nationality of stowaway;
Stowaway Procedure
“stowaways arriving at or entering a country without the required
documents are, in general, recognized as “illegal entrants”.
Men on the spot, Master, port authorities & Administrations should
cooperate as far as possible in dealing with stowaway cases
Agent should be notified well in advance of arrival
under the U.S. Refugee Act 1980 a stowaway who arrives in the
USA can request “political asylum”
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) stipulates
shipowners are obliged to provide 24-hour armed guards during the
entire asylum – process can take time in months
(in some cases, owner incurred costs > $1m for such detention)
many countries impose very heavy penalties (in some cases of over
US$ 200,000) on Masters who fail to ensure that stowaways are
kept securely on board in port