Utilize more
efficient IT systems. Increased automation of efficient IT systems. improve financial reporting efficient IT systems.
Business Benefits Automated depreciation mass addition process Improved migration of efficiency. Accounting lines and
of Functionality rollback greatly speeds up improves accuracy of legacy data or integration Improved flexible reporting transactions are available
post depreciation, run asset additions data and of asset data from capability. Users can for users to view
adjustments to asset allows for faster month end acquired companies. design their reports in a immediately.
register and period close. familiar environment
reporting capabilities. without installing and
learning a whole new
Release 12 12
Oracle 11i
- 37 -
R12: Project Costing and Billing
Business Mgmt Business Mgmt Marketing Oppt Account Mgmt Flexible Reporting
Project Scorecard: Define Project Portfolio Customers at Top Task Invoice Types at Top Daily Business
how a project scores Analysis: Automate the Level: Customers can now Task Level: Invoice Intelligence for Projects:
against a configurable process of defining be defined at the top task Methods can now be Quickly assess the
hierarchy of strategic investment criteria, level rather than the defined at the top task summary level financial
Key R12 investment criteria. analyze current and project level. level. You can specify and operational metrics of
Functionality proposed projects against multiple invoice methods your projects, pinpoint
these criteria, and for a project by overriding issues, and drill down to
compare multiple what-if the project level invoice specific project
scenarios of groups of method by top task. performance and resource
projects. details.
Value Map: Business Value Map: Business Value Map: Product and Value Map: Account Value Map: Program
Planning, improve Planning, improve focus of Service Innovation, Management, improve Delivery, increase focus on
coordination of company resources on improve reuse of product account management realization of targeted
operational, investment,, high priority initiatives. and service components. strategies. Agility and business benefits.
and financial strategies Business Performance Cross-sell/Up-sell, improve Flexibility, improve Program Delivery,
across business units. Management, increase identification of cross- flexibility of business increase focus on project
Use criteria such as emphasis on continuous, sell/up-sell opportunities. processes. quality and risk
Business Benefits
proactive management of management.
of Functionality Support for Market If all the customers or a Invoice customers with
Objectives, Ability to investment portfolios. project are not known up different methods such as Have visibility to full life
Reduce Operating Costs, Align your portfolio of front or change over time, fixed price and time and cycle performance– from
Contribution to projects and programs with you can add more materials within the same identified opportunities, to
Competitive Advantage, your organizational customers on the project project. resource utilization, to
Contribution to Improved objectives by identifying by associating them with profitability analysis.
Customer Satisfaction, and the best scenario of new top tasks. Review revenue, cost,
other areas to score projects to pursue. margin, and schedule to
projected project benefits. track project status, risks,
and profitability.
Release 12
Oracle 11i
- 38 -
R12: Cash Management (1)
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Flexible Reporting Flexible Accounting Flexible Accounting
New Bank Account Bank Account Cash Pooling: This Bank Account Bank Statement Bank Accounts Interest
Model: New internal bank Transfers: This feature functionality supports Balances: Flexible Accounting: This feature Calculation: the system
account model is more allows users to create common cash pooling reporting tools are allows users to define allows the user to verify
flexible that a single bank various types of cash techniques by allowing available to view all flexible mapping rules that interest amounts charged
account can serve multi transfers between internal users to group bank centrally stored bank can automatically create or credited by their banks
Key R12 operating units by granting bank accounts manually accounts, into different account balance history and reconcile transactions based on balance history
Functionality access through single or automatically through types of pooling structures for trend analysis as well in Oracle Cash and user-defined interest
access. Owner and physical cash pools. and by managing the as to compare actual Management based on rate schedules.
signing authorities of the associated activity for versus expected reported prior day
bank account can also be either centralized or balances based on daily
bank statement lines.
defined. decentralized business cash position projections.
Value Map: Financial Value Map: Financial Value Map: Financial Value Map: Operational Value Map: Value Map: Financial
Management, improve Management, improve Management, improve Excellence and Financial Financial Management; Management; improve
account management. collection processes and receivables and payables Management, improve improve cash and treasury cash and treasury
Operational Excellence, management of efficiency; improved access to and distribution management practices, management practices,
improved shared Services receivables processes. management, of business information, improve debt and equity
improve debt and equity
Business efficiency through Ability to issue one
By consolidating balances improve financial management, improve
management. Treasury
Benefits of improved data and payment instruction to the and minimizing idle funds, reporting to quickly accounting and transactions are easier to
Functionality process management. bank for payments of organizations may match your transactional measurement processes. mange through automatic
Single access point for all invoices in multiple decrease external data to your accounting Easier and more accurate calculation of interests for
internal bank accounts. operating units will give borrowing costs and data. It is easier to catch bank accounts debts/equity.
Users can enter, maintain, greater flexibility to users. increase overall errors with the exception reconciliation.
reporting that suggests
and report on those investment returns.
potential reconciling
people in their
organizations with bank
account signing authority.
Release 12
Oracle 11i
- 39 -
R12: Cash Management (2)
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency
Single Access Point for Bank Account Balances and Bank Account Transfers: This Cash Pooling: This functionality
internal bank account Interest Calculations: Many functionality previously available previously available only in
management: Set up, new bank account balance types only in Oracle Treasury is now Oracle Treasury is now available
maintenance and control of all are supported for all internal available in Cash Management. in Cash Management. Users can
bank accounts is easier and bank accounts including ledger, Users can now record transfers now group bank accounts into
Key R12 Functionality more reliable with explicit access available, value dated, one day between internal bank accounts different types of pooling
for each application (Payables, float, two day float and in Cash Management. structures, including self initiated
Receivables, Payroll Cash projected. physical cash pools, bank
management and Treasury). initiated physical cash pools
Management is now migrated to (ZBA’s), and notional cash
Cash Management. pools.
Value Map: Financial Value Map: Financial Value Map: Financial Value Map: Financial
Management, improve bank Management, improve financial Management, improve cash Management, improve cash
account management reporting efficiency. management processes. management processes.
Users are able to track closing Users can generate the transfers Users can define and manage
Operational Excellence, improve ledger and available balances as between internal bank accounts these types of structures and
Business Benefits of management and control over well as month to date and year either manually or automatically create and reconcile all the
Functionality bank accounts with explicit to date average balances. through the use of physical cash related sweep transactions using
access for internal security and Flexible reporting tools are pools. a reported prior day bank
control. available to view balance history statement activity file.
A single Legal Entity is granted and trend analysis. Cash pools spanning multiple
ownership and one or more legal entities and requiring the
organizations are granted tracking of internal loans and
access. interest can be handled through
Oracle Treasury.
Release 12
Oracle 11i
- 40 -
R12: Treasury
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Flexible Reporting Process Efficiency
Foreign Exchange Hedge Automatic bond rate Bank Account Update Inter Account Transfer Cash Pooling Across
Effectiveness and resetting: Floating rates Program: Users can make Enhancements: Users Legal Entities: Oracle
Accounting under IAS 39 for bonds can now be mass updates to expected are able to track not only Treasury allows inclusion
and FAS 133: Improved
reset based on benchmark settlement accounts in the the effective transfer date of the transfers created by
FX hedging of Payables
and Receivables. rates like LIBOR similar to future for long term but also the date when the physical cash pool
Automatic calculation of existing functionality for investments or debt transfer was arranged. activities into intercompany
Key R12 Wholesale Term Money instruments with cash DFF’s have been added at loans so that the balances
the retrospective
Functionality effectiveness of the and Interest Rate Swaps. flows scheduled many the IAC transfer level to and interest can be
hedging. Can be scheduled or run years into the future. capture extended tracked between internal
on an ad hoc basis. information for reporting parties (aka “In House
purposes and IAC Banking”).
transfers can also be
included in the transfer
validation process.
Value Map: Financial Value Map: Operational Value Map: Operational Value Map: Financial Value Map: Financial
Management, improve Excellence, establish Excellence, establish Management, improve Management, improve
hedging effectiveness process improvement and process improvement and cash management cash management
management processes. innovation as key innovation as key processes. processes.
competencies. competencies.
