Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: First Name LAST NAME - Speaker's Job Title

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Shell & Tube Heat


First Name LAST NAME - Speaker’s job title

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Single phase Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
 Overall aims of thermal design
 Brief description of various exchanger types
 Optimizing tube side design
 Step-wise calculations for viscous liquids
 Optimizing shell side design
 Shell style and baffling
 Shell side stream analysis and temperature profile distortion
 How to minimize penalty due to temperature profile distortion
 Minimization of shell side pressure drop
 The use of multiple shells in series/parallel
 Allocation of sides: shell side & tube side

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Overall aims of thermal design
 Achieve the specified duty at minimum overall cost
 Overall cost = initial cost + operating cost
 Operating cost = pumping cost + maintenance cost
 To minimize initial cost, achieve highest htc within allowable pressure
 Allowable pressure drops should be assigned judiciously

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TEMA standards

 TEMA (Tubular Exchanger

Manufacturers Association)

 Devised a standard
nomenclature to describe
exchanger with 3 letter
designation for Front head,
Shell and Rear head

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TEMA type - BEM

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TEMA type - AEM

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TEMA type - AES

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Front Head Types
A – Type (channel and removable cover)
 Bolted to tubesheet at one end & flat cover plate at
the other end
 Cleaning of insides of tubes is possible without
removing the whole channel or associated piping
 Relatively high cost due to two flanged joints
 Very widely used, especially in petroleum refineries

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Front Head Types
B – Type (Bonnet)
 Flanged joint at one end of channel
 Welded head at other end of channel
 Cheaper & lighter than A type
 Not recommended for exchangers requiring
frequent tube side cleaning
 For mechanical cleaning of tubes, bonnet &
associated piping must be removed
 Used for cleaner tube side fluids
 For large diameter bonnets, manway may be
provided to provide access without removing
bonnet and associated piping

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Front Head Types
C – Type (Channel integral with tubesheet)
 Similar to A type, except that the channel is welded
directly to tubesheet
 Tubesheet extended & bolted to shell
 Shell is removable, channel & tube bundle left in
 Suitable for hazardous tube side fluids & heavy,
high pressure tube bundles
 Suitable for exchangers requiring more frequent
cleaning on shell side

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Front Head Types
N – Type (Channel integral with tubesheet)
 Similar to C type, except tubesheet is welded to
 Only applicable for fixed tube sheet exchangers
 Tubes can be internally cleaned without removing
the channel or the associated piping
 Can be used for hazardous services
 Shell side cleaning is not possible

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Front Head Types
D – Type (Special High Pressure closure)
 Specially designed closure for high pressures on
tube side.
 Tube sheet and channel are integral (drum tube
 Very large bolt sizes for channel cover requiring use
of hydraulic bolt tensioners.
 Several designs available (some patented) to reduce
cost. Breechlock type is one such proprietary

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Rear Head Types
Can be broadly classified as
 Fixed tubesheet type
 Floating head type
 U-tube type

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Rear Head Types
Fixed tubesheet
 No access to outside of tube bundle
 Used with clean, non-corrosive shell side fluids which do not require
mechanical cleaning of shell side of tube bundle
 Relatively cheap
 Large differential thermal expansion between shell & tubes can lead to
overstressing of tubes or damage to tube-to-tubesheet joints
 Requires expansion joints or expansion bellows on shell to overcome
problem of differential expansion

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Rear Head Types
Floating Head
 Tube bundle is removable
 Relatively more expensive
 Used when mechanical cleaning of shell side of tube bundle is required
 Requires larger clearance between OTL and shell ID resulting large fluid
bypass and leading to larger shell ID

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Rear Head Types
U - Tubes
 Commonly used for high pressure applications
 Relatively cheapest (eliminates one tubesheet, channel)
 Removable tube bundle. Can be mechanically cleaned on shell side
 Cannot be mechanically cleaned in U-bend region. Hence, used with clean
fluids on tube side
 Can handle large thermal differential expansion between shell and tubes

