Prestige Telephone Company Slides
Prestige Telephone Company Slides
Prestige Telephone Company Slides
Presented by:-
Md. Ashraf Ansari
Manaswini Mohanta
Niladri Patnaik GROUP NO.-- 5
Neha Kumari
Munawwar Alam
• Daniel Rowe, President of Prestige Telephone Company and
Susan Bradley, Manager of company subsidiary, Prestige Data
• State Public Service Commission permitted the company to
establish computer data service subsidiary.
• In 1994, Rowe told the commission that the subsidiary would
reduce pressure for telephone rate increases.
• Prestige Data Services had grown out of the needs.
• Rowe argued for separate but wholly owned entity which prices
for services would not be regulated.
• The commission accepted this but told that the average monthly
charge for service to the company should not be more than
• In the quarterly report intra company work was billed at $400 per
hour, Prestige Data Services rented the ground floor for
$8,000 per month.
• After examining the report, Rowe resolved to study them, asking
Bradley to estimate the possible effects on profits.
Marginal Costing—
Marginal costing can be defined as an accounting technique whereby
small increase or decrease in output result In change in total cost.
Advantage of marginal costing…
• Marginal Costing is simple to understand and operate; it can be
combined with other forms of costing.
• It helps in short-term profit planning by break-even charts and profit
• The effects of alternative sales or production policies can be more
readily appreciated and assessed
Q1. Appraise the result of operations of Prestige Data Services. Is the
subsidiary really a problem to Prestige Telephone Company? Consider
carefully the differences between reported costs and costs relevant for
decision that Daniel Rowe is considering.