Users can design their Users can have physical
Includes allocation of the
Business Benefits Increased automation of Increased automation of reports to use the cash pools created in
effective and ineffective the rate adjustment the transaction settlement additional information Treasury rather than Cash
of Functionality portions of thru revaluation process improves process improves the available. Users can now Management to maintain
amounts with proper
accuracy of rate change efficiency of the settlement validate transfer running loan balances
accounting entry data and the efficiency of process. transactions as well as between internal parties
generation. rate change process. other transactions. and interest rate structures
used to calculate interest
and expense.
Release 12
Oracle 11i
- 41 -
Oracle Retek Integration with BPEL
Outbound Data
Merchandising • Invoice Matching: credit notes, debit memos, Payable
• Sales Audit: daily sales, cash and deposits
E-Business Financials
Invoice • Stock Ledger: Inventory and sales data
Matching Ledger
Inbound Data
Sales Audit • Accounts Payable: suppliers, partners, Receivable
addresses, freight and payment terms
• Cash Management: currency rates
• General Ledger: accounts
Stock Ledger Cash
- 42 -
R12 Global Business Release – Global Financial Architecture
IPM – Document Mgt.
Fixed Assets
Reporting Performance
Cash and Treasury Management
Data Warehouse
Enterprise Tax Profitability
Planning, Forecasting GAAP, STAT, IFRS
and Calculation
Legacy Applications Engines
Business Analytics
Business Intelligence
Performance Management
Profitability Management
XML Publisher
- 43 -
Global Visibility – Daily Business Intelligence
11i.9 (DBI v6) 11i.10 (DBI v7.0 and 7.1) 12 (DBI v8)
Dashboards 33 54 >60
Daily Business Intelligence for Financials – Introduction of new reporting dashboards, KPIs:
Receivables and Collections Management,
Profit and Loss Analysis,
Expense Analysis, and
Funds Management.
Payable Management
DBI for Compliance 8.0 is a new product releasing on the DBI framework. This release focuses on financial statement certification dashboard. DBI
for Compliance has a new Financial Statement Certification dashboard, which provides an overview of the company’s financial and process
certifications. Here are some features:
Financial Statement Certification Dashboard
Significant Account Evaluation Result and Summary
Organization Certification Result and Summary
Process Certification Result and Summary
List Reports
Compliance Environment Change
View Significant Account Details and drill down
Manage Closing Performance Findings and Remediation
- 44 -
Global Visibility and Integration
Financial Consolidation Hub (FCH)
FCH integrates data from disparate financial systems to perform statutory and
management consolidation.
Data Consolidation
Oracle EBS and Validation
PeopleSoft E
JD Edwards E1 Financial Report
Consolidation Generation
Legacy Apps
FCH Enterprise View – creates a companies financial position by integrating multiple subsidiaries from a variety of countries, disparate systems,
ownership structures, charts of accounts, and currencies.
Dynamic Ownership Structures: Tracks acquisitions and disposals updating the consolidation hierarchy and intercompany relationships.
Complex Calculations and Eliminations Handled: Supports complex ownerships and automatically applies the proper consolidation and
elimination methods.
Internal Controls Manager Integration: FCH is fully integrated with Oracle Internal Controls Manager which allows companies to document, test,
monitor, and certify ongoing compliance with SOX legislations.
Excel Add-in: provides a excel spreadsheet interface while maintaining a live link to the consolidated results.
- 45 -
Release 12: Financial Consolidation Hub
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Improve Transparency Improve Control Flexible Reporting
Single Click Support for Complex Dashboard Control: Integration with ICM: BI Publisher: Multiple
Consolidations: Workflow Ownership Structures: Control, monitor and drill Audit entries from seeded report formats for BI
driven consolidation with Entity hierarchies provide down on consolidation consolidation at all stages publisher which can be
single step kick-off support for split ownership steps through a single and provide visible extended
Key R12 Step Consolidations: Multi with date effective features dashboard certification using ICM OLAP Reporting Using
Functionality tier consolidations can be Integrated Management Drill Through to Ledger Improved Subsidiary Analytics: Being in EPF
achieved with easy reruns Consolidation: Support for Transaction Data: Allows Control: Bring together data model, all CPM data
and history maintenance management drill through of results all subsidiaries and affiliates can be easily leveraged in
Data Submission: Ease of consolidations on an the way to transaction level in a consistent and rational an OLAL tool
multi platform submission additional dimension of the data in GL way while providing them Excel Add-In: Provides
using Web ADI integrators code block autonomy to submit their easy to use ad-hoc reporting
and open interfaces own consolidations tool
Value Map: Operational Value Map: Agility and Value Map: Financial Value Map: Financial Value Map: Operational
Excellence, establish Flexibility, improve flexibility Management, integrated Management, standardize Excellence, improve access
process improvement and of systems provide enhanced financial processes and to and distribution of
innovation as key business processes transparency improve control business information.
Business competencies. Financial Management
Benefits of Improved process control Provide autonomy to
Easier creation of additional improve reporting efficiency
Functionality Increased automation of through dashboard and subsidiaries for their
hierarchies provide support
consolidation process for complex structures and transparency of results at consolidation while Improved flexible reporting
improves accuracy and allow easier what-if analysis each step all the way to maintaining visibility and capability. Users can design
allows for faster month end on both legal and journal data in GL control from corporate their reports in a familiar
close. environment without
management dimensions
installing and learning a
whole new toolset.
Release 12
Oracle 11i
Oracle 11i
- 46 -
Global View of Profitability – Profitability Manager (PFT)
Increase Understand
Customer Sources of
Retention Profitability
Integration: PFT is integrated to Oracle Performance Analyzer and Oracle Activity Based Management.
Transaction Costing: calculation greatly reducing the time and effort required to integrate rates from external
Multi-Dimensional Activities and Cost Objects: allows true multi-dimensional analysis and reporting.
Customer Profitability: incorporates all cost data, with the related revenue data to segment customers and households
into different profitability rankings for reporting and analysis.
- 47 -
R12: Reporting and Solution Architecture
Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Process Efficiency Flexible Reporting Flexible Accounting
Flexible Architecture: Ledger Sets and Multi Org Data Hubs: Centralized Oracle’s Analytics and Integrated Accounting:
Developed to meet Access: management of data and Reporting Solutions: Accounting centralised via
requirements of global Multiple Ledger sets can be processes: Oracle’s reporting solution Subledger Accounting (SLA)
business and Shared Service set up per legal entity. Trading Community composed of three layers of Financial Services Accounting
Centres Architecture (TCA) software: BI Analytic Hub provides transformation
Key R12 Multiple Organisations Access applications
Functionality of information from disparate
Integrated Applications Control allows responsibilities Financial Services
Business Intelligence tools systems. Creates and stores
enabled by integration to be assigned to one or many Banks
rules for transformation of
repository and common data operating units Data warehousing platform
Payments accounting data. Loads
transformation into the Oracle
•Value Map: Financial Value Map: Operational Value Map: Financial Value Map: Operational Value Map: Financial
Management, improve asset Excellence, establish process Management, improve asset Excellence, improve access to Management, improve asset
management processes. improvement and innovation management processes. and distribution of business management processes.
Equipment and Systems, as key competencies. Equipment and Systems, information. Financial Equipment and Systems,
utilize more efficient IT Ledger Sets and MOAC. utilize more efficient IT Management, improve Utilize more efficient IT
systems. systems. financial reporting efficiency. systems.
