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(R16 Regulation)

Prepared by
Assistant Professor
• Analog signal: Most
natural quantities that
we see are analog and
vary continuously.
Analog systems can
generally handle higher
power than digital
• Digital systems can process, store and transmit data efficiently

• Digital electronics uses circuits that have two states, which are
represented by two different voltage levels called HIGH and
LOW . The voltages represent numbers in the binary system

• In binary, a single number is called a bit (for binary digit).A bit

can have the value of either a 0 or a 1, depending on if the
voltage is HIGH or LOW.
Digital signal
• Digital waveforms change
between the LOW and
HIGH levels. A positive
going pulse is one that goes
from a normally LOW logic
level to a HIGH level and
then back again. Digital
waveforms are made up of a
series of pulses.
Pulse signal
• A pulse wave or pulse
train is a kind of non
sinusoidal waveform  that
includes square waves (duty
cycle of 50%) and similarly
periodic but asymmetrical
waves (duty cycles other
than 50%)

What is linear?
• Linear elements :Resistor ,capacitors and inductors are called
linear elements because the current passing to the elements is
proportional to the applied voltage, there is a linear relation
between current and voltage.

• Linear network: Circuit designed with linear elements

Resistors, Capacitor and Inductors is called linear network.
wave shaping
•Definition: It is the process of
changing the shape of input
signal with linear / non-linear
i. Linear Wave Shaping
ii. Non-linear Wave Shaping
Linear wave shaping
• When a sinusoidal signal applied to linear network the
output also sinusoidal in nature but a non-sinusoidal
signal response is different.
•Definition: The process where by the form of a non-
sinusoidal signal is changed by transmission through a
linear network is called Linear Wave Shaping.
i. High Pass Circuit.
ii. Low Pass Circuit.
Non-sinusoidal wave forms
1) Step
2) Pulse
3) Square wave
4) Ramp
5) Exponential wave forms
Step Waveform
A step voltage is one which maintains the value zero for all times t<0 and
maintains the value V for all times t>0.
V t<0

V =V

The pulse amplitude is „V‟ and the pulse duration is tp.
V 0≤t≤tp Vi=V
Otherwise Vi=0

0 t=0 t
Square Wave
• A wave form which maintains itself at one constant level v1 for a time T1
and at other constant Level V11 for a time T2 and which is repetitive with
a period T=T1+T2 is called a square-wave.

T1 T2

A waveform which is zero for t<0 and which increases linearly with time for t>0.
Vi =αt

Vi =αt , t>0

• The exponential
waveform input is given
by where T is the time
constant of the
exponential input
High Pass RC Circuit
+ +

R XC  1
Vi Vo 2f
- -
If f=low, Xc becomes high
C act as open circuit,
so the Vo=0.

If f=high, Xc becomes low

C acts as short
circuit, so we get the

The higher frequency components in the input

Sinusoidal input
• For Sinusoidal input, the output increases in amplitude with
increasing frequency.
Vo= iR + +

i R
V in Vin
i= = Vin V
R - j XC R- j
2πf C _ O

i= Vin
 1-
j 

Vin ×R
VO =i R= = Vin
1- j
 j 
R  1- 2πfR
 2πfR
VO 1
1+j -f1

VO 1
= 2 A 0.707
V in
 f1 
1+ 

θ =-tan -1-f1 = tan-

 f1

 f 

 f 

= 1
1 =0.707
VO frequency
At the = f = f1
V 1+1 2
At f = f1 the gain is 0.707 or this level corresponds to a signal reduction of 3
 f1 is referred to as Lower 3-dB frequency.
Response Of High Pass RC Circuit to Step
• A step waveform is defined by the following expression:

• A step input is given to RC high pass circuit it produce

exponentially decrease signal as it’s ouput.
• The generalized transient expression has been derived at,
--- (1)
• The expression for v (t) can be found if we know the
initial condition v (0) final condition v (), and the time
constant ‘RC’ of the circuit.
--- (2)

• The output waveform for the step input to an RC high

pass fitter is an exponentially falling waveform as shown
in Fig. This response reaches almost zero after a time ‘t’
greater than ‘5RC’.
Response Of High Pass RC Circuit to Pulse
• A pulse can be
expressed as
combination of a
step followed by
step w.r.t. times i.e.
• Vi = Vu (t) - Vu (t –
tp) where tp is the
duration of the pulse
as shown in fig
fig.5 Pulse input and output of a highpass circuit
• FOR 0<T< Tp THE OUTPUT Is Same
As Step Output.
• T> Tp Output Increases
Exponentially Towards zero.
Response Of High Pass RC Circuit to
Square Wave Input
• A waveform that has a
constant amplitude V '
for a time T1 and has another
constant amplitude V ' for a
time T2 and which is
repetitive with a time T= (T1+
T2) is called a square wave. If
T1= T2 =T, then it is called a
symmetric square wave and
the typical input-output
waveforms of the highpass
circuit are shown in fig
Let us consider the typical response of the high-pass circuit for a square-wave input shown
in Fig below

