Overview On Child Welfare Committee and Juvenile Justice Board
Overview On Child Welfare Committee and Juvenile Justice Board
Overview On Child Welfare Committee and Juvenile Justice Board
● The CWC usually sends the child to a children's home while the
inquiry into the case is conducted for the protection of the child.
● The probation officer (P.O) in charge of the case must also submit
and find the child a safe home and environment either with his/her
original parents or adoptive parents, foster care or in an institution.
● The CWC also has powers to hold people accountable for the
1: Surrendered child
2: Abandoned child and missing child
3: Procedure to be followed for declaring a child free
for adoption
4: Child of parents considered unfit for their care
5: Child marriage
6: Working child
7: Child beggar
8: Street child
9: Child trafficked for sexual exploitation
10: Child who is victim of abuse
11: Child who is mentally or physically challenged
12: Child affected by HIV/AIDS.
Functions of CWC
● Take cognizance of and receive children produced before the
once he is arrested.
●Once the child has been brought before the JJB he/she is registered
into the closest Observation Home. Most circumstances the juvenile
can be released on bail by the JJB.
●The home probation officer (P.O.) in charge will also submit a report
●Based on the Police and P.O. report the JJB calls for the child's plea.
●If the child pleads guilty the JJB will pass appropriate orders for the
●If the juvenile pleads not guilty the JJB must further investigate by
calling witnessing and accusers to testify before the court.