Mental Abitity PPT 3
Mental Abitity PPT 3
Mental Abitity PPT 3
Session – 1
Unit of Time
• The unit of time in clocks is seconds. A second, the SI unit of time, is
defined as the natural periodicity of the radiation of a caesium-133
atom. A duration of 60 seconds is defined as a minute. In clocks, it is
also defined as the time taken by the minute hand to move across a
minute space.
• A duration of 60 minutes is defined as an hour. In clocks, it is also
defined as the time taken by the hour hand or short hand to move
across five minute spaces or one hour space. A day is also defined as
the duration of 24 hours.
in the Face of a Clock
Hour hand covers an angle of 360oin 12 hours. So, the hour hand in one
hour will cover . So for every minute, the hour hand moves through .
Minute hand covers an angle of 360oin 1 hour. So for every minute, the
minute hand moves through .
Both the hands of the clock move in same direction. So, their relative
displacement for every minute is 5.5o. This 5.5omovement constitutes
the movements of both the hands. So for every minute, both the hands
give a relative displacement of 5.5o.
to find the angle between the hands of the clock
(When minute hand is trailing the hour hand)
Where is the angle between the hands, H and M are the positions of
hour hand and minute hand at that instant respectively.
Frequency of formation of angles between the hands of the clock
With the relative displacement, it is easier to find the frequency at which the
hands of a clock form a particular angle. Let's find the number of times the
hands of the clock form 0in a day.
The hands of the clock coincide every 65
In a day there are 24 60 = 1440 minutes
In a day the hands of the clock coincide
It can be inferred that the hands of the clock coincide once in every hour
except for two occasions i.e. from 11 to 1 o'clock they coincide only once at
12 o'clock. So, it is 11 times in 12 hours and thus 22 times in 24 hours.
The finding can be extended to other angles by applying the formula , or for
every hour in the clock.
Angle Occurrence in a day Reference time
0º 22 times 12 o'clock
30º 44 times 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock
60º 44 times 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock
90º 44 times 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock
120º 44 times 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock
150º 44 times 7 o'clock and 5 o'clock
180º 22 times 6 o'clock
• From the table, we find that there are two reference times for all
angles except 0 and 180. As seen already, the angle 30 is formed
twice for every hour but occurs only thrice in the following periods
of time.
• From 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock (Reference time 11 o'clock)
• From 12 o'clock to 2 o'clock (Reference time 1 o'clock)
• Hence, in 12 hours the no. of times the hands of the clock form 30
is 22. Therefore, in 24 hours the no. of times is 44. Similar approach
can be used to conclude the frequency of formation for other angles.
Gain and loss of time in an incorrect clock
A normal clock becomes incorrect when there is a change in the speeds of
the hands of the clock. As seen already, duration of a day is measured by
the time taken by the hour hand to move across the 12 divisions twice.
So, when the speed of the hands of the clock increases they complete their
rotation for a day sooner. Thus, they result in loss of time when actually
compared with the duration for a day in a correct clock .
Similarly, when the hands of the clock move slower than usual, they take
more time to complete the rotations for a day. Thus, they result in gaining
more time for a day when compared with that in a correct clock.
1. Find the angle between the hands of a clock when the time is 5:40.
(a) 80
(b) 160
(c) 70
(d) 120
(a) 22
(b) 33
(c) 44
(d) 55
(a) 11 times
(b) 24 times
(c) 22 times
(d) 44 times
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 3
(d) 2
(a) min
(b) min
(c) 90 min
(d) 96 min
(a) 26 minutes
(b) 27 minutes
(c) 30 minutes
(a) 12:59:02
(b) 12:59:01
(c) 11:59:02
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 3
(d) 5
• This means 2000 and 2400 are leap years but 1800, 1900, 2100,
2200, 2300 and 2500 are NOT leap years.
• REASON: Every ordinary year, 0.25 days short of 10 minutes and 48
seconds is carried forward. This adds to exactly 259200 seconds i.e. 3 days
for every 400 years and hence these three days are reduced one by one for
every 100 years with no reduction in the 400th year, which is therefore a
leap year. That’s the reason for most of the centuries not being leap years.
• So every year which is exactly divisible by 4 is a leap year,
except centuries.
o E.g.: 1968, 1972, 1984, 1988 and so on are examples of Leap Years. 1986,
1990, 1994, 1998, and so on are examples of non-leap years.