• Percentage Tilt ( % Tilt)

Tilt is defined as the decay in the amplitude of the output voltage wave due to the
input voltage maintaining constant level
From the above fig

........... (a)
For a symmetric square wave T1 = T2 = T/2. And, because of symmetry:


From Eq (a)


From Eq (b) V1 = −V2
Substituting in Eq. (c):
V1e−T1/τ + V1 = V = V1(1 + e−T1/τ) = V

For a symmetric square wave, as T1 = T2 = T/2, then from above Eqwe can
written as:

There is a tilt in the output waveform. The percentage tilt, P, is defined as:

If T/2τ << 1,


Thus, for a symmetrical square wave:

Response Of High Pass RC Circuit to
Ramp Input
• A waveform which is defined as: Vi(t)
={ 0 for t< 0
t for t > 0}
Then the
output is Vo(t) = i(t ) R

Which becomes

• This equation has the solution for V(t)

at t = 0. Taking Laplace Transform on
both sides of the above equation

By taking Inverse Laplace Transform

For times ‘t’ <<RC

The output signal falls away slightly from the input. As a measure of the
departure from linearity let us define the transmission error e t , as the difference
between input and output divided by the input. The error at a time t = T, is then

where f1 =1/2RC is again the

low frequency 3-dB point.
Response of the High-pass RC Circuit to
Exponential Input

Fig: Response of a high-pass circuit to an exponential input

High Pass RC Circuit Acts As
• The time constant of high pass RC circuit in very small in comparison
within the time required for the input signal to make an appreciable
change, the circuit is called a “differentiator”.
• Under this circumstances the voltage drop across R will be very small in
comparison with the drop across C. Hence we may consider that the
total input Vi appears across C, so that the current is determined entirely
by the capacitance.
• Then the current is i = C and the output signal across R is
V0 = iR
V0 = RC
• hence the output is proportional to the derivative of the
Low Pass RC Circuit

XC  2

If f=low, Xc becomes high

C act as open circuit, so we get the

If f=high, Xc becomes low

C acts as short circuit, so Vo=0.

As the lower frequency signals appear at the

output, it is called as
“Low pass RC circuit”.
Response of Low pass RC circuit to
sinusoidal input
• The Laplace transformed low-pass RC circuit is shown in Figure (a). The
gain versus frequency curve of a low-pass circuit excited by a sinusoidal
input is shown in Figure (b).This curve is obtained by keeping the
amplitude of the input sinusoidal signal constant and varying its frequency
and noting the output at each frequency.
• At low frequencies the output is equal to the input and hence the gain is
unity. As the frequency increases, the output decreases and hence the gain
decreases. The frequency at which the gain is l/√2 (= 0.707) of its
maximum value is called the cut-off frequency.
Response Of Low Pass RC Circuit to Step
• A step signal is one which maintains the value zero for all times t < 0, and maintains
the value V for all times t > 0. The transition between the two voltage levels takes place
at t = 0 and is accomplished in an arbitrarily small time interval. Thus, in Figure (a), vi
= 0 immediately before t = 0 (to be referred to as time t = 0-) and vi = V, immediately
after t= 0 (to be referred to as time t = 0+).

Let V’ be the initial voltage across the capacitor. Writing KVL around the loop in
low pass RC circuit
Expression for rise time

• When a step signal is applied, the rise time tr is defined as the time taken
by the output voltage waveform to rise from 10% to 90% of its final value: It
gives an indication of how fast the circuit can respond to a discontinuity in
voltage. Assuming that the capacitor is initially uncharged, the output voltage
shown in Figure (b) at any instant of time is given by
Relation between rise time and upper 3-dB frequency

We know that the upper 3-dB frequency (same as bandwidth) of a low-pass circuit is

