Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
This chapter is devoted to the analysis and the design of beams, which are structural
members supporting loads applied at various points along the member.
Steel and aluminum beams play an important part in both structural and mechanical
In most cases, the loads are perpendicular to the axis of the beam.
Photo 5.1 Timber beams used
This transverse loading causes only bending and shear in the beam. in a residential dwelling.
When the loads are not at a right angle to the beam, they also produce axial forces in the beam.
The transverse loading of a beam may consist of:
*concentrated loads P1, P2, . . . (expressed in newtons, pounds, or their multiples of kilonewtons and
kips (Fig. 5.1a));
*a combination of both.
When the load w per unit length has a constant value over part of the beam (as between A and B in
Fig. 5.1b), the load is uniformly distributed.
Beams are classified according to the way they are supported, as shown in Fig. 5.2.
Note that the reactions at the supports of the beams in Fig. 5.2 a, b, and c involve a total
of only three unknowns and can be determined by the methods of statics. Such beams are
said to be statically determinate.
On the other hand, the reactions at the supports of the beams in Fig. 5.2 d, e, and f involve
more than three unknowns and cannot be determined by the methods of statics alone.
The properties of the beams with regard to their resistance to deformations must be taken
into consideration. Such beams are said to be statically indeterminate.
Fig. 5.2 Common beam support configurations.
Sometimes two or more beams are connected by hinges to form a single continuous structure.
The reactions at the supports involve four unknowns and cannot be determined from the free-
body diagram of the two-beam system.
Therefore , they can be determined by recognizing that the internal moment at the hinge is
Then, after considering the free-body diagram of each beam separately, six unknowns are
involved (including two force components at the hinge), and six equations are available.
Passing a section through C, then draw the free-body diagram of AC (Fig. 5.4c), from
which the shear force V and the bending couple M are found.
The bending couple M creates normal stresses in the cross section, while the
shear force V creates shearing stresses.
In most cases, the dominant criterion in the design of a beam for strength is the
maximum value of the normal stress in the beam.
Since the distribution of the normal stresses in a given section depends only upon the
bending moment M and the geometry of the section, the elastic flexure formulas are used to
determine the maximum stress, as well as the stress at any given point;
where I is the moment of inertia of the cross section with respect to a centroidal axis
perpendicular to the plane of the couple,
y is the distance from the neutral surface, and c is the maximum value of that distance.
the maximum value of the normal stress can be expressed in terms of the section modulus S.
The fact that is inversely proportional to S underlines the importance of selecting beams
with a large section modulus.
the section modulus of a rectangular shape is
where b and h are, respectively, the width and the depth of the cross section.
Note:-Section moduli of various rolled-steel shapes are given in Appendix C of beer
textbook book 7th edition/others edition. Therefore you can refer text book.
Equation (5.3) also shows that for a beam of uniform cross section, is proportional to |M |.
Thus, the maximum value of the normal stress in the beam occurs in the section where |M |
is largest.
One of the most important parts of the design of a beam for a given loading condition is the
determination of the location and magnitude of the largest bending moment.
This task is made easier if a bending-moment diagram is drawn, where the bending moment
M is determined at various points of the beam and plotted against the distance x measured
The maximum absolute values of the shear and bending moment in a beam are easily
found if V and M are plotted against the distance x measured from one end of the
In this section, the shear and bending-moment diagrams are obtained by determining
the values of V and M at selected points of the beam.
These values are found by passing a section through the point to be determined (Fig.
5.5a) and considering the equilibrium of the portion of beam located on either side of
the section (Fig. 5.5b).
Since the shear forces V and V′ have opposite senses, recording the shear at point C
with an up or down arrow is meaningless, unless it is indicated at the same time which
of the free bodies AC and CB is being considered.
For this reason, the shear V is recorded with a plus sign if the shear forces are directed
as in Fig. 5.5b and a minus sign otherwise.
The shear V and the bending moment M at a given point of a beam are positive when the internal
forces and couples acting on each portion of the beam are directed as shown in Fig. 5.6a.
