Digital AM and FM Broadcasting
Digital AM and FM Broadcasting
Digital AM and FM Broadcasting
For FM
HD Radio Broadcasting
Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)
DRM can provide FM-quality sound on frequencies below 30
MHz (long-, medium-, and short-wave)
Similar to DAB, audio is encoded using perceptual coding –
Also, the signal is modulated using COFDM, but uses a fewer
number of sidebands than DAB.
It is also the name of the non-profit consortium that developed
the platform.
MPEG-4 is a standard used primarily to compress audio and
visual (AV) digital data.
MPEG-4 Part 3 specifies audio coding methods in the
It is a more efficient coding algorithm, allowing for CD-quality
audio at much lower bit rates (as low as 64 kbps).
Audio Source Coding
Depending on the source material, the audio can be
encoded using any of the following MPEG-4 flavors:
HE-AAC: a perceptual coder suited for voice and music.
CELP: Code Excited Linear Predictive Encoder. Suited for
voice only (vocoder), and uses a very low bit rate.
HVXC: Harmonic Vector eXcitation Coder. Also a speech
coder that uses a much lower bit rate than CELP.
DRM can be done on different bandwidths:
4.5 kHz or 5 kHz
These are half channels used in hybrid mode.
By using a 10 kHz channel for AM, plus a 5 kHz half channel