Ed Amul
Ed Amul
Ed Amul
•Strong Brand
•Efficient Supply chain
•Diverse Portfolio Of Products
Mother Dairy
Kwality Walls
Amul can't collect milk from aggregators owing to their own policies
and co-operative structure. This doesn't give them the advantage of
private aggregators efficiencies and cost reduction in collection.
HUL positions each of the variations of Kwality Walls to make sure that
they look good as per various segments. The pricing provided by this
brand is feasible and affordable for all.
Most people prefer Amul because of the quality of milk used for making
ice cream as Amul has its network of collecting milk from cattle owners
through cooperative societies at village level across Gujrat where as
Kwality doesn't have own milk collection network so quality of milk
used is not assured.
Vegetable fats and oils are lipid materials derived from plants. Ice
cream is expected to be free from vegetable fat.
1. Its supply chain: Amul has large number of dairy suppliers which provides it tremendous strength and facilitates Amul to
produce high volumes by relying on its supply chain.
2. its Wide Product portfolio: Amul has a really wide product line due to which it can run Amul shoppes's and also maintain
its products presence in market, especially at retail level. Amul's product portfolio analysis indicates that its Butter and Ice
cream are cash cows for it.
3. AMUL enjoyed the first mover advantage and has captured a vast market share
in Indian market and then start expanding by multiplying its product so much so
that it didn’t allow the world leading company in this sector of dairy products
Competitive threats faced by AMUL
1. Increasing Competition – Amul increasingly faces fierce competition in the Ice Cream sector.
More and more companies and brands both local and foreign are invading its markets and
overtaking its sales. Competitors like Kwality Walls, Mother Dairy, Baskin Robbins, London
dairy, and Havmor are a few names that directly threaten its business.
2. Negative Media Coverage – Negative media coverage has not been beneficial for Amul’s
operations. It has affected its sales and forced them to issue statements garnering unwanted media
Environment threats faced by AMUL
1. Investment in Technology
Amul has experienced exponential growth in the last few decades. The company is continually investing in
adaptive and revolutionary technologies within the dairy industry. The company is targeting a
turnover of Rs. 50,000 crore in the fiscal year 2020.
2. Production Capacity
Amul is one of the largest manufacturers of milk and dairy products in the world. The company is managed
by the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, which is a dairy producers cooperative which
supplies the company with almost 18 million liters of milk daily.
3. Market Share
Amul has transformed itself into the market leader of milk and dairy products in the country. For
instance, Amul has a market share of 33 per cent in the organised ice cream industry. The ice cream
market is expected to grow by 30 per cent.
Amul has expanded its ice cream product and business portfolio by opening standalone Amul ice cream
stores all over the country.
Furthermore, the flavoured milk industry in India is also expected to grow by 20 per cent, and once again,
Amul is a market leader in flavoured milk in India.
4. Strong Brand Value
Amul is one of the most recognizable and valuable brands in India. The Amul girl, the company’s mascot which
features on its advertisements is one of the oldest and most iconic brand mascots which Amul uses even
None of the milk or dairy products brands in India has come close to the public image or brand value which
Amul enjoys in the Indian market.
5. Quality
One of the primary reasons for Amul being one of the most trusted brands in Indian and having a strong and
loyal consumer base is its quality. Amul has never faced any significant issues pertaining to its quality within
the Indian market. The company has also maintained transparency concerning its quality control practices.
Amul maintains excellent relationships with the health department and government agencies. Validation from
these authorities further develops trust within the minds of the consumers about the quality of Amul’s
6. Large Consumer Base
The company has a large consumer base which spreads across the urban and rural regions of the country.
This wide-reaching consumer base has allowed the company to maintain distinct leverage over its competitors
1.Verghese Kurien strongly believed that by placing technology and
professional management in the hands of the farmers, the living
standards of millions of rural poor could be improved. His belief came
into reality when in 1965, NDDB(The National Dairy Development
Board) was established and he was selected as the chairman.
2. With operation 'FLOOD' he successfully replicated many more
Anand pattern based co-operatives across India. Mother Dairy was a
result of this initiative. Kurien and his teams commitment
transformed India from a milk deficient nation to into the world’s
largest milk producer, surpassing the USA in 1998
3. Later, Kurien also founded IRMA (Institute of Rural Management
Anand) to train professionals for rural co-operatives and NGOs. All
this led to generation of employment to around 13.4 million people,
out of which 3.7 were women.
Hence the vision or goal of Mr. Kurien which was to empower the
farmers and to provide them technology was achieved way before his
1. Look To Other IndustriesLook to other industries outside of your
own for insight, new ideas and technology that can be utilized in your
sector. Mr kurien did the same before replicating the amul model all
over north india.
2. See Cross-Collaboration Potential In Different FieldsAchieving
success in the competitive business market today requires a
combination of creativity and cross-collaboration across fields not
typically brought together. Those who can "see" this collaborative
potential are often described as thinking outside the box. This can be
clearly seen in the wide variety of amul products.
3. Learn To PivotEntrepreneurs need to move quickly and learn to
pivot in the world of modern business. New technology was intoduced
which helped in maximum production.
The Reason for choosing Verghese Kurien is that he has already been introduced to
many of us at some point in our life . We've heard about him as the architect or as the
father of the white revolution during our early studies. His life-long purpose of work can
be summed up in one word ‘empowerment’ – empowerment of small and marginal
farmers and landless laborers. In Dr. Kurien’s words, he was not in the business of milk.
Milk was only the ‘medium’ that he used to empower the farmers.
Reason for choosing this entrepreneur:
Risk-taking ability
Accountable in nature
Own decision maker