1. The shear at any given point of a beam is positive when the external forces (loads and
reactions) acting on the beam tend to shear off the beam at that point as indicated in Fig. 5.6b.
2. The bending moment at any given point of a beam is positive when the external forces acting
on the beam tend to bend the beam at that point as indicated in Fig. 5.6c.
Fig. 5.7
Cutting the beam at a point E between C and B and considering the free body EB (Fig. 5.7d), the
sum of the vertical components and the sum of the moments about E of the forces acting on the
free body are zero. Obtain and . Therefore, the shear is negative, and the bending moment
positive. This is checked by observing that the reaction at B bends the beam at E as in Fig. 5.6c
but tends to shear it off in a manner opposite to that shown in Fig. 5.6b. The shear and bending-
moment diagrams of Figs. 5.7e and f are completed by showing the shear with a constant value
between C and B, while the bending moment decreases linearly from at to at .
Concept Application 5.2 Cut the beam at a point C, located between A and B, and
Draw the shear and bending-moment draw the free-body diagram of AC (Fig. 5.8b), directing
diagrams for a cantilever beam AB of V and M as in Fig. 5.6a. Using the distance x from A to
span L supporting a uniformly C and replacing the distributed load over AC by its
distributed load w(Fig. 5.8a). resultant applied at the midpoint of AC, write
Note that the shear diagram is represented by an
oblique straight line (Fig. 5.8c) and the
bending-moment diagram by a parabola (Fig.
5.8d). The maximum values of and both occur
at B, where,
Fy 0 20 kN V2 0 V2 20 kN
M2 0 20 kN 2.5 m M 2 0 M 2 50 kN m
V3 26 kN M 3 50 kN m
V4 26 kN M 4 28 kN m
V5 14 kN M 5 28 kN m
V6 14 kN M 6 0
5 -26
• Identify the maximum shear and bending-
moment from plots of their distributions.
Vm 26 kN M m M B 50 kN m
S 16 b h 2 16 0.080 m 0.250 m 2
833.33 10 6 m3
MB 50 103 N m
S 833.33 10 6 m3
m 60.0 106 Pa
5 - 27
Sample Problem 5.2
• Replace the 10 kip load with an equivalent
force-couple system at D. Find the
reactions at B by considering the beam as a
rigid body.
The structure shown is constructed
of a W10x112 rolled-steel beam. • Section the beam at points near the support
(a) Draw the shear and bending- and load application points. Apply
moment diagrams for the beam and equilibrium analyses on resulting free-
the given loading. (b) determine bodies to determine internal shear forces
normal stress in sections just to the and bending couples.
right and left of point D.
• Apply the elastic flexure formulas to
determine the maximum normal stress to
the left and right of point D.
• Replace the 10 kip load with equivalent
force-couple system at D. Find reactions
at B.
• Section the beam and apply equilibrium
analyses on resulting free-bodies.
From A to C :
Fy 0 3 x V 0 V 3 x kips
M1 0 3 x 12 x M 0 M 1.5 x 2 kip ft
From C to D :
Fy 0 24 V 0 V 24 kips
M2 0 24 x 4 M 0 M 96 24 x kip ft
From D to B :
V 34 kips M 226 34 x kip ft
5 - 29
• Apply the elastic flexure formulas to
determine the maximum normal stress
to the left and right of point D.
When a beam carries more than two or three concentrated loads, or when it carries distributed
loads, the method outlined in Sec. 5.1 for plotting shear and bending moment can prove quite
The construction of the shear diagram and, especially, of the bending-moment diagram will be
greatly facilitated if certain relations existing between load, shear, and bending moment are taken
into consideration.
The shear and bending moment at C is denoted by V and M, respectively, and is assumed to be
Detach the portion of beam CC' and draw its free-body diagram (Fig. 5.9b).
The forces exerted on the free body include a load of magnitude and internal forces and
couples at C and C'.
