Composition of The Atmosphere Gas Solubility Gas Exchange Fluxes Effect of Wind Global CO Fluxes by Gas Exchange
Composition of The Atmosphere Gas Solubility Gas Exchange Fluxes Effect of Wind Global CO Fluxes by Gas Exchange
Composition of The Atmosphere Gas Solubility Gas Exchange Fluxes Effect of Wind Global CO Fluxes by Gas Exchange
Gas Mole Fraction in Dry Air (fG) molar volume at STP (l mol-1 )
where fG = moles gas i/total moles 22.414 for an ideal gas (0°C)
N2 0.78080 22.391
O2 0.20952 22.385
Ar 9.34 x 10-3 22.386
CO2 3.9 x 10-4 22.296
Ne 1.82 x 10-5 22.421
He 5.24 x 10-6 22.436
H2 O ~0.013
In Air In Water
Pressure - Atmospheres Volume - liters gas at STP / kgsw
1 Atm = 760 mm Hg STP = standard temperature and pressure
Partial Pressure of Gasi = P (i) /760 = 1 atm and 0C (= 273ºK)
Dalton's Law implies ideal behavior -- i.e. all gases behave independently
of one another (same idea as ideal liquid solutions with no electrostatic interactions).
Gases are dilute enough that this is a good assumption.
We can express the partial pressure (Pi) of a specific gas on a dry air basis as follows:
Pi = [ PT - h/100 Po ] fg
where Pi = partial pressure of gas i
PT = Total atmospheric pressure
h = % relative humidity
Po = vapor pressure of water at ambient T
fg = mole fraction of gas in dry air (see table above)
Humidity Example:
Say we have a humidity of 80% today and the temperature is 15C
So for these conditions H2O is 1.3% of the total gas in the atmosphere.
That means that water has a higher concentration than Argon (Ar).
Atmospheric CO2 has increased from 280 (pre-industrial) to 398 (present) ppm.
if O2 = 5.0 ml O2/LSW
K = [A(aq)] / [A(g)]
There are two main ways to express solubility (Henry’s Law and Bunsen Coefficients).
1. Gas Solubility - Henry's Law:
We can express the gas concentration in terms of partial pressure using the
ideal gas law:
PV = nRT P = pressure, V = volume, n = # moles
R = gas constant = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1, T = temp K
or [A(aq)] = (K/RT) PA
The value of KH for CO2 at 25C is 29 x 10-3 moles kg-1 atm-1 or 2.9 x 10-2 or 10-1.53.
The partial pressure of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing every day
but if we assume that at some time in the recent past it was 350 ppm
that is equal to 10-3.456 atm.
See Emerson and Hedges: Table 3.6 for 20°C and Table 3A1.1 for regressions for all T and S
Example: What is the concentration of CO2 (aq) in equilibrium with the atmosphere?
= 10+0.014 10-5 = 1.03 x 10-5 = 10.3 x 10-6 mol/l at 25C (0.5% of DIC)
The equilibrium concentration of CO2(aq) will be dependent only on PCO2 and temperature.
3. Salinity:
Solubility goes up as S goes down
Minor effect
Temperature control
on gas concentrations
O2 versus temperature
in surface ocean
average supersaturation
≈ 7 mmol/kg (~3%)
Causes of deviations from Equilibrium:
Causes of deviation from saturation can be caused by:
Cg = KH Pgas = surface SW in
ATM equil. with atm
OCN Stagnant Boundary
Layer –
ZFilm transport by
Depth (Z) molecular diffusion
Z is positive downward
C/ Z =
F = + (flux into ocean)
Flux of Gas
The rate of transfer across this stagnant film
occurs by molecular diffusion from the region
of high concentration to the region of low concentration.
Transport is described by Fick's First Law ( with fixed boundary conditions)
which states simply that flux is proportional to
the concentration gradient..
F = - D d[Cg] / dZ
D = molecular diffusion coefficient in water (= f (gas and T)) (cm 2sec-1)
dZ is the thickness of the stagnant film on the ocean side (Z film)(cm)
d[Cg] is the concentration difference across the stagnant film (mol cm -3)
The bottom of the film has the same concentration as the mixed-layer (C SW).
D = 1 x 10-5 cm2 sec-1
Zfilm = 17 mm determined for the average global ocean using 14C data
Thus Zfilm = 1.7 x 10-3 cm
Each day a 5 m thick layer of water will exchange its gas with the atmosphere.
For a 100m thick mixed layer the exchange will be completed every 20 days.
Gas Exchange and Environmental Forcing: Wind
Wanninkhof, 1992
from 14C
Tra c e r N-2 0 0 0
Tra c e r Wa t -9 1
Tra c e r-Wa n n
C-1 4 b om b
C-1 4 na t
k, 6 0 0 W-9 2
k, 6 0 0 L&M
k, 6 0 0 ( cm / hr)
60 S-8 6
W-9 9
0 5 10 15 20
U ( m/ s)
20 cm hr-1 = 20 x 24 / 102 = 4.8 m d-1 10
One of main goals of JGOFS was
to calculate the CO2 flux across
the air-sea interface
From measurements From CMDL
and proxies CCGG network
Global Map of Piston Velocity (k in m yr-1) times CO2 solubility (mol m-3) = K
from satellite observations (Nightingale and Liss, 2004 from Boutin).
On first order flux and ∆pCO2 maps do not look that different
CO2 Fluxes: Status
Global uptakes
Liss and Merlivat-83: 1 Pg C yr-1
Wanninkhof-92: 1.85 Pg C yr-1
Wanninkhof&McGillis-98: 2.33 Pg C yr-1
Zemmelink-03: 2.45 Pg C yr-1
Always greater
than atmospheric Cosca et al. in press
1985 1990 1995 2000