Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: First Name LAST NAME - Speaker's Job Title
Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: First Name LAST NAME - Speaker's Job Title
Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: First Name LAST NAME - Speaker's Job Title
Devised a standard
nomenclature to describe
exchanger with 3 letter
designation for Front head,
Shell and Rear head
Shellside Cleaning Chemical & Chemical & Chemical & Chemical & Chemical & Chemical &
Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Chemical Chemical Chemical
Double Tubesheet
Design Available No Available No No Available Available Available Available
Number of Tubeside Any even Any even Any even Any even Any even
Passes number 1-2 Any number number number number Any Any
Each tube Each tube Each tube Expansion Expansion
Provision for Thermal
expands Floating Floating Floating Floating expands expands Joint when Joint when
freely Tubesheet Tubesheet Head Head freely freely Applicable Applicable
Q = U * A * MTD
Operating pressure
Physical properties
Fouling resistance
Relatively straightforward
Physical variables: tube diameter, tube length and number of tube passes
Pressure drop: G, Re, density, tube ID, tube length, and no. of tube passes
Velocity affects pressure drop more strongly than it affects heat transfer
(a) h~ G0.8
(b) h~ μ-0.47
(c) h~ k0.67
(d) h~ c0.33
More parameters
Shell style
Baffle type, spacing and cut
Tube layout pattern
Tube pitch
E shell F shell
G shell
H shell J shell
Single segmental
Double segmental
No-tube-in-window (NTIW)
Disc and doughnut
Helical baffles
ROD baffles
EM baffles
For square & rot. square layouts, min. cleaning lane of 6.35 mm to be
provided as per TEMA Standards; tube layout required to be aligned
Triangular layout gives higher heat transfer and pressure drop than
rot. triangular layout for a given baffle spacing
Horizontal cut with 30° layout Horizontal cut with 60° layout
Flow Flow
direction direction
Vertical cut with 30° layout Vertical cut with 60° layout
Shellside Tubeside
Fluid Light HC CW
Cross-flow shell
Pressure drop
Fouling and cleaning
Flow rate
Temperature range
Very often, these parameters place contradictory demands
Case study follows after discussion of individual parameters
Pressure drop higher on tubeside for the same HTC, especially for viscous
liquids. Thus viscous liquids are better handled on the shellside
Gas pr. drop often lower on tubeside if a single tube pass can be used, e.g.,
FTS exch’s. However, if tube diameter has to be increased, not worthwhile
Viscous liquids far better handled on shellside: much higher HTC for same
pressure drop
The greater the viscosity, the greater the difference between the HTC’s
If more corrosive stream is on tubeside, costlier MOC for tubes, channel and
channel cover, floating-head cover and tubeside tube sheet face
On the shellside, shell, shell cover, tubes, floating-head cover and shellside
tubesheet face have to be of costlier metallurgy
Low flow rate streams better handled on tubeside: number of tube passes
can be increased
On the shellside, baffle spacing and cut can be reduced only to a certain
extent. Thereafter, multiple shells in series are required: costly
With 2 tube passes, stream with large temp. range (>100-110 C) better routed
through shellside: avoid differential expansion and leakage at channel-
tubesheet girth flange
Shell or bundle entrance and exit ρV2 should not exceed 5953 kg/m-sec2
(4000 lb/ft-sec2)