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Rear Head Types
L – Type
 Fixed tube sheet arrangement
 Corresponds to A type front head
 Generally used with single or odd no. of tube
pass exchangers
 Cleaning of insides of tubes is possible
without removing the channel

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Rear Head Types
M – Type
 Fixed tube sheet arrangement
 Corresponds to B type front head
 Generally used with even no. of tube pass

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Rear Head Types
N – Type
 Fixed tube sheet arrangement
 Corresponds to N type front head
 Generally used with single or odd no. of tube
pass exchangers
 Cleaning of insides of tubes is possible
without removing the channel

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Rear Head Types
P – Type
 In this the gap between the shell and the
floating tube sheet is sealed by compressing
packing material
 This is not suitable for hazardous and high
pressure applications

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Rear Head Types
S – Type ( Floating head with backing device)
 Also called as split ring floating head (SRFH)
 Floating head is bolted to backing device
 Backing ring is split (made in two halves)
 Commonly used with A type front end head
 AES is most common type in refinery services

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Rear Head Types
T – Type (Pull through floating head)
 Rear end can be pulled through without
removing the floating head
 Requires larger shell diameter than S type
 Relatively costlier than S type
 Easier to dismantle than S type
 Commonly used in Kettle type heat
 Preferred when there is large pressure
differential between shell & tube sides

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Rear Head Types
U – Type (U – Tube bundle)
 Bundle is easily removable for external
 No problems of differential thermal expansion
 Extensively used for clean tube side services
like steam, gases, BFW
 Used for two-phase mixtures on tube side to
prevent phase separation
 When used with D type front head, gives very
economical design by eliminating tube sheet
and channel at rear end

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Rear Head Types
W – Type (Externally sealed floating tubesheet)
 Also called as O-ring or lantern ring type
 Uses lantern ring seals between the floating
tube sheet, shell & channel
 Possibility of leaks at packed joints
 Suitable for low pressure, non-hazardous
fluids on both shell and tube side
 Used for water, steam, air, lube oil
 Design temperature should not exceed 191°C;
limitations on design pressure

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Shell Types
E – Type
 One pass on shell side
 Mostly common type – industry standard
 If two or more tube passes are used, then
temperature cross may be a problem
 Temperature cross can be avoided by using
multiple shells in series

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Shell Types
F – Type
 Two passes on shell side
 Mostly used with two tube side passes to
ensure true countercurrent flow
 Possibility of fluid leakage through
longitudinal baffle from first pass to second
 Leakage can be controlled by using lamiflex
type seals or by welding the longitudinal baffle
to the shell

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Shell Types
F – Type

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Shell Types
G – Type
 Also known as split flow shell
 Low shell side pressure drop can be
 Has higher temperature efficiency than E
 Mostly used as thermosyphon Reboiler
 Full support plate provided at centre of shell
inlet / outlet nozzles

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Shell Types
H – Type
 Also known as double split flow type
 Similar in principle to G type
 Pressure drop is very low (almost one-eighth
of E type)
 Mostly used as thermosyphon Reboiler
 Full support plate provided at centre of shell
inlet / outlet nozzles and at centre of the shell

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Shell Types
J – Type
 Also known as divided flow type
 One shell inlet and two shell outlet nozzles;
variant with two inlet and one outlet nozzles
 Since half the fluid is flowing through half the
length of the shell, shell side pressure drop
is very low
 Commonly used for low pressure condensers
and other services with low allowable
pressure drop

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Shell Types
K – Type
 Also known as Kettle type
 Exclusively used for vaporizing services
 Tube bundle submerged in pool of liquid
 Liquid level maintained above tube bundle
 Vapor disengagement space provided above
tube bundle
 Full tube support plates provided

