Chapter Eight Legal Forms of Business Organization
Chapter Eight Legal Forms of Business Organization
Chapter Eight Legal Forms of Business Organization
From the point of view of private organization or ownership, there are four
forms of organizations for a business unit;
Sole proprietorship
Characteristics of an ideal form of organization
1. Partnership-at-will
2. Particular partnership
3. Ordinary joint Venture
• Partnership-at-will: In this form, no stipulation is made as to when and how
the partnership will come to an end. a partner can pull out of the firm after
giving certain number of days notice to the firm withdrawing from the
partnership or terminating the Deed of Agreement.
Special partnership:
1. Limited partnership: In this form there is at least one partner
whose liability is unlimited and one or more partners whose liability
is limited to the extent of capital contributed.
The duties and obligations of the limited partner are:
– The limited partner is not entitled to take an active part in the management
of the business and as such cannot bind by his acts.
– He cannot withdraw any part of his capital nor can he transfer his interest to
others without the consent of the general partner.
– The general partner who has unlimited liability need not take the consent of
the limited partner to admit a new partner into the business.
– The death or insolvency of the limited partner does not affect the business or
the limited partnership.
2. Special joint ventures: In this form, the partners have limited liability and
they will terminate after accomplishing the task for which they are created.
Kinds of Partners
A Partner of a firm may be classified into the following categories:
1. Active Partner
2. Sleeping partner or Dormant partner has limited liability
3. Nominal or Ostensible partner lends his/her name only
Advantage of Partnership
Ease of organization
Large financial and managerial resources
Reduced risk
Democratic functioning
Better public relations
Tax liability / single taxation
Disadvantage of Partnership
o Unlimited liability
o Risk of implied agency
o Lack of harmony
o Lack of continuity
o Profit is shared
o Lack of business secrecy
o Investment withdrawal difficulty, and non transferability of interest
A joint stock company is essentially a group of persons coming together
voluntarily to carry on certain business by organizing themselves into a
single entity with a view to function as an artificial person in the eyes
of the law.
Its “an artificial being, invisible, intangible and existing only in
contemplation of law being the mere creature of law, it possesses
only those properties, which the character/ certificate of incorporation of
its creation confers upon it.”
Features of Corporation:
Separate legal entity
Limited liability
Transferability of shares
Perpetual existence
Common seal
Separation of ownership from management
Corporate Structure:
There are three groups that comprise the corporate structure:
The stockholders,
The board of Directors, and
The officers of the corporation.
Group Rights of Shareholders:
o The right to elect directors;
o The right to vote and amend the by-laws;
o The right to change the charter;
o The right to vote on the disposal of corporate assets;
o The right to dissolve the corporation.
Individual Rights of Shareholders:
The right to buy, sell and transfer his/her stock;
The right to receive dividends in proportion to the number of shares owned;
The right to inspect and review the company’s records;
The right to vote at stockholder’s meeting;
The right to receive evidence of ownership (stock certificates);
The right to sue officers and director for fraud;
The right to share in distribution of assets in event of dissolution.
Advantage of Corporation
Financial Strength
Limited Liability
Scope of expansion
Efficient & bolder management
Diffused Risk
Public confidence
Disadvantage of Corporation
Difficulty of Formation
Lack of owner’s personal interest
Delay in decision making
Fraudulent management
Lack of secrecy
Expensive management