Business Benefits of Deliver local compliance and
R12 on the upgrade path to global corporate view. Customer Hub based on TCA OBI Enterprise Edition Provides detailed and
Functionality Fusion, model provides end-user facing summary transaction detail
Increase the efficiency of
Configure don’t customise shared services and single All bank accounts defined and components, providing adhoc Holds journal definitions,
analysis, dashboards, high-
Integrated Applications work database operations tracked in one place enables configuration of
end reporting and alerts information stored with
together without incremental Centralised Payments
Shared Service Centre Integration to Oracle journals
cost. Reporting and processes improved. Used in disembursement engine
transaction system use the eBusiness suite and external Rules to process accounting
conjunction with securing Financial Services Accounting data sources
same data events from external systems
subledger detail, users only Hub is a repository for
see data they are authorised accounting representations can be stored
to view and subledger detail
Release 12
Oracle 11i
- 49 -
Section 4 –
R12 Diagnostic Tool
- 50 -
R12 Diagnostic Tool
The diagnostic tool helps clients map business requirements to R12 functionality. This tool
also provides business benefit measurement per Deloitte’s Enterprise Value Map and
subsequently clients can derive a decision to adopt R12
O racle E BS
R12 Upgrade
Value Map T M
Practical paths to increase shareholder value
H ow Valu e is C reat ed
(V alu e D river s)
I mp r ove
Im p rov e I m p rov e I m pr ov e I m pr ov e I m pr ov e Im p ro ve I mp r ove Im p rov e
R et ain and G row C ur rent L ev erag e Inc om e- L ogi sti cs & Se r vic e Im p ro v e
A c qui re N e w C ust om ers Str en gthe n Pr ici ng C u sto m er Int erac tion C or por at e/Sh ar ed S er vice s D e ve lopm en t & P rod uctio n In com e T ax PP& E Inv en tor y R ec eiva bles & Pa yab les M a na gem e nt & G over n anc e
C ust om e rs G en era ting A sse ts E ffic ien cy E ffi c ie nc y E ffi ci e n cy P rovi sio n E ffi ci e n cy E ffic ie n c y E ffi ci e nc y E ffi ci e nc y Ef fect ive ne ss Exe cu tio n C ap ab ili ti es
E ff ic ie n cy
W hat Yo u C an D o
(I m pro vem ent Le vers: Bu sin ess P rocesses ,
A ss et s an d O rgan izat io na l C ap ab ilities)
P rod u c t & D em an d & C ust om e r O rde r P ro c ur em e n t W o rk in A c c o u nts , A cc o u nts, B u sin e ss
M a rk e tin g & A c c o u nt C r o ss-S e ll / C a sh /A sse t Pr ic e M a rk e tin g & IT , T ele c o m & H um an B u sin e ss F in a nc ia l Pr o d uc t L og i st i cs & Se rv ic e In co m e T ax R e a l E sta te & E qui p m e nt & Fi n ish e d N o te s & N o te s & B u sin e ss P ro g ra m O pe r at i ona l P a rtn e rs hi p & R e l at io ns hip A g il ity & S tra te g i c
S a le s S e rvi c e M a na ge m en t Up - Se ll R e te n tio n M a n ag e m e nt S u pp ly O pt im iz a t io n A d v ert isin g Sa le s S e rv ic e & F ulf i ll m e n t & N e tw o rk in g R e a l E st a te R e so u rc es
( Exc lu ding P r o du ctio n
M a na ge m e n t M a n ag e m en t De v e lo p me nt M a te r ia ls P rod u c tion D i st ri b ut io n M e rc h a nd i si n g D e liv e ry M a n a ge m e n t Inf rast ru c tur e S ys te m s G o o ds P ro c e ss & In te res t Int e re st G ov e rn an c e P la nn i n g D el i ve ry P e rf orm a n c e E x ce l le n c e C o ll a b o ra t io n Str e ngt h Fl e x ib ili ty As se ts
M a te r ia ls &
I nn ov a ti on M a na g e me n t S up po r t B i llin g R a w M at e ri a ls M a na ge m e n t
M e rc h an dise ) R e c e iv a bl e Pa y ab l e
Im pl em e nt integ rat ed C on s ol idat e a n d/or C o n soli da te a nd /o r In c re as e em pha s is o n Im p ro ve c o or din a tio n In c rea s e em p ha s is o n Inc re as e em p has is E s tabli s h a c u ltu re Inc re as e foc us o n
In c re a s e foc us o n Inc re as e fo c us o n In cr ea s e foc u s on In c r eas e f oc u s on In c rea s e em p ha s is o n R a tion al iz e an d/or R a tion a liz e ta rg eted R a tion al iz e an d/or D iffe ren ti ate trea tm e nt C o ns o lid ate or M an a ge p roc u rem e n t al ign b u si nes s a lign fi na nc ia l R a tion al iz e an d /o r R a tio nal iz e and/ or R a ti ona liz e and /o r R atio nal iz e a nd/or R atio na liz e a nd/o r R a tion al iz e an d/or R atio nal iz e a nd /or R ation a liz e a nd /o r R a tion al iz e an d/or R a ti ona liz e a nd /o r S treng then c or po ra te o f o p era ti on a l, in v e s t- e nter p ri se -w i de In c rea s e fo cu s o n In c rea s e foc u s on
C h an ge W h at Yo u D o hi gh-v alue /h ig h-
po te ntia l c u st om e rs
B ro ad en p ro du c t a nd
s e rv ic e offe rin gs h ig h-v a lu e /h ig h-
p oten ti al c us to m er s
hi gh -v a lu e/h igh -
poten tia l cu s to m er s
hi gh -v alu e /hi gh-
po te ntia l c us tom e rs
g en er ati ng r ev en u e
fro m c om p any a s se ts
A c qu ir e c om pe titor s r efo cu s p rod u ct a nd
s erv ic e p or tfoli os
R at io na liz e targ e te d
c u s tom e r s e gm en ts
m ar k ets a n d cu s tom er
s eg m e nts
re foc u s pr od uc t an d
s erv ic e por tfo lios
of c us to m er s /
se g m en ts
ap pl ic a tio ns ac ro ss
or ga ni za ti on al
C on so lid ate c o m pa ny
r ea l e s ta te/fa ci li ties outs o urc e re c rui tm e nt
fu nc tion s
on a na tio na l/gl ob al
ba s is
pl an ning ,
m a nag em e nt a nd
p la nnin g,
m a na gem ent an d
re fo cu s p ro du ct a nd
s erv i ce por tfo lios
re foc us pro du c t
po rtfolio
re fo c us pro du c t
p or tfo li o
refoc us pro duc t
po rtfo lio
r ef oc us pro duc t
po rtfo lio
r efo cu s s er vi c es
o ffe re d
p er m a nen tl y lo w er in g
th e c om p an y 's r efoc us p ro duc t an d
s erv ic e po rtfol io s
re fo c us pro du c t a nd
s er vi c e po rtfo lio s
re fo cu s prod uc t
por tfol io
re fo c us pro du c t
po r tfo li o
R e fi ne c re di t/d a ys -
re c ei vab le s tra te gy
R e fine d ay s -
o uts tan ding s tra te g y
g ov e rnan c e s tr uc tu res
( c omp os ition, s ele c tion ,
m ent , fi na n cia l, M & A,
a nd t ax s tra te gie s
p rog ra m p la nn ing an d
c olla bo rativ e p ro gra m
o n c on tin u ou s ,
p ro ac ti ve pe rfor m -
c e ntere d o n
o per ation a l
pa rtn er sh ip , m e rg er
an d ac q uis i tio n s ta ke h ol der
re la ti on s hi ps
bu s ines s a gi li ty a nd
fl ex ib il ity
In cr ea s e f oc us on
s tra te gi c as s et s
bo un d aries e ffe c tiv e tax ra te r oles , etc .) a nc e m a na ge m en t e x c el le nc e op po rtu niti es
