Discrete Time Signals&systems
Discrete Time Signals&systems
Discrete Time Signals&systems
•Discrete-time signals
•Discrete-time Systems
Discrete-time signals
•Discrete-time signals are Signals that are discrete in
time but continuous in amplitude OR
Continuous-time Discrete-time
Continuous-value Discrete-value
Discrete Digital
Signal Types(CONT.)
•Analog signals: continuous in time and amplitude
Example: voltage, current, temperature,…
•Digital signals: discrete both in time and amplitude
Example: attendance of this class, digitizes analog signals,…
•Discrete-time signals: discrete in time, continuous in amplitude
Example: hourly change of temperature
•Theory of digital signals would be too complicated
Requires inclusion of nonlinearities into theory
•Theory is based on discrete-time continuous-amplitude signals
Most convenient to develop theory
Good enough approximation to practice with some care
•In practice we mostly process digital signals on processors
Need to take into account finite precision effects
Signal Types(CONT.)
•Continuous time –
Continuous amplitude
•Continuous time –
Discrete amplitude
•Discrete time –
Continuous amplitude
•Discrete time –
Discrete amplitude
Discrete-time Systems
A discrete-time system is one that processes a
discrete-time input/excitation sequence to produce
a discrete-time output/response sequence OR
•A Discrete-Time System is a mathematical operation
that maps a given input sequence x[n] into an output
sequence y[n] y[n] T{x[n]}
Moving (Running) Average y[n] x[n] x[n 1] x[n 2] x[n 3]
Maximum y[n] max x[n], x[n 1], x[n 2]
y[n] x[n no ]
Examples on Dynamic systems
The dynamic systems with finite memory:
y (n) h(k ) x(n k )
k 0
The dynamic system with infinite memory:
y ( n) h( k ) x ( n k )
k 0
Linear System
Linear System: A system is linear if and only if
T{x1[n] x2[n]} T x1[n] T x2[n] (additivity)
Tax[n] aT x[n] (scaling)
Principle of superposition.
Principle of superposition
•T{ax1[n] + bx2[n]} = aT{x1[n]} + bT{x2[n]}
ax1[n] + bx2[n]
T{} y= T{ax1[n] + bx2[n]}
x1 aT{x1[n]}
y= aT{x1[n]}+bT{x2[n]}
Principle of superposition(CONT.)
Another way of stating principle of superposition:
Additive Property
y ( n) H x ( n) x(n)
y ( n)
implies that
y (n k ) H x (n k ) x(n k )
y (n k )
y ( n) h N n ( k ) x ( n k )
k 0
Causal System
A system is causal iff it’s output is a function of only the current
and previous samples
y ( n ) h( k ) x ( n k )
k 0
y ( n) x ( n 2 ) 3 x ( n k )
The unstable system:
y (n) 3n x3 (n 1)
Recursive vs. Non-recursive Systems
A system whose output y(n) at time n depends on any
number of the past outputs values ( e.g. y(n-1), y(n-2), …),
is called a recursive system. Then, the output of a causal
recursive system can be expressed in general as
y(n) F y(n1), y(n2), , y(nN), x(n), x(n1), ,x(nM)