DAY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
For Month:
Month Jan-31 February Mar-31 Apr-30 May-31 Jun-30 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-30 Oct-31 Nov-30 Dec-31
Odd Days 3 0 -1 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3
(a) Monday
(b) Tuesday
(c) Wednesday
(d) Thursday
2. What was the day of the week on 17th June 1998?
(a) Monday
(b) Tuesday
(c) Wednesday
(d) Thursday
3. What was the day of the week on 15th August 2010?
(a) Sunday
(b) Monday
(c) Tuesday
(d) Friday
4. The first Republic day of India was celebrated on 26 th January 1950. It was
(a) Tuesday
(b) Wednesday
(c) Thursday
(d) Friday
5. What was the day on 1st January 1901?
(a) Monday
(b) Wednesday
(c) Sunday
(d) Tuesday
6. First day of 1999 was a Sunday. What day was the last day of that year?
(a) Sunday
(b) Monday
(c) Tuesday
(d) Wednesday
7. If 11th January 1997 was a Sunday, then what was the day on 10th January 2000?
(a) Monday
(b) Tuesday
(c) Wednesday
(d) Friday
8. Consider the dates 9.11.99 or 11.9.99, depending on how you write the date.
Either way, Day * Month = Year, where the year is written as the last two digits.
How many other days in the 20th century can you find that will have this
(a) Thursday
(b) Tuesday
(c) Sunday
(d) Saturday
10. 6th May, 1993 was a Thursday. What day of the week was 6th May, 1992?
(a) Saturday
(b) Wednesday
(c) Tuesday
(d) Friday
Directions for Question 11 to 15: A, B, C, D, E are five consecutive years. 292nd
day of A is Sunday. 240th day of E is Tuesday.
11. The middle of the span of given five years falls on?
(a) Saturday
(b) Monday
(c) Tuesday
(d) Sunday
Directions for Question 11 to 15: A, B, C, D, E are five consecutive years. 292nd
day of A is Sunday. 240th day of E is Tuesday.
15. Which one of the following is odd man out in the year E?
(a) Saturday
(b) Monday
(c) Friday
(d) Sunday
16. Find the percentage of people whose birthdays falls on the last day of February
in a leap year if number of births everyday remains the same?
(a) 2.74
(b) 0.2732
(c) 0.0684
(d) 0.024
17. A person born on 25 March 1925 used to enjoy every Monday as a holiday after
attaining his 25th birthday. How many weekends could he have enjoyed such a
holiday before attaining his 30th birthday?
(a) 260
(b) 261
(c) 272
(d) 250
18. How many times does the 29th day of the month occurs in 400 consecutive
(a) 4500
(b) 4498
(c) 4497
(d) 4495
19. The calendar for the year 2007 would be the same for which of the following
(a) 2014
(b) 2016
(c) 2017
(d) 2013
20. If today is Monday, what will be the day 350 days from now?
(a) Monday
(b) Tuesday
(c) Sunday
(d) Friday
End of Session - 2
Thank You…
Session – 3
4. Golu started from his house towards North. After covering a distance
of 8 km. he turned towards left and covered a distance of 6 km. What is
the shortest distance now from his house?
(a) 10 km (b) 16 km
(c) 14 km (d) 2 km
10. Sanmitra walks 4 km. Towards North, turns right and walks 5 km.
Then he turns towards South and walks 2 km. Again he takes a turn
towards west walks 3 km and stops for a while. Then he further walks 2
km. What is the distance of Sanmitra from starting point?
(a) 16 km (b) 2 km
(c) 4 km (d) 3 km
12. A river flows West to East and on the way turns left and runs in a
semi-circular path around a hillock and then turns left at right angle. In
which direction is the river finally flowing?
(a) North (b) West
(c) South (d) East
16. Ram walks 1 km towards East and he turns to South and walks 5
km. Again he turns to East and walks 2 km, after which he turns to
North and walks 9 km. Now, how far is he from his starting point?
(a) 3 km (b) 4 km
(c) 5 km (d) 7 km
20. The time in a clock is exactly 3 p.m.. Now the clock is turned in such
a way that the minute hand points to East. What is the direction now
opposite to the hour hand?
(a) South-West (b) South
(c) West (d) North
26. Joe and Jane are both walking away from point ‘O’ in opposite
directions. Joe walked 2 m and Jane 3 m from it, then Joe walked 5 m
North while Jane walked 7 m South. What is the distance between them
(a) 6 m (b) 8 m (c) 13 m (d) 12 m
28. Karim walked 5 m towards North, took a left turn and walked for 10 m.
He then took a right turn and walked for 20 m and again took a right turn
and walked 10 m. How far is he then from the starting point and also in
what direction?
(a) 20 m, East (b) 15 m, South
(c) 25 m, North (d) 30 m, West