r epor ting fu nc ti on s re p ortin g fu nc tion s a c ros s b us ine s s u n its d el iv er y
- W h at y ou p ro v id e Inc re as e fo c us o n In c rea s e foc us on In c rea s e em p ha s is o n In c rea s e u s e of low e r- C on so lid ate or C o ns o lid ate or Im pro v e al ig nm e nt o f C o n soli da te a nd /o r Inc re as e e m ph as is on R efin e an d/or alig n In c rea s e em p ha s is o n In te g rate tax op po r- Inc re as e e m p has is on C o ordi na te C o or dina te Im pr o ve c o m m un i- Im p ro ve a li gnm e nt of E s tabli s h pro c es s Es tab lis h Im p ro ve i de ntific at ion E s ta bl ish
In c re a s e foc us o n In cr ea s e foc u s on Inc re as e e m ph as i s R at io na liz e a nd/o r R a tion a liz e a nd/o r Im p ro v e fo c us on C o ns o lida te o r In c rea s e em p ha s is on Inc r eas e e m ph a si s on m er c han di si ng D ev e lop b u si ne s s c a tio n be tw ee n the c us tom e r, p rod uc t, E s ta b lis h p rog ram / Im pr o ve e ffec ti ve n es s Es ta blis h agi lity an d
- W h om yo u ta rge t a nd s e rv e m os t p ro fi table
R &D , pr od uct
i nno v ati on , an d
R a ti ona liz e
c u st om er p or tfo li o m os t pro fi tabl e
In c r eas e e m ph a si s o n
c us to m er re ten ti on
d ev elopi ng and
p rot ec ti ng i ntelle ct ua l on d iffere ntia te d
d iffere ntia te d pri c in g
a c ros s c us to m er r ef oc us pro d uc t a nd r efo c us p ro du c t a nd s eg m en ts w ith lo we r co s t d el iv e ry /
in stal la tio n c ha nne ls
R at io na liz e I T
ap pl ic a tio n po rtfolio
o uts o urc e d e si gn a nd
d ev e lo pm e nt
outs o urc e lea rnin g
and d ev elo pm e nt ou ts our ce
bu s ine s s unit
s trateg ie s w ith
a lign fi na nc ia l
a c co un ti ng a nd m od u la r, ex te ns i ble , de s ig ni ng for
Im pr o v e foc us on
h ig her- va lu e pr od uc ts
de si gni ng and
pa ck a gi ng s trateg ie s
s erv ic e p re ve ntio n /
R e du c e ne ed for
tu n iti es a n d is su e s
i nto b us i nes s pl an n in g m o d els w ith l ow r eal
Ou ts ourc e bu s ines s
fun ct io ns
D e velo p lo w -Inv e ntory
bus in es s m o de ls
de s ign in g fo r
m a nu fa c tu rin g
m a na gem ent of
c re di t/rec eiv ab le s
m a na ge m en t of
p ay a bles a c ros s b oar d , m an ag em e nt, a dv e rtisi ng , sa le s , p roj ec t de li v ery a s a o f or g aniz a tion al
i m pr ov em e n t and
i nno v ati on as k ey
c ro s s- co m pa n y
c oll ab orati on a s a k ey
of s ta k eho lde r gro u ps
and e s tab lis hm ent of fl ex ib il ity as k ey
de v el opm en t of
s tra te gi c as s et s as a
pro du c ts a nd s e rv ic es pr oduc ts a nd se r vi c es pro du c ts a nd s e rv ic es s e rv ic e po rtfol io s s erv ic e po rtfol io s av e rag e c os t- to- se rv e pr oc u rem e nt fu nc tio ns s ca la b le des ig n s m at erial s effic i en c y ( c entr al v s. loc al e s ta te re qu irem ents s h are hol de rs and th e s erv ic e, sup po rt, a nd k ey c om pe tenc y s truc tu res c om peten c ie s
- H o w y o u c om p ete pro d uc t l ea ders h ip c ap ital s egm ents (s elf- s er vic e, par tne rs , et c.) f un c tio ns fu nc tion s en ter pris e strat egie s a nal ys is f unc tio ns for di s tri bu tio n m erc hand is ing , etc .) s erv ic e p r oce s s es effic ie nc y a c ros s b us in e ss un its b us in es s u n its p ubli c fu lfillm e nt s tra teg ies c o m pe te nc i es c om pe ten c y pr io ritie s k e y c om pe tenc y
Im pr ov e c o lla bo ra tio n Im p rov e O btain e x c lus i ve Im p ro ve Im p ro v e p ro c es s es Im pr ov e se le c tio n , I mp ro v e rea l es ta te Im pr o v e Im p ro ve w o rk forc e Im p ro ve a c cur a cy an d Im pro ve c u stom e r L ev e rag e br ea dth of Im pr o ve/i m plem e n t Im p ro ve a li gnm ent of Im pr o ve Inc re as e fo c us on Im pro v e ab ility to Im p ro ve i de ntific at ion Im pr ov e
Im pr o v e Im p rov e id entifi cati on L ic en s e or se ll P ro vi de s ta ff w ith Im p ro v e w o rk fo rc e Im pr ov e c re di t Im p rov e Im p rov e s er v ic e Im pro v e Im pr o ve d ebt an d Im p ro ve pr odu c t Im p rov e m a ter ia ls Im pro v e foc u s o n p la nn in g, d isp atc h Inc re as e us e of Im p rov e Im pro v e Im p ro ve i de n tific atio n m e as u rem e n t a nd s tr uc tu re a nd c om m uni ca tion a nd D e ve lo p an d u til iz e
Im pr o v e v alu e / w ith de s ign , un d ers ta n di ng o f ag ree m e nts w ith u nd er stan di ng o f fo r ge ne ra tin g, ac qui s itio n and s ele ct io n, ac q uis iti on pr oc u rem e nt m a nu fa c turi ng an d Im pro v e ret rie v al ti m el ines s o f tax I nc re as e u se o f i nc enti v es fo r v end or r el atio ns h ip s i ntern al c o ntr ol p roj ec ts w ith p ro gra m p os t-m er ge r s y ne rg y of o pp o rtu nitie s to un iq u e ph ys i ca l
u nde r s tan di ng of of c ro s s -s el l/ up -s el l i nte ll ec tu a l c a pi tal t o pa rtn ers be tte r m a rk et a nd pl ann in g an d di spa tc h an aly s i s tra ini ng pr ogr am p lan ni ng e qui ty m a na ge m en t c on c epti on /ini tia ti on effic ie n cy of hi gh er- va lu e v end or a nd a ss i gn m en t flex i ble/ ex pan da ble c ol la bo ra tio n w ith c o llab ora ti on w ith o f o p por tu niti es a nd re p ortin g of im pl em e nt dur ab le, k no w le dge tr ans fer
D ec re as e p ric e s de v el opm en t an d c hu rn/de fe c tion p rod u ct/s erv i ce v al ue q ua lify in g an d c o ntra ctin g a nd c ont rac ti ng pr oc e ss e s q ual ity c o ntrol pro c es s es p r ovi s ion an d c as h f lex ib le fac ili ti es a c ce le ra te d/o n -ti m e to l en gt he n pay m en t fr am e wo rk s a n d a nd b us i ne ss a nd co s t re d uc ti on inc r eas e v alue to r eso u r ces
c u st om er n ee d s opp ort uniti es o ther en te rpr is es ( lic ens es , d is trib uto r s hips , c u s tom e r in for m a ti on pr oc es s e s an d to ols pro c es s es pr oce s s e s pr oc es s es p ro ce s se s p roc e ss e s pr od uc ti on p ro ce s s es r el atio ns h ips p roc e ss e s pr odu c tion equ ip me n t v en dors /p ar tne rs v e nd ors /pa rtn e rs th re ats o per a tion al and mu tu ally b ene fici al ac ro s s or g a ni za tion a l
pro d uc ti on part ne rs dr iv ers et c.) to c u st om e rs a s s i gnin g le ad s pr oc es s es p ro ce s s es ( tra vel , co ntr ac t la bo r, e t c .) p ro ce s se s a nd to ols o ut flo w for ec a s ts p ay m e nt c yc le s p ol ic ie s o bj ec ti v es fin an c ial p er fo rm an c e p ro gram s pa rtn er sh ip s s ta ke h ol ders bo und ar ie s
( fac ilitie s , lan d, et c .)