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Shell Types
X – Type
 Also known as crossflow type
 Lowest pressure drop of all shell types
 Used when the shell side volumetric flow rate
is very high and /or allowable pressure drop
is very low
 Mostly used in vacuum condensers
 Full tube support plates are provided
 Proper design to avoid mal-distribution at
shell inlet
 Multiple inlet & outlet nozzles / distributor
plates provided

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TEMA type summary

Type of Design AEU / AEW / AEP / AES / AET / AEM

Relative Cost(1 is
lowest, 9 is highest) 3 6 7 8 9 2 1 5 4
Removable Bundle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No

Replaceable Bundle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes(1) Yes(2) No No

Removable Bonnets/
Channel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Individual Tube
Replacement No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Chemical & Chemical & Chemical & Chemical & Chemical & Chemical &
Tubeside Cleaning
Chemical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Chemical Chemical Mechanical Mechanical

Shellside Cleaning Chemical & Chemical & Chemical & Chemical & Chemical & Chemical &
Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Chemical Chemical Chemical
Double Tubesheet
Design Available No Available No No Available Available Available Available
Number of Tubeside Any even Any even Any even Any even Any even
Passes number 1-2 Any number number number number Any Any
Each tube Each tube Each tube Expansion Expansion
Provision for Thermal
expands Floating Floating Floating Floating expands expands Joint when Joint when
freely Tubesheet Tubesheet Head Head freely freely Applicable Applicable

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Basic Correlations of Thermal Design

Q = U * A * MTD

Q = heat transferred, kcal/h

U = Overall heat transfer coefficient, kcal/h m2 C

A = Heat transfer area, m2

MTD = Mean temperature difference, deg C

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Design Data

 Total heat duty

 Stream flow rates and inlet/outlet temperatures

 Operating pressure

 Allowable pressure drop

 Physical properties

 Fouling resistance

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Design Data – contd.

 Design pressure and temperature

 Heat exchanger type

 Materials of construction and corrosion allowance

 Size or space limitations

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Optimizing tube side design

 Relatively straightforward

 Physical variables: tube diameter, tube length and number of tube passes

 Heat transfer Nu = 0.027 (Re)0.8 (Pr)0.33

 Pressure drop: G, Re, density, tube ID, tube length, and no. of tube passes

 Velocity affects pressure drop more strongly than it affects heat transfer

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Some fundamental correlations

Nu = 0.027 (Re)0.8 (Pr)0.33

hD/k = 0.027 (DG/μ)0.8 (cμ/k)0.33

h = 0.027 (DG/μ)0.8 (cμ/k)0.33 (k/D)

(a) h~ G0.8
(b) h~ μ-0.47
(c) h~ k0.67
(d) h~ c0.33

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Optimizing shell side design

 Far more complex than tube side

 More parameters
 Shell style
 Baffle type, spacing and cut
 Tube layout pattern
 Tube pitch

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Optimizing shell side design

 Already discussed in the Shell Types

E shell F shell
G shell

H shell J shell

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Types of baffles

 Single segmental
 Double segmental
 No-tube-in-window (NTIW)
 Disc and doughnut
 Helical baffles
 ROD baffles
 EM baffles

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Types of baffles

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Single segmental baffles

 Most common type of baffle.

 Also known as segmental baffles.
 Baffle cut defined as % of shell ID (Ds)
 Baffle cut: 15% to 45%
 Baffle spacing: 0.2 Ds to Ds
 For a given shell side pressure drop, fewer
baffles are required
 Flow-induced vibration problems may occur
because of larger baffle spacing

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Double segmental baffles

 Alternating arrangement of single piece &

two piece baffle segments
 Baffle cut: 15% to 25%
 Baffle spacing: 0.2 Ds to Ds
 Much lower pressure drop can be achieved
compared to segmental type.
 Consequently, baffle spacing can be reduced
 Lower potential for flow-induced vibrations

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No-tube-in-window baffles (NTIW)