Since shear and bending moment are assumed to be positive, the forces and couples are
directed as shown.
Relationships between Load and Shear. The sum of the vertical components of the forces acting
on the free body CC is zero, so
Dividing both members of the equation by and then letting approach zero,
Equation (5.5) indicates that, for a beam loaded as shown in Fig. 5.9a, the slope of the shear
curve is negative. The magnitude of the slope at any point is equal to the load per unit length at
that point.
Integrating Eq. (5.5) between points C and D,
Note that this result could be obtained by considering the equilibrium of the portion of beam CD,
since the area under the load curve represents the total load applied between C and D.
Also, Eq. (5.5) is not valid at a point where a concentrated load is applied; the shear curve is
discontinuous at such a point, as seen in Sec. 5.1. Similarly, Eqs. (5.6a) and (5.6b) are not valid
when concentrated loads are applied between C and D, since they do not take into account the
sudden change in shear caused by a concentrated load. Equations (5.6a) and (5.6b), should be
applied only between successive concentrated loads.
Relationships between Shear and Bending Moment. Returning to the free-body diagram of Fig. 5.9b and
writing that the sum of the moments about C' is zero, we have
Equation (5.7) indicates that the slope of the bending-moment curve is equal to the value of the shear.
This is true at any point where the shear has a well-defined value (i.e., no concentrated load is applied).
Equation (5.7) also shows that V =0 at points where M is maximum. This property facilitates the
determination of the points where the beam is likely to fail under bending.
Integrating Eq. (5.7) between points C and D,
Note that the area under the shear curve is positive where the shear is positive and negative
where the shear is negative.
Equations (5.8a) and (5.8b) are valid even when concentrated loads are applied between C
and D, as long as the shear curve has been drawn correctly. The equations are not valid if a
couple is applied at a point between C and D, since they do not take into account the sudden
change in bending moment caused by a couple
The design of a beam is usually controlled by the maximum absolute value of the bending moment that occurs in
the beam. The largest normal stress in the beam is found at the surface of the beam in the critical section where
occurs and is obtained by substituting for |M| in Eq. (5.1) or Eq. (5.3).
A safe design requires that , where is the allowable stress for the material used.
Substituting for in (5.3a) and solving for S yields the minimum allowable value of the section modulus for the
beam being designed:
A proper procedure should lead to the most economical design. This means that among beams of
the same type and same material, and other things being equal, the beam with the smallest
weight per unit length—and, thus, the smallest cross-sectional area—should be selected,
since this beam will be the least expensive.
Step 1. First determine the value of for the material selected from a table of properties of
materials or from design specifications. You also can compute this value by dividing the ultimate
strength of the material by an appropriate factor of safety.
Step 2. Draw the shear and bending-moment diagrams corresponding to the specified loading
conditions, and determine the maximum absolute value of the bending moment in the beam.
Step 3. Determine from Eq. (5.9) the minimum allowable value of the section modulus of the
Step 4. For a timber beam, the depth h of the beam, its width b, or the ratio h/b characterizing
the shape of its cross section probably will have been specified. The unknown dimensions can
be selected by using Eq. (4.19), so b and h satisfy the relation .
Step 5. For a rolled-steel beam, consult the appropriate table in Appendix C. Of the available
beam sections, consider only those with a section modulus .and select the section with the
smallest weight per unit length. This is the most economical of the sections for which . Note
that this is not necessarily the section with the smallest value of S
Sample Problem 5.8
• Considering the entire beam as a free-body,
determine the reactions at A and D.
5 - 42
• Considering the entire beam as a free-body, determine
the reactions at A and D.
M A 0 D 5 m 60 kN 1.5 m 50 kN 4 m
D 58.0 kN
Fy 0 Ay 58.0 kN 60 kN 50 kN
Ay 52.0 kN
5 - 43
• Determine the minimum acceptable beam
section modulus.
M max 67.6 kN m
S min
all 160 MPa
422.5 10 6 m3 422.5 103 mm3