D o W h at Yo u D o B ett er Im pr o v e effe c tiv en es s Im pr o v e Im p le m en t p ro ac tiv e In c rea s e us e o f Im p ro v e Im p ro v e c ap ac i ty / I mp ro v e rea l es ta te Im p rov e s ala ry and Im p rov e c on trac t Im p ro ve Im p ro ve c apa ci ty / Im p ro ve a b ili ty to A lign inte rnal aud it Im p ro ve s tr ateg y Inc re as e i nteg rat io n of Im pro v e ab ility to Im pr ov e a gi li ty an d D e ve lo p an d u til iz e
of m ark e ti ng , Im pr ov e r eus e of u nde r s tan di ng of and r e ac ti ve c ro s s- Im p rov e id e ntifi ca ti on S ell a pp re ci ated A li gn a dv e rti si ng w ith Im pr ov e an a ly tic a l fi eld s ales a nd dem an d p lann ing Im pr ov e pi ck , p ac k Im pr ov e in stal latio n / i m pro v em ent a nd ben efits a d m ini s tra - m an a ge m ent Im pro v e op er atio na l Im pr o ve fin an c ia l d es ig n a nd R a tio nal iz e ord e r P rov i de s taff w ith Im pro v e tr a ns p ort a nd Im pro v e c o ordi na ti on d em a nd p la nn in g u tiliz e offs hore c as h / I nc re as e u se o f Imp ro v e Im p rov e lo gis tic s / Inc re as e u til iz a tio n D iffe re ntia te c redi t Im p rov e m a na ge m e nt p ra ctic es w i th d ev e lo pm e nt c apa - S truc tur e p ro gr am s/ Im pr o ve a nal y s is of b us in es s pr oc es s e s integ ra te m er ge d Im p ro ve fl ex ib il ity of pa rtn e r un iq u e hu m an
pro d uc t a nd se rv ic e of c hu rn /d efec tion d iffere ntia l pric in g de pl oy m e nt ti on p roc e s se s / r is k m an a ge m en t ri s k ma na ge me n t b ette r p rodu c tion de liv e ry p roc e s se s / effe c tiv e nes s of pla nt of s tan dard iz e d trea tm e nt of b il iti es a t co rp ora te p roj ec ts to deli v er m a na ger ial c om m u nic ati on w ith
pr oc e ss e s r eso u r ces
- Str en gt he n g o ver na nc e a pp roa c he s ad ve rtis in g an d s al es
pro c es s es
c o m po nen ts c u rre nt cu s tom er
s a tis fa c tio n
s ell a nd u p-s el l
c am p aign s
c an di da te s a s s ets pri c ing s tr ateg ie s m ec h anis m s (b as ed on
c u st omer v alue, r is k , et c.)
pro c es s es a nd t ools te le sa le s
p ro ce s ses
pr oc es s e s, s k ill s an d
to ol s
an d s hip p ro c es s es pr oc es s es d ep lo y m en t
p ro ce s s es
In c rea s e e m plo ye e ( nego t iatio n, e x ecu tion an d pr oc es s es p ro ce s se s d ev elo pm e nt
p roc e ss e s
qu a nti ti es and tim in g i nform a ti on and to o ls alg o rithm s w ith v e ndo rs p roc e ss e s , sk ills an d
to ols
a s s e ts a nd m o ve
b et w een g eo gra phi es
l ea s ed re a l e s tate m a in te nanc e di s trib utio n effic ien c y c o m po nen ts c u stom e r s /s eg m en ts o f d eb t po rtfolio b us ine s s an d ris k
o bj ec ti v es
a nd b us i ne s s- un it b en efits pro gr es s iv el y i nform a ti on a c ro ss o rg an iz a tio n al
b oun da ri es
an d ac q uir ed
org an iz atio ns
s ta ke h ol der g ro up s or ga niz ati ons a nd
ne tw ork s ( tho ug ht le ad ers , m ana gers ,
s el f-s er vi c e c om plianc e) l ev e ls s u bjec t ma tter ex per ts , etc .)
- Ali gn re s ou rc e s w it h s tra te g ies Im pro v e
Im pr o v e Im pro v e Im pr ov e pr oc e s s es for I mp ro v e op era ti ona l Im pr o ve a udi t a nd U tiliz e in te r nation al Imp ro v e qu al ity a nd Im pro ve a nd Im p rov e a li gn m en t of Im ple m e nt/en han c e Im p ro ve c oord in atio n Im pr o ve foc us on Im pr ov e id en tific atio n
- I m prov e bu s in ess pro c es se s In c re a s e tim e s p ent A c qu ir e n ew p r od u ct re s po n siv e n es s to Im p rov e c ros s -s e ll
and u p- s el l
Im p rov e a dher e nc e to
c on trac ts and
D e v el op , s pin -off a n d c o m m un ic a tion and Im p ro ve tai lo rin g of
o ffe rin gs to c us tom er
P ro vi de s ta ff w ith
be tte r c om pe titiv e
Im p ro v e u ti li za ti on of Im p ro v e u til iz a tio n of Im pr ov e
pro v is io nin g/
m a nag in g s y s te m p ro ce s s es Im p rov e
pay ro ll
Im p rov e d em a nd
pl an nin g pro c es s es
Im pro v e ca p ita l
bu dg etin g
c o m pli an ce Im p ro ve
p rototyp in g, p il oting
Pr ov i de st aff w i th
be tt er pro d uc t
Im pr o v e c a pa c ity
p la nni ng p roc e ss e s ,
Im pro v e de s ig n/
s tr uc ture o f
P rov i de s ta ff w ith
be tte r i nfor ma ti on and
Im p ro ve u ti liz a tio n o f fi na nc ing op po rtu ni - I m pro v e te r m s
o n p r op er ty a nd
c on s is te nc y of R a tion al iz e pro d uc ti on S ho rte n pr od uc ti on s ta nd a rdi z e c re d it A/ P s y st em s a nd a non y m o us e m p lo ye e Im p ro ve d e ve lop m e nt
a nd a na ly s is of
a nd c om m u nic ation m o s t i mp o rtant a nd mi ti ga ti on o f un de rs ta nd in g of
pa rtn er s tre ng th s,
Im p ro ve v a lu e
del iv er ed to
Im pr ov e p rod uc t D e ve lo p an d le v erag e
po li ti ca l rel atio ns h ip s
se ll in g an d s e rv ic e o ffe rin g s c u st om er c o m pla ints / s ell n ew b us i ne ss e s c o ordi na ti on w i th s ale s staff s erv ic e s ta ff op er ation s , m a in te n- ( adm in is tr ation, s ec ur ity , m a na gem ent s erv ic e s ta ff ti es to m in im iz e a fte r- m a nu fa c tur in g qua ntities a nd t im i ng c y c le s a s se s sm ent p roc e ss e s w ith da y s- re p ortin g an d feed - a c ros s p rog ra m s an d m a na ger ial o per ation a l r is k in no vat io n proc es s es
app roa c he s /m od els ag re em e nts n ee ds i nform a ti on in stal la tio n p roc e ss e s pr oce s s e s an d too ls pr oc es s es a nd te s ting pr oc e s s es in form at io n and to ols s k il ls a nd to ols dis tr ib utio n ne two rk s tools f ac ilit ie s b us i ne ss c a s es w ea k nes s e s and c us to m e rs an d a lli anc es
- H o ne st ra teg ic c apa bilit ies fee db a ck di st rib uti on cen ter s an c e a nd c h ang es
e ner gy , H VA C an d
ma inten anc e) p ro ce s se s ta x borr ow i ng c o st s m a te ria ls p roc e s se s o uts tan ding s tra te g y b ac k m ec h ani sm s p roj ec ts i nform a ti on (pe ople, p roc es s , te ch-
nolo gy , d ata , et c.) inter es ts
