Subsidence and Thermal History
Subsidence and Thermal History
Subsidence and Thermal History
Introduction to subsidence analysis
• Improvements in the dating of stratigraphic units and in
estimates of past depositional water depths, largely
brought about by advances in micropaleontology, have
allowed the development of quantitative techniques in
geological analysis of sedimentary basins.
• The quantitative approach in geological analysis is termed
burial or subsidence analysis.
• Subsidence analysis aims at producing a curve for the
tectonic subsidence and sediment accumulation rates
through time.
• In order to do this, three corrections to the present stratigraphic
thicknesses need to be carried out:
a) Decompaction: present-day stratigraphic thicknesses must be
corrected to account for the progressive loss of porosity with
depth of burial.
b) Paleobathymetry: the water depth at the time of deposition
determines its position relative to a datum (such as present-day
sea level).
c) Absolute sea-level fluctuations: changes in the paleo-sea level
relative to today’s also needs to be considered
• Having made these corrections, comparisons between boreholes or
other sections are readily made possible.
• The time-depth history of any sediment layer can be evaluated,
therefore, if the three corrections above can be applied
• The technique whereby the effects of the sediment load are
removed from the total subsidence to obtain the tectonic
contribution is called backstripping
• Backstripped subsidence curves are useful in investigating the basin-
forming mechanisms
• Burial history and thermal history can be used to determine the oil
and gas potential of a basin and to estimate reservoir porosities and
• Burial history curves from a number of locations can also be used to
construct paleostructure maps at specific time slices
• Combined with information on thermal maturity, this can be a
powerful tool in evaluating the timing of oil migration and likely
migration pathways in relation to the development of suitable traps
Compressibility and compaction of porous sediments
(porosity loss during basin subsidence)
• Sediments turn into sedimentary rocks by a process of
consolidation, which involves compaction of the solid framework
and the occlusion of pore space
• A layer of fine-grained sediment will compact considerably,
even under its own weight, or with relatively small overburdens.
• Progressive burial of sediment by overlying layers during basin
evolution causes a number of physical and chemical changes to
the basin-fill
• Compressibility refers to the elastic response of a solid material
allowing a reduction of volume caused by an increase in pressure or
stress. A decrease in volume implies an increase in bulk density in
the sample or stratigraphic unit.
• Consolidation is a term usually applied to soils and young sediments
and refers to the decrease in volume by a loss of water under
static loading, which results in an increase in strength.
• Compaction is the change in dimensions of a volume of sediment by
a reduction of the pore space between a solid framework as a result
of loading
• Porosity loss refers to the loss of pore volume that commonly
accompanies burial, and may or may not be related to volumetric
strains. For example, cementation of a sandstone may result in a
loss of porosity but may not affect the volume occupied by the
sedimentary rock, and therefore involves no strain.
Compaction and porosity loss are affected by three sets of
interrelated processes;
1) Mechanical compaction, which is the mechanical rearrangement and
compression of grains in response to loading. Mechanical
compaction dominates in the cool upper portions of sedimentary
2) Physico-chemical compaction due to processes such as pressure
solution, which is particularly important in carbonates.
Cementation, which involves the filling of pore space by chemical
precipitation, which is related to temperature rather than to
3) Chemical compaction becomes increasingly important in the warm
lower portions of sedimentary basins, the cement arresting
further mechanical compaction.
• For a given lithology, observations show that there is a general
exponential reduction in porosity and increase in bulk density with
• The total volume of a sedimentary rock is made of a solid volume
and pore volume.
• During burial the total volumetric strain is therefore made of a
change in pore volume and a change in volume of the solid phase.
• Compaction causes a major reduction in the pore fluid volume
accompanied by a small reduction of the solid volume due
to compression, whereas cementation increases the solid volume at
the expense of the pore fluid volume.
• Changes in the solid volume during mineral transformation and
cementation are commonplace
• For example, the transformation of aragonite to calcite
causes an increase in 8% by volume
• But the dehydration of gypsum to anhydrite causes a
reduction of 37.5% in volume,
• And dehydration reactions in shales such as the illitisation
of K-feldspar and kaolinite causes a volume decrease of
• This means that the common starting point to the study of
the loss of porosity during burial, the assumption that the
solid volume remains constant (since the compressibilities
of many rock-forming minerals are small)
Effective stress
• General relationships for the burial of sedimentary layers can be
obtained using basic principles of soil mechanics
• For a water-saturated clay, for example, the overlying weight on a
layer of sediment is supported jointly by the fluid pressure in the
pores and the grain-to-grain mechanical strength of the clay
aggregates. The effective stress is the combination of the vertical
stress and the fluid pressure:
Compilation of porosity-depth curves for sandstones (a), shales (b) and carbonates (c).
Note that shales compact early compared to sandstones. The porosity-depth relation for
carbonates varies according to grain types and amount of cementation.
A number of factors affect the porosity-depth relationship, chief
of which are:
a) gross lithology, shales compacting quickly compared to
b) depositional facies, which controls grain size, sorting and clay
content and therefore initial (surface) porosity
c) composition of framework grains: for example, pure quartz
arenites differ from lithic arenites containing ductile
d) temperature strongly affects chemical diagenesis, such as
quartz cementation, clay mineral growth and pressure solution
e) time: porosity loss may require sufficiently long periods of
• The simplest trend recognized between porosity and depth is a
linear trend of the form;
where ϕ and ϕ0 are the porosity at depth and the initial porosity
respectively, y and a is an empirically derived coefficient
• This linear relationship appears to fit data carefully chosen
from specific sedimentary facies within a certain stratigraphic
unit of given geological age from one basin
• However, a linear relationship self evidently cannot apply at
large depths, since porosities would have to become negative
• A more widely used porosity-depth relation therefore has the
form of a negative exponential, which produces an asymptotic
low porosity with increasing depth.
• For normal pressured sediments, the variation of porosity with
depth can be expressed as