Thus, the rise time is inversely proportional to the upper 3-dB frequency. The
time constant (Τ= RC) of a circuit is defined as the time taken by the output to
rise to 63.2% of the amplitude of the input step.
Response Of Low Pass RC Circuit to Pulse Input
• The pulse shown in Figure (a) is equivalent to a positive step followed by a delayed negative
step as shown in Figure (b). So, the response of the low-pass RC circuit to a pulse for times
less than the pulse width tp is the same as that for a step input and is given by v0(t) = V(l – e-
t/RC). The responses of the low-pass RC circuit for time constant RC » tp, RC smaller than tp

and RC very small compared to tp are shown in Figures (c), (d), and (e) respectively.
• If the time constant RC of the circuit is very large, at the end of the pulse, the output voltage
• be Vp(t) = V(1 – e-tp/RC) and the output will decrease to zero from this value with a time
• RC as shown in Figure (c). Observe that the pulse waveform is distorted when it is passed
through a linear network. The output will always extend beyond the pulse width tp, because
• whatever charge has accumulated across the capacitor C during the pulse cannot leak off
If the time constant RC of the circuit is very small, the capacitor charges and
discharges very quickly and the rise time tr will be small and so the distortion in
the wave shape is small. For minimum distortion (i.e. for preservation of wave
shape), the rise time must be small compared to the pulse width tp
Response Of Low Pass RC Circuit to
Square Input
• A square wave is a periodic waveform which maintains itself at one constant level
V’ with respect to ground for a time T1 and then changes abruptly to another level
V", and remains constant at that level for a time T2, and repeats itself at regular
intervals of T = T1 + T2. A square wave may be treated as a series of positive and
negative steps.
For the square wave shown in Figure (a), the output waveform will be as
shown in Figure (b) if the time constant RC of the circuit is small compared to
the period of the input waveform. In this case, the wave shape is preserved. If
the time constant is comparable with the period of the input square wave, the
output will be as shown id Figure (c). The output rises and falls exponentially.
If the time constant is very large compared to the period of the input
waveform, the output consists of exponential sections, which are essentially
linear as indicated in
Figure (d). Since the average voltage across R is zero, the dc voltage at the
output is the same
as that of the input. This average value is indicated as Vdc in all the waveforms.
Response Of Low Pass RC Circuit to
Ramp Input
When the time constant is very small relative to the total ramp time T, the ramp will be
transmitted with minimum distortion. The output follows the input but is delayed by one time
constant RC from the input (except near the origin where there is distortion) as shown in Figure
(a). If the time constant is large compared with the sweep duration, i.e. if RCIT » 1, the output
will be highly distorted as shown in Figure (b).
This shows that a quadratic response is obtained for a linear input and hence the circuit
acts as an integrator for RC/T » 1.

The transmission error et for a ramp input is defined as the difference between the input
and the output divided by the input at the end of the ramp, i.e. at t = T.
For RC/T « 1,
Response Of Low Pass RC Circuit For
Exponential Input
• For the low-pass RC circuit exponential input applied as shown in Figure .
The exponential equation vi(t ) = V(l – e-tlτ), where T is the time constant
of the input waveform.
Low Pass RC Circuit Acts As An
• The time constant is very large in comparison with the time required for
the input signal to make an appreciable change, the circuit is called an
• As RC>>T the voltage drop across C will be very small in comparison to the
voltage drop across R and we may consider that the total input Vi appear and
across R, then
Vi =iR

For low pass RC circuit the output voltage Vo is given

by V 1 i dt
O = C 
VO =
1 d
Vi C  R t

1 Vi
RC dt
Advantages Of Integrator Over
• Integrators are almost invariably preferred over differentiators in analog
computer applications for the following reasons.

• The gain of the integrator decreases with frequency where as the gain of
the differentiator increases linearly with frequency. It is easier to stabilize
the former than the latter with respect to spurious oscillations.

• As a result of its limited band width an integrator is less sensitive to noise

voltages than a differentiator.

• If the input wave form changes very rapidly, the amplifier of a

differentiator may over load.

• It is more convenient to introduce initial conditions in an integrator.

• An attenuator is a circuit that reduces the amplitude of the signal by a
finite amount. A simple resistance attenuator is represented in the below
Fig. The output of the attenuator shown in Fig. is given by the relation:

• From this equation, it is evident that the output is smaller than the input,
which is the main purpose of an attenuator—to reduce the amplitude of
the signal. Attenuators are used when the signal amplitude is very large.
Let us measure a voltage, say, 5000 V, using a CRO; such a large
voltage may not be handled by the amplifier in a CRO. Therefore, to be
able to measure such a voltage we first attenuate the voltage by a known
amount, say by a factor of 10(α = 0.1), so that the voltage that is actually
connected to the CRO is only 500 V. The output of the attenuator is thus
reduced depending on the choice of R1 and R2.
FIGURE: A resistance attenuator
FIGURE(a): The attenuator output
connected to amplifier input