- M a na ge ta x im p act s a nd o pp ort un it ies Im pr ov e pr od uc t/ P roa c ti ve ly m a nag e
S ell o r lea s e e x ce s s Im pro v e P r ov id e s ta ff w ith Pro v id e st aff w ith Im pr ov e en d -us e r Im p rov e Im pro v e Im pr o ve b us i ne s s Im p rov e d em a nd Im pr o v e d em and Im pro v e de m an d P ro v ide staff w i th Im p ro ve Im p ro ve Im pr o ve Im pr ov e bu s in es s Im pro v e in te gra ti on o f Im pr ov e fl ex i bility
T ailo r m ar ke tin g an d Im p rov e effe c tiv e nes s c ap aci ty to o th er A lig n pro d uc t a nd Im pr ov e de fi ni tio n o f b ette r c us to m e r better cu s tom er I mp ro v e c apa c ity / Pr ov id e st aff w ith Im p ro ve pr odu c t a nd b etter c us to m er Inc re as e R a tion al iz e Im pro ve m a na gem e n t Im p rov e c oord in atio n Im pr o ve u nde r - Im p ro ve v a lu e
s e rv ic e R &D Im p rov e re te ntio n an d c o m m un ic a tion and Im pr ov e i nvo ic in g / s u ppo rt a n d per form a nc e pr ogr am c a se d ev elo pm e nt for ec as tin g fore c as ting R atio nal iz e p ro du c tio n for ec as tin g Im p ro ve m an ag em e nt D iv es t low - utiliz a tio n R a ti ona liz e p ro duc tio n c om m u nic atio n o f a c c o un tabi li ty / c o m m un ic at io n c o ntin ui ty p la nn in g bu si nes s pr oc e ss e s an d v ers a tility of IT D e ve lo p an d c ul tiv a te
- I m prov e c on tro l / r ed uce r isk sa le s app roa c he s to an d de pl oy m e nt
tr an s ition po in ts
( life ev ents , en ds o f
of c ro s s -s el l/ up -s el l w in -b ac k p ro ce s se s e nter p ris e s c o ordi na ti on w i th s erv ic e p ric e s w ith pro d uc t a n d se rv ic e i nfo rm a tio n in fo rm atio n bi ll in g p ro c es s es ad m in is tra ti on d em a n d pla n ni ng as s e ss m e nt be tt er pro d uc t and m a nag em e nt a nd a nal y s is s erv i ce intr od u ct io n/ pr oc es s e s , s k il ls an d p ro ce s se s , s k il ls a nd qu an ti tie s and ti m in g pro c es s es , sk il ls a nd in form atio n o f t ran s fe r p ric in g r ea l es tate us e o f le as e d m er ch an di se or d er qu an titie s an d tim in g o f de linq ue nt o f p ay m e nts ac ro ss s ta nd in g o f re gul atory s tra te gi c d ire c tio ns a utho r it y of pr ogr am a ro un d im pr ov e m ent a nd disa s te r r ec ov ery ac ro ss p ar tn er del iv er ed to s ys te m s and go o d w il l
cu s tom er se gm e n ts c ont ra cts an d lea ses , e tc . ) pr oce s s e s ( prod uc t ion c apac ity , s erv ic e v alue t o c u s tom e rs s p ec ific a tio n ( de mo gr aphic s , inquiry (pr ofiles , tr ans ac tion p ro ce s s es a nd too ls s erv ic e infor m a tio n la unc h p r oc es s e s ( profiles , tra ns ac tio n pr odu c tion equ ip me n t qua ntities a nd t im i ng a c co unts b us in es s u n its re q uir em en ts s ha re ho ld e rs
c a pab iliti es s a le s c ha nne ls pr oc es s es pr oce s s e s pr oc es s es p ro ce s se s tool s too ls tools a nd p rio ri tie s a nd p r ojec t re so ur ce s p rior ities c a pa bili ti es ne tw o rk s pl atform s
- C o lla bo ra te m or e e ff ect ive ly c a pac it y , etc . ) h is to ry , etc .) his t ories , et c.) h is tor ies , e tc .)
Im pr ov e ta ilori ng o f
- Sat is fy cu sto m er s, em p loy ee s an d Im pr o v e ac c es s to A dap t c u rre nt Im pr o v e tr ack ing o f Im p rov e Im p ro ve s tru c turin g m ar k etin g an d P r ov id e s ta ff w ith Pro v id e st aff w ith Im pr ov e pol ic ie s an d Im pr ov e di s pa tc h, Im p rov e a ss i gn m en t Im pro v e Im pr o ve tax m a na g e- Im p ro ve util iz a tion of F o c us e ffo rts o n R atio nal iz e P ro v ide staff w i th O p ti m iz e ac c ou nt in g Im p rov e a s se s s m e nt Im pr o ve m o ni to rin g Im p ro ve a li gnm e nt of Im p ro ve p ro gra m / Im pr o ve a bi lity Im pr ov e m ana ge - Im pro v e qu al it y Im p ro ve v a lu e Im pr ov e b rea dth, D e ve lo p an d u til iz e
pro d uc ts a nd s e rv ic es c u st om er i ntera c tio n s So li ci t a n d r esp on d to Im p ro ve m ana ge ri al Im pro v e de m an d b ette r prod u ct, s e rv i c e di ag no s tic , re so lu ti on I nc re as e util iz atio n of Im p rov e em pl oy e e of p roc u rem e n t ac co unt in g a nd m e nt pr oc es s e s R a ti ona liz e pro du ct io n R atio na liz e o rd er b etter pr od uc t, s er vi c e m e th od s an d s el ec - I nc re as e u se o f Inc re as e ut il iz atio n of D iv es t l ow - de m and / D iv es t ob s ol ete Im pro ve c o llec ti ons b ud g ets a n d cap ita l an d sp e ed o f de pth , qua li ty a nd un iq u e in for m ation
o th er s t ak eh olde rs in for m atio n an d
an al y tic a l t oo ls
for n ew se g m en ts / ( pur c ha se s, sup por t
und ers ta ndi ng o f
c us to m er ne eds
c us to m er fe edba c k m etho ds an d tool s for ec as tin g a nd p ric in g o f
p rom otion s
ad v erti s ing
ap pr oa ch e s to
a nd c o mp e titiv e better pro duc t an d
s erv ic e inform a tion
pro c es s es a roun d
m erc h an di s e return s
an d r ep la c em e nt r ea l e s ta te re te nti on p ro gram s tr a ns ac tio ns to m e as u rem en t ( direc t a nd ind irec t tax
p rodu ct d ev el opm ent
c ha nne ls
hi gh er- v al ue v end or
re la tio ns h ips
q uan tities an d tim in g me rc han di se o rd er
qu an ti tie s and ti m in g
qu an ti tie s and ti m in g a nd c on trac t ti on o f ac c ou nting l ea s ed i nfras truc tu re pr odu c tion equ ip me n t obs olete in ven tor y m a te ria ls p roc e s se s a nd b en c hm a rk in g of
A/ P p er for m anc e
a nd m a na gem ent o f
re g ulator y c om pl ia nc e
p ro gra m s wi th p roj ec t m an ag em en t
m etho d s an d tool s
to l aun ch
i m pro v em e nt effo rts
m e n t of r eg ula tory
c o m pl ia nc e
c om m unic atio n with del iv er ed to
em pl oy e es
ti m e line s s of b us in e ss r eso u r ces (c us tome r,
c h ann els r eque st s , etc. )
c u s tom e r s e gm en ts i nfo rm a tio n pr oc es s es ap p rop ri ate s taff pr oc es s es m anage m ent) in form atio n p er io ds s tra te gi c p r io ritie s pa rtn er s pl an nin g in fo rm atio n p r oduc t, ma r k et, etc .)