 Segmental baffles having no tubes in baffle

window region
 Every tube is supported at every baffle
 Eliminates flow-induced vibration problems
 Intermediate tube supports can be provided
 Since all tubes are in cross flow, higher heat
transfer coefficients are achieved
 Higher shell diameters are required

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Baffle design

 Optimize baffle design: spacing and cut

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Tube layout patterns

 Tube layout patterns

 Triangular (30°)
 Rotated triangular (60°)
 Square (90°)
 Rotated Square (45°)

 Square and rot. square layouts used in exchangers requiring mechanical

cleaning on shell side

 For square & rot. square layouts, min. cleaning lane of 6.35 mm to be
provided as per TEMA Standards; tube layout required to be aligned

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Tube layout patterns

 Rotated square layout gives higher heat transfer compared to

square layout when shell side flow is laminar

 Rotated square layout may require larger shell diameter compared

to square layout because of alignment of tubes

 Triangular layout gives higher heat transfer and pressure drop than
rot. triangular layout for a given baffle spacing

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Tube layout patterns

Flow direction Flow direction

Horizontal cut with 30° layout Horizontal cut with 60° layout

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Tube layout patterns

Flow Flow
direction direction
Vertical cut with 30° layout Vertical cut with 60° layout

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Stream analysis

F Seal rods Seal strip

A -> tube-to-baffle hole leakage

B -> main crossflow
C -> bundle-to-shell bypass
E -> baffle-to-shell leakage
F -> pass-partition bypass

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Temperature profile distortion

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Case study: the problem

Shellside Tubeside

Fluid Light HC CW

Flow rate, kg/h 9840 65,600

In/out temp., C 114 / 40 33 / 40

Heat duty, MM kcal/h 0.46

All. pr. drop, kg/cm2 0.7 0.7

Fouling res. (met) 0.0002 0.0004

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Case study: principal parameters

Shell ID, mm 500

Tubes 188 nos., 20 mm OD x 2 mm thk

x 6000 mm long

No. of tube passes 2

Tube pitch, mm 26 sq.

Baffling Single seg, 140 mm sp, 21%

cut on dia.

Connections 3” shellside, 6” tubeside

Heat transfer area, m2 70

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Case study: results

bs = 140 bs = 160 bs = 175 bs = 190

‘A’ stream 0.189 0.173 0.163 0.154

‘B’ stream 0.463 0.489 0.506 0.521

‘C’ stream 0.109 0.113 0.116 0.118

‘E’ stream 0.24 0.225 0.215 0.207

Delta factor 0.6 0.692 0.735 0.766

s/s htc, kcal/h m2 C 614 570 562 550

OHTC, kcal/h m2 C 380 362 359 354

Pr. drop, kg/cm2 0.034 0.029 0.027 0.026

MTD, C 13.73 15.9 16.87 17.58

Overdesign, % -21.1 -12.8 -8.26 -5.73

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Minimizing shellside pressure drop

 Single-pass shell and single segm. Baffles

 Single-pass shell and double segm. Baffles

 Divided-flow shell and single segm. Baffles

 Divided-flow shell and double segm. Baffles

 No-tubes-in-window segmental baffles

 Cross-flow shell

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Use of Multiple shells

 Multiple shells in parallel

 Multiple shells in series

 Handle temperature cross
 Increase velocity and HTC
 Reduce penalty due to temp. profile distortion

 Multiple shells in series/parallel

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Allocation of Shellside and Tubeside

 Specialized facet of heat exchanger design: experience particularly


 Straightforward for many services, e.g., light hydrocarbon


 However, if the process stream is corrosive, no longer so

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Allocation of Shellside and Tubeside - Parameters

 Temperature
 Pressure
 Pressure drop
 Viscosity
 Fouling and cleaning
 Corrosion
 Flow rate
 Temperature range
 Very often, these parameters place contradictory demands
 Case study follows after discussion of individual parameters

