Coal Feeder Calibration: Name: Tan Ming Jun Position: Trainee
Coal Feeder Calibration: Name: Tan Ming Jun Position: Trainee
Coal Feeder Calibration: Name: Tan Ming Jun Position: Trainee
Name: Tan Ming Jun
Position: Trainee
■ A tachometer is an instrument that
measures the working speed of a
rotating body
■ Can sometimes be used to measure
the length of the rotating body
■ Usually displays displays the
revolutions per minute (RPM) on a
calibrated analogue dial
Tachometer (Coal Feeder)
■ Tachometer to measure the speed of
the conveying belt of coal feeder
■ Tachometer to measure the length
of the conveying belt of coal feeder
■ Unit of measurement is pulse per
belt revolution (PPR)
Measurement of Belt Length