Im pr o v e Im pr ov e pr od uc t and Im p ro v e s a le s Im pr ov e fo re ca s tin g , Inc re a se u tiliz a tio n o f I mp ro v e ter m s on O p ti m iz e de pr ec ia ti on Im pro ve a s se s s m en t Im p ro ve i de n tific atio n, Im pr o ve q ual ity a n d Im pr ov e sh a ri ng of Im pro v e s ha rin g of Im p ro ve v a lu e Im pr ov e p rod uc t, D e ve lo p s tro ng
Im pr ov e m an ag e m en t Ta il or c ros s- s el l/up - Offer v a lu e-ad di ng D i ve s t n on -p erfor m in g Im pro v e pr od uc t and Im p ro ve e x ec u tion of Im p ro v e ro utin g of IT , te le c om a n d Im p rov e c ap aci ty / Im pr o ve b udg et in g L ic en s e or ac q ui re Pr ovi de sta ff w ith Im pro v e us e of R o ute lo w -v al ue Im pr o ve r is k pl an n in g , a s s es sm e nt a nd Im p ro ve a s s ign m en t del iv er ed to o th er
Im pr o v e br an d re s po n siv e n es s to s ell o ffers to c u s to m er pr od uc t an d s e rv ic e a nd n on -s tra te gic s e rv ic e li fe cy c le m ar ke t- and su ppl y - s e rv ic e w ithd ra wa l fo re c as ti ng a nd s erv ic e re q ue st s to pl ann ing a n d p ur ch a se d an d le as e d dem a nd pl ann in g Im p rov e c ol la bora ti on Im pro v e/s tan da rdiz e a nd fore c as ti ng p rodu ct s and Im p rov e te r m s o n S ho rte n pr od uc ti on be tte r i nform a tion a nd na tio n al/g loba l tra n sa c tio n s to lo we r- m e th od s/li ve s fo r I m pro v e te r m s U tiliz e m ore e ffi c ient C o ns o lid ate Im pro v e ter m s on a nd b enc hm a rk in g of m i tig atio n an d c on tr ol e x ec u tio n of o f re s ou rc es to c o ns is ten c y o f k n ow le dg e ac ros s k now le dg e ac ros s s erv ic e a nd pro c es s c u s to m er
st ren g th and go od w il l of pr od uc t l ifec y c les c u st om er re q ue sts an d r etire m ent c am p a ig n ex e cu tio n pri or iti zati on s k il ls a nd ne tw ork re s ou rc es r ea l e s ta te, fu rn iture w ith v e ndo rs M & A pr oc es ses m at erial s pur c has es c y c le s p r ope rty , pl an t a nd o n in fra s tru c tur e IT s y stem s in v en tor y m a te ria ls c re di t/rec eiv ab le s p er fo rm an c e o rg aniz a ti on al org an iz atio nal s ta ke h ol ders in no vat io n sk i lls o f r ela tio n sh ip s a nd
( lau nch thr ou gh r etirem ent)
a nd i nq uiri es nee ds bu n dles b us in es s un its m an ag em e nt d riv e n pro m oti ons pro c es s es p ro ce s ses a nd to ols app ro pri ate s ta ff to ol s (s er v er s, ro ut ers , ne tw o rk a nd f ix tu res pr oce s s e s an d to ols c a pa bili tie s in te ll ec tu al p ro pe rty too ls pu rc ha s in g p o w er c os t s a le s c ha nne ls e qu ip m en t p erfor m an ce a ppr o ac h es M &A /d iv es titur e p roj ec ts a s se s sm e nt m ethod s b oun da ri es bo un dari es (pu blic , al umni, ana lys ts , s taff c o m m u nitie s
ca pa cit y , etc . ) o pp o rtu ni tie s etc. )
O th e r S h a r e d / C o r p o r a te S er vi c es Im pr ov e te rm s with Im p rov e m a na ge m e nt
Bu il d c u s tom er Im p ro v e s erv i ce an d Im pr ov e te rm s w it h of i ntern ati ona l st aff Im pr o ve i nc e nt iv es Im p rov e m a ter ia ls Im pro v e m an ag e m en t O p ti m iz e ex p en se v s . A lign c om p en s at io n In te g rate tax op po r- Im p ro ve m ana g em e nt
(R e al Es tate , P ro cu re m en t an d O th er) Ac qu ire c o m pa ni es i n A c qu ir e c om pa ni es Im p rov e s taff s atis fac tio n an d s e rv ic e pr ov ide r s Im p ro v e m an ag em e nt s up po rt pe rform anc e Im pr ov e ta x c olle ct io n Im p rov e in c enti ve s a ro un d fin anc ia l pe rfo rm a nc e Im pr o v e m a n agem e n t Im p ro ve m a na ge m e nt Imp ro v e term s o n IT a nd i nc ent iv e sy s te m s tu nitie s a n d is su e s o f o rg an iz ation al Im pr o ve c a re er Im pr ov e de p th D e ve lo p an d u til iz e
al ig ne d w ith pro duc t in cen tiv es fo r c ro s s- an d rem i ttan c e s e rv ic e pr ov id e rs c os ts ar ou nd p ro cu rem en t of tr a de an d i nd ir ec t c ap italiz a tio n of c os ts a nd bre adth o f s taff
ta rge te d geog ra phi es re tention i nt o s taff ( res ea r c hers , info rm ation o f tr ad e/in d ire c t ta x es m an ag em en t m a na gem ent m an ag e m ent o f tra ns fe r p ric i ng o f tr ans fer p ric in g s y st em s w i th s tra te gi es , v a lue s i nto b usi ne s s plan n in g c ha nge i n s upp o rt o f o ptio ns a n d pa th s un iq u e tax e x pe rti s e
s trateg ie s s ellin g /u p-s e lli ng s e rvi ce s , adv ertis ing ( s ales /use , V AT , G ST, e t c.) pro c es s es
(c ont ra ctor s , ne tw or k (imm igr ation, pay r oll, sta ff effic i enc y tax e s ( s ales /us e , VAT , ( M&A c os ts , R& D c ost s ,
tec h ni ca l s ki ll s
Al l Pr oc es s G roup i ng s in c en tiv e s c h annels , etc .) m etho ds a nd too ls se rvi ce s , con s ult ants , et c .) su pp ort, inter n ational equi ty , e ffi c ie nc y m et hods a n d too ls G ST , etc .) e t c.) a nd e th ic s p ro ce s se s i nitia tive s
(A c ti on m a y a pp ly to a ll p roc e ss e s) etc. )
Im pr ov e m ar k e tin g Im pr ov e te rm s on M ana ge pay ro ll tax Im pro v e Im p ro ve t ax ben e fits
Im pr o v e m etho ds a nd Im pr ov e m et ho ds a n d Im p rov e s ales Im p rov e re te ntio n an d ad v ert is in g Im p ro v e s a le s Im pr ov e tr ac k ing a n d Op tim i ze u ti liz a tio n o f Im pr o ve ter m s w ith Im pr o v e p ro du ctio n m er c han di si ng Im p ro ve s erv ic e o f c om pe ns a ti on and Im p ro ve l ea d ers h ip Im p ro ve p ro gra m / A lign m an age m en t
N o te : M a n y ac ti o ns c o u ld lo g ic a ll y b e ass o c ia te d w it h to ols for m ana gi ng tool s for m an agi ng per fo rm a nc e pe rform a nc e p er form an ce rec o v ery o f in dir ec t pu rc ha s ed a nd lea s ed im p ac ts o f bu s in es s p er fo rm an c e p erf orm an c e a nd s taff inc en tiv es Im pr ov e rec ru itin g
pe rfo rm an c e as s ets (P C s, s erv er s , in it ia tiv es av a il able s ale s/ us e fin an ci al s e rv ic es pe rfo rm anc e b en e fit pr ogr am s a nd m ana g em e nt p roj ec t m an ag em en t
ot h e r or m u lti p le p ro ce s s g ro up i ng s . Fo r e xa m pl e , sa le s and m ark e ti ng i nno v ati on m ana ge m en t m an ag e m ent m ana g em e nt ta x es (s ales /us e, V AT , m a na g em ent m ana ge m en t ( defer r ed a nd equi ty - bas ed w i th c om p any e ffec ti ve n ess
m a n y c u sto m er a n d p ro d uc t ac t io ns a r e lik e ly to h a ve pe rfo rm a nc e pe rfo rm an c e m etho ds a nd too ls m et hods a n d too ls m an ag em e n t m eth od s an d tool s G ST , etc .) netw ork equipmen t, leas ed (M &A, co ns olidation , ta x ex e m ptio ns p ro vi ders m e th od s an d to ols m an ag em e nt m etho ds an d tool s c o mp ; re tire m ent and
s k ills of e x ec u tiv es s ki ll s of s ta ff p er fo rm an c e
m eth od s a nd too ls line s, e tc . ) res t ruc tur in g, r eloc ation et c .) m eth ods a nd too ls h ea lth ca re be nefits , et c .)
he a v y I T an d H R c o m p o n e nts.
