2018 Genpsych - Psycdrugs
2018 Genpsych - Psycdrugs
2018 Genpsych - Psycdrugs
Psychoactive drugs are substances
that can alter the consciousness,
mood, and thoughts of those who
use them.
Medications that affect people
psychologically are called
psychoactive drugs. They are often
helpful in treating depression,
anxiety, insomnia, and other
psychological complications that
may accompany HIV infection.
There is archaeological evidence of the use of psychoactive substances
dating back at least 10,000 years;
The long history of drug use and even children's desire for spinning,
swinging, or sliding indicates that the drive to alter one's state of mind is
universal .
Uses of psychoactive substances
1. Anesthesia
General Anesthesia are a class of
psychoactive drug used on patients to block
pain and other sensations. Most anesthetics
induce unconsciousness, which allows
patients to undergo medical procedures like
surgery without physical pain or emotional
2. pain killers
Psychoactive drugs are often prescribed to
manage pain. As the subjective experience of
pain is regulated by endorphins pain can be
managed using psychoactives that operate on
this neurotransmitter system. This class of
drugs includes narcotics like morphine.
Psychiatric medications are prescribed for the
management of mental and emotional
disorders. There are 6 major classes of
psychiatric medications:
1. Psychological addiction, by which a user
feels compelled to use a drug despite
negative physical or societal
2. Physical dependence, by which a user
must use a drug to avoid medically
harmful withdrawal.
How Does Drug Addiction affect the
Drug use may either bring about mental illness, or it may be a way of easing
some of the symptoms of a mental disorder or the side effects of medication.
Also, since many drugs produce effects typical of some mental illnesses, drug
dependence and mental illness may have the same neurobiological causes.
How can addiction to psychoactive drugs be prevented and
Some medications used for the treatment of drug addiction
either block the effects of the drug or cause unpleasant
reactions. Other substances can be used as substitutes for a
drug, for instance methadone can replace heroin. Such
substitutes act like the drug in some ways without inducing
some of the more harmful effects.
Drug addiction can also be treated through various behavioral therapies that
try to replace the motivation to use drugs with the motivation to engage in
other behaviors. Such therapies aim to help people ‘unlearn’ their drug-
taking behavior, learn new ways to respond to cravings, and develop new
skills to remain drug-free.
Harmful effects of psychoactive drugs?
Short-term Long-term
Deaths and injuries caused For alcohol this includes liver
Health by driving after drinking cirrhosis.
effects alcohol or after other drug For cigarette smoking this
use, includes lung cancer,
other accidents, suicide, emphysema and other
assaults (at least for chronic illnesses.
alcohol), overdose (for For heroin taken by injection
drugs such as opioids and and through the sharing of
alcohol). needles, this includes the
possibility of contracting HIV
or hepatitis B and C.