Uncompensated Attenuators

If the output of an attenuator is connected as input to an amplifier with a stray capacitance C2

and input resistance Ri, as shown in Fig.(a).
Consider the parallel combination of R2 and Ri. If the amplifier input is not to load
the attenuator output, then Ri should always be significantly greater than R2. The
attenuator circuit is now shown in Fig.(b).
Reducing the two-loop network into a single-loop network by Thevenizing:

And Rth = R1||R2

FIGURE (b): The attenuator, considering
the stray capacitance at the amplifier input FIGURE (c): An uncompensated attenuator

Hence, the circuit in Fig.(b) reduces to that shown in Fig. (c).

When the input αvi is applied to this low-pass RC circuit, the output will not reach the
steady-state value instantaneously. If, for the above circuit, R1 = R2 = 1 MΩ and C2 =
20 nF, the rise time is:
tr = 2.2 RthC2 = 2.2 × 0.5 × 106 × 20 × 10−9
tr = 22ms
This means that after a time interval of approximately 22ms after the application of
the input αvi to the circuit, the output reaches the steady-state value. This is an
abnormally long delay. An attenuator of this type is called an uncompensated
attenuator, i.e., its output is dependent on frequency.
Compensated attuenuator

To make the response of the attenuator independent of frequency, the capacitor C1 is

connected acrossR1. This attenuator now is called a compensated attenuator shown in
below Fig. (d). This circuit in Fig. (d) is redrawn as shown in below Fig. (e).

FIGURE (e) Redrawn circuit of Fig (d)

FIGURE (d) A compensated attenuator

FIGURE (f) The compensated

attenuator open-circuiting the xy
When a step voltage with vi = V is applied as an input, the output is calculated as follows:
At t = 0+, the capacitors do not allow any sudden changes in the voltage; as the input
changes, the output should also change abruptly, depending on the values of C1 and C2.

Thus, the initial output voltage is determined by C1 and C2. As t → ∞, the capacitors are
fully charged and they behave as open circuits for dc. Hence, the resultant output is:

Perfect compensation is obtained if, vo(0+) = vo(∞) From this using above Eqs., we get:
FIGURE (g) A perfectly compensated
FIGURE (h) An over-compensated
attenuator (C1 = C2)
attenuator (C1 > C2)

FIGURE (i) An under-compensated attenuator (C1 < C2)

A perfectly compensated attenuator is sometimes used to reduce the signal amplitude
when the signal is connected to a CRO to display a waveform. A typical CRO probe
may be represented as in below Fig
RL High pass filter
• It is an electronic circuit which allows all the inputs with frequencies
greater than a particular frequency called the cut-off frequency to pass
through it.
• Transfer Function:

Fig. RL High Pass Circuit


Frequency Response:


As frequency increases also increases and the rate of increase in 20dB/decade

• The frequency response indicates that the frequencies below fh will be blocked by
the circuit and the frequencies above fh will be transmitted.



Fig. Frequency Response

Response of RL High pass filter to a step input

Fig. Response of RL High

pass filter to a step input
RL Low pass filter
• It is an electronic circuit which allows all the inputs with frequencies lesser
than a particular frequency called the cut-off frequency to pass through it.
• Transfer Function

Fig. RL Low pass filter

Frequency Response:






Fig. Frequency Response

The frequency response indicates that the frequencies below fl will be transmitted by the
circuit and the frequencies above fl will be blocked.
Response of RL Low pass filter to a step

Fig. Response of RL Low pass

filter to a step input
Series RLC Circuit

Fig. Series RLC Circuit

Response of series RLC circuit to a step

Fig. Response of series RLC circuit to a step input for three different cases
On solving this equations then we get under, over
and critical damped conditions.
Parallel RLC Circuit

Fig. Parallel RLC circuit

Response of Parallel RLC circuit to a step input:

As the parallel RLC circuit is a dual of the series RLC circuit. So the output voltage of it
will have the same shape as the current waveform of the series RLC circuit.
Ringing circuit
• Ringing circuit those which generate a sequence of pulses spared
regularly. In timing operations in automatic control circuits.
• Ringing circuits have under damped oscillations depending on the
number of ringing duty cycles required. It is sometime required to
obtain the values of ‘Q’ of a circuit.
• Which is to ring for a given number of ‘N’ cycles before the
amplitude falls to 1/e of its initial value.
From equation
It is seen that decrement is obtained

=N and

We have

For Q =12 the circuit will ring for cycles before the amplitude falls to
37% of its initial value.

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