Im pr ov e pr ofita bi li ty o f Im pr ov e/c o n sol ida te
R &D effor ts th r oug h Im pr ov e or de r IT pe rfo rm anc e U ti liz e a v aila bl e Im p rov e m a na ge m en t Im p ro ve i de n tific at ion Im p ro ve e x ec u ti v e Im p ro ve v end or Im pr o ve m o n eta ry Im pr ov e m ec ha n is m s
m a nag em e n t fe der a l, s tate an d of in dire c t tax es d ev e lo pm e nt, a nd n on- m o ne ta ry for c olle ct in g an d
uti li z ation of tax a nd m an ag em en t lo c al em p loy m ent/ a nd a pp lic ation o f r ec r uiting a nd m ana ge m en t sk i lls o f re c og nitio n o f s ta ff i m ple me n ting
m e th o ds a nd t ools ( s ale s /us e, VA T, c u stom s
ec ono m ic d ev e lo p- m etho ds a nd too ls d utie s , etc .) R & D tax inc e ntiv es s ta ff
(ut iliz at ion , pe rfo rm anc e, tra ini ng in c en ti v es s uc c e ss io n p lann in g c o ntrib utio ns e m p loye e ide as
m en t i nc e ntiv es ca pa cit y pla nn ing , etc .)
E n s ur e a d eq u ate
Im p rov e H R Im p rov e p roc u rem e n t d oc um en ta tion of B ui ld inn ov a ti on a nd
Im pr ov e ut iliz at io n o f Im pr o ve tal en t
per form a nc e pe rform a nc e s ign ifica n t tax m a na gem ent m od e ls i m pr ov em e n t into
tel ec om ta x in c en ti ve s m ana ge m en t m an a ge m ent r ew ar ds and
(c r edit s , ex emptio ns , etc .) p os itions a nd p ro gram s
m etho ds a nd too ls m et hod s a n d to ols ( ear nin gs & pr of its , tr ans fer i nc en tiv es
p r ic ing , ta x opinions , et c .)
- 51 -
Diagnostic Tool
Diagnostic Tool
- 52 -
Payables: Detailed Analysis
Scope R12/Upgrade Opportunity Used P P T Benefit Rationale Benefit Value Map HBOS Considerations
Current r e e Score
Platform o o c
c p h
e l n
s e o
s l
Multi-org Enter, process, review and report No 5 5 5 Implement integrated IT, Telecoms and HBOS strongly
Access on data for an unlimited number of applications across Networking interested due to
Control operating units from a single organizational boundaries security and reporting
responsibility. concerns with current
Operating unit security is single org structure
preserved such that companies
can effectively implement security
and shared services at the same
time. ˜
Self Service PO Matching by receipt, non-PO Yes 4 4 2 Utilize more efficient IT Equipment and This could improve
Invoice invoice processing, complex systems. Systems, and HBOS' current
Entry service procurement terms, Increase employee self- Human Resources (customised) invoice
manage tax page, internal service. coding and approval
employee responsibility and real Streamlined invoice process. Need to see
time creation of invoice requests processing, increased detail of change to
payables department confirm
efficiency, broader usage
and expanded audience ›
Complex An integrated solution to automate NO 4 4 2 Improve service Procurement HBOS buy a lot of
Work acquisition of complex services procurement processes. complex services either
from source through to payment Strengthened financial through complex
e.g. Professional Services, discipline and corporate iProcurement processes
Engineering and Construction, governance; reduced or non-PO so
Aerospace and Defense compliance costs. improvements in this
› area are interesting
- 53 -
Section 5 –
Upgrade Methodology and Approach –
Supporting Information
- 54 -
High Level Upgrade Methodology and Approach
- 55 -
Key Assessment Questions
As with all business decisions in large organizations, your costs and benefits will likely be
weighted by qualitative and political considerations. At minimum, if you're deliberating
between a Release 11/11i to 12 upgrade you should consider the following:
- What maintenance or support functions are best externally supported?
- What are the greatest resource limitations now and how can they be overcome in the future?
- What systems governance and change control mechanisms are currently in place?
- What Training Opportunities you may have towards employee, partner, vendor and supplier training?
- What are our long term business goals?
- What's the prioritized list of applications that your business users use today?
- Which applications don’t meet current business user requirements? Are there any open and aging change requests?
- What changing roles will vendors, distribution centers, and dealers play in the future and what types of information
system support will be required?
- Where have custom solutions been developed to support unique business process requirements?
- What information is currently unavailable, timely, that would help drive business decisions faster?
- What business advantages, process improvements, and new organizational change capabilities will be possible with
the new R12 features?
- Are their any new applications that can replace our old legacy platforms – cost benefit?
- 56 -
Key Assessment Questions (continued)
- What different products are you currently using: ERP, middleware, portal, CRM, BI, ETL, Discoverer etc.?
- Which of the above products are truly enhancing your business efficiency? Which ones are dissatisfactory?
- Which applications fail to meet business requirements and why?
- Are there business needs for real time data needs vs. batch processing?
- Which applications are the most vulnerable in terms of long-term support and maintenance?
- What infrastructure constraints currently exist?
- How are annual support and maintenance costs for legacy systems trending?
- What is your plan for improving your experience of vendor support for your technology products?
- Will you prefer to have fewer vendors than your current number for your technology products?
- What has been you experience with using Oracle products and obtaining support from it?
- What are the new architectural or deployment capabilities in R12? How will these new capabilities improve system
performance, scalability, availability, manageability, and security?
- What investments have you made in adapting your organization to Release 11/11i, and vice versa?
- Customizations and personalization, including custom Forms, OA Framework screens, workflows, concurrent
programs, and reports
- Are Integrations compliant as part of this release with third-party systems
- How will R12 help reduce your operational costs?
- What are the incremental costs of R12 infrastructure, relative to your current R11/11i infrastructure costs?
- 57 -
Supporting Information – Upgrade vs. Re-Implementation – High Level
Analysis Summary
Some factors for divisions with an existing Oracle footprint to take into account as you make your
decision on how to implement.
Upgrade Re-implementation
Upgrade is best suited for vanilla 11i Re-implementation is best suited for companies
implementations where business requirements whose business requirements have changed
have not changed much from the original significantly from the original implementation
implementation Re-implementation is recommended if original
Upgrade can be done in less time than a re- implementation did not correctly address all the
implementation business requirements and is not utilized to its
Upgrade can be technically challenging fullest capacity
Upgrade without much consideration to system Re-implementation is appropriate if the
architecture may not be successful application must be configured with current and
Some upgrades may not replace future business requirements in mind
customizations with standard functionality Re-implementation will take longer than an
Upgrade may not fully leverage all the new upgrade but not as long as a fresh
functionality to adapt to the new business implementation
requirements Re-implementation is less of a technical
Since the design of Oracle Finance is challenge than an upgrade
completely new in R12, a 11i implementation
with may be a challenge to upgrade
In an upgrade, data is migrated from 11i
- 58 -
Supporting Information - Single Global Instance vs. Multiple Instances: High
Level Analysis Summary
*Cisco has tried to leverage a dual instance and has not been successful
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