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Temperature and Pressure

 High temperature stream-> costlier MOC’s:

 preferable on tubeside as fewer components on tubeside

 High pressure stream favored on tubeside:

 fewer components on tubeside
 tubes can withstand much higher internal pressure

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Pressure drop

 Pressure drop higher on tubeside for the same HTC, especially for viscous
liquids. Thus viscous liquids are better handled on the shellside

 Gas pr. drop often lower on tubeside if a single tube pass can be used, e.g.,
FTS exch’s. However, if tube diameter has to be increased, not worthwhile

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 Viscous liquids far better handled on shellside: much higher HTC for same
pressure drop

 The greater the viscosity, the greater the difference between the HTC’s

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Fouling and Cleaning

 Dirtier fluid preferably routed tubeside: shellside more susceptible to

fouling, also more difficult to clean

 Unfortunately, the dirtier stream is invariably more viscous

 There is thus a direct contradictory demand between viscosity and fouling

 Final selection depends on overall economics: which allocation produces

the cheaper overall cost, initial + operating

 Very common problem in crude preheat trains

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 If more corrosive stream is on tubeside, costlier MOC for tubes, channel and
channel cover, floating-head cover and tubeside tube sheet face

 On the shellside, shell, shell cover, tubes, floating-head cover and shellside
tubesheet face have to be of costlier metallurgy

 Hence, better to route more corrosive fluid through tubeside

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Flow rate

 Low flow rate streams better handled on tubeside: number of tube passes
can be increased

 On the shellside, baffle spacing and cut can be reduced only to a certain
extent. Thereafter, multiple shells in series are required: costly

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Temperature range

 Not very apparent to many designers

 With 2 tube passes, stream with large temp. range (>100-110 C) better routed
through shellside: avoid differential expansion and leakage at channel-
tubesheet girth flange

 More than 2 passes may be tolerable

 Single pass will have no such problem

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Case study – the problem

Crude oil HVGO

Flow rate, kg/h 476,000 112,000

Temp. in/out, C 229 / 243 298 / 240

Viscosity in/out, cp 0.26 / 0.24 0.69 / 1.12

Fouling res. kcal/h m2 C 0.0006 0.0008

Heat duty, MM kcal/h 4.49

Design pr., kg/cm2 g 44.0 22.0

MOC 5Cr1/2Mo SS410

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Case study – side allocation considerations

Preferred allocation of Reason


Viscosity Tubeside HVGO more viscous

Corrosiveness Shellside HVGO requires superior MOC

Fouling nature Shellside HVGO dirtier

Pressure Tubeside Crude design pressure much higher

Flow rate Shellside HVGO flow rate much lower

Temp. range No preference Temp. range of neither stream is excessive

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Case study – the solution

Design 1: Crude on shellside Design: Crude on tubeside

No. of shells in series 2 2

Tube OD x thk x length, mm 25 x 2.5 x 6000

Shell ID, mm 1060 1120

No. of tubes per shell x NTP 670 x 8 810 x 2

Baffle spacing, mm x cut, % 450 x 25 330 x 20

Pr. drop crude / HVGO, kg/cm 2 1.05/1.43 0.29/0.32

HTC crude / HVGO, kcal/h m 2 C 2327/1043 1492/732

Overall HTC, kcal/h m2 C 306 255

Heat transfer area, m2 2 x 304 = 608 2 x 367 = 734

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Impingement protection

 Provided to prevent or minimize erosion of tube bundle components at

entrance and exit areas

 An impingement plate or other means of protection is shall be provided

when entrance line values of ρV2 exceed the following:
 For non-abrasive, single phase fluids 2232 kg/m-sec2 (1500 lb/ft-sec2)
 All other liquids, including a liquid at its boiling point 744 kg/m-sec2 (500 lb/ft-sec2)
 For all other gases and vapors, including nominally saturated vapors, and for liquid vapor
mixtures, impingement protection is required

 Shell or bundle entrance and exit ρV2 should not exceed 5953 kg/m-sec2
(4000 